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The Official Community Guide/FAQ Page

Makestation - Creativity, unleashed!

Hello, and welcome to the Makestation community! If you're like most casual forum visitors, you are probably looking for information about where to get started, the concept of the community, and more. If so, then this thread is for you! Of course, while we understand that a simple post cannot serve as a complete reference to everything there is to know about our community, we do hope that it will be a helpful overview to our guests and members alike. And as always, if you have any questions that aren't answered here, don't hesitate to ask it in our community questions board or drop one of the staff members a PM!

What We're About

If you're like me, you probably have been told you have way too many interests, and that you sometimes get a bit too obsessed with some of them. Here at Makestation, we believe there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. That is precisely why we founded Makestation. At the core, we are a creative arts/discussion forum and an indie projects support group. Ever since April of 2013, we have strived to create a community where members can freely share and discuss their interests and obsessions, as well as their latest projects, art, writing, designs, and more. So, whether you consider yourself an independent writer, musician, artist, graphics designer, or simply an avid forumer, we hope that you will check us out!

Our Forums - General Overview

Our Forums are the center of activity here at Makestation. All of the discussion occurs here. We have a wide variety of topics covered by our forums, so here we will give a detailed outline and forum directory, explaining each board in detail. Please start by reading our forum guidelines and staff list.

Our Community

Announcements & Information - This is where we will make all community-related announcements, as well as general community info and upcoming features, etc... Be sure to check here regularly to stay "in the loop" as far as general community related info!

Site Questions & Feedback - Have any general community related feedback or questions? Feel free to post here! We'd love to know what you think!

New Members - New to Makestation? We'd love to formally welcome to you our forums and help you find your way around the community! Feel free to introduce yourself to the community today! Big Grin

Creative Arts

Graphics & Creative Design - Enjoy graphics, anime, comic design, or anything else that has to do with graphics or creative design? Feel free to discuss and to showcase your own projects here!

Writing & Literature - Are you a writer or an avid reader? Feel free to discuss reading and writing here! Also, feel free to discuss and share your own works in this section as well. Big Grin

General Media - Love music, entertainment, films, etc...? Feel free to discuss and to share in this section! We'd love to check out your latest projects! Big Grin

Indie Projects Support - Have a great idea, but need some feedback? Do you need some help finding collaborators or staying motivated? This is the place! Feel free to discuss anything that has to do with your creative edge and your work flow here!

Technical Arts

Technology - Are you a hardware nerd, phone enthusiast, or the general tech-support kind of a personality? All technology related discussion goes here. Also, feel free to showcase your desktop backgrounds, computer specs, and just about anything else related to your personal tech. Anything and everything is allowed!

Software & Coding - For those who are hardcore, middle-of-the-night coders, or for those who are simply software enthusiasts, this board is for you! Feel free to post your own tutorials and resources as well!

Web Design & Internet - Are you a web designer, avid forumer, blogger, or simply a nerd of all things related to the interwebs? This is the place! Also, feel free to showcase your own websites and communities here.

Community Connect

The Coffeehouse - This is for General, off-topic community discussion. Anything and everything is allowed here, from discussion about your new fish, to the food you enjoy, to your experiences with traffic laws. Tongue

Lifestyle - Admit it. Life is complicated. Feel free to discuss here, but be careful not to venture too far, lest your personal secrets be spilled for the world to see. Tongue

Philosophy & Current Events - This is our mature discussions center here at Makestation. Have a debate topic you'd like to present to the community? Want to discuss the latest political event that has made world news? This is the place! Be sure to follow the specific rules for this section.

Roleplay - Roleplay is brand new here at Makestation, and we hope that you will check it out! While it is secondary to the community, many of our members enjoy it, so we've decided to add it in. More information can be found in this board.

That's pretty much the overview of the forums. We are constantly seeking to update our organization to best suit the community, so if you're ever confused, be sure to check back often!

Makestation - Our Blog

Our Blog is where we will post updates related to some of our featured content, projects, etc... here at the community. It won't be primarily used for announcements, as most announcements will be posted on the forums, but it will be a hub for various content to be posted that doesn't fit the forum model. Of course, some of our active members will also be selected to post content related to our niche. If you share some interesting content on the forums, you might just be featured on the blog!

Be sure to check it out when you get the chance!

Roleplay - General Info

Makestation recently unveiled its very first concept of roleplay here at the forums. While roleplay is secondary to the overall concept of the community, some of our members are major roleplay fans, so we figured we'd throw it in. The basic concept is that Makestation will be divided into two diametrically opposed teams, which each contain their own values and policies. You will have the opportunity to create a character, select a team, and then to participate in various roleplays. And of course the twist is that if you don't represent your team/party well, you can be voted off, so you'll want to make sure you read your team's policies and values carefully so that you will be promoted rather than demoted within your party!

Feel free to check out our Roleplay Section today. We need participants!

Station Cash - Shop and more

We currently have over 30 badges to offer at the Station Cash Exchange. Station Cash is accumulated through referrals, posts, etc... on the forum, and can be used to purchase these badges. You can also exchange services with other members via the marketplace. More features related to station cash are planned for the near future!

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