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Website Promotion Rules - Read This Before You Post!

Welcome to the website promotion section!

Promotional Rules & Guidelines:
  • Websites that are promoted must have a PG-13 content policy and must abide by the law. Websites that would not be considered appropriate for a 13 year old or that are not legal will not be allowed to promote here. This includes websites that may contain pornography, hateful content, extreme language, promotion of piracy, etc... Any websites that do not abide by this policy will have their promotional threads and links removed without notice.
  • You are permitted to create one thread per website. Additional threads will be removed.
  • We allow websites to be promoted because we feel that websites fall into the "creative arts" category along with other content that is posted on the forums. With that said, we do have some general expectations of the quality of the content that is advertised in this section. Websites deemed low-quality or that exist solely for monetary gain will not be allowed to promote in this board. Also, please do not promote internet marketing services unless they are forums or blogs with useful content. Links to reseller content, affiliate programs, etc... will be removed without notice, as this is not the purpose of this board.
  • You MUST have a minimum of 30 posts on the forums before you will be allowed to promote in this section. This rule was initially avoided for multiple reasons, but has been recently added due to previous abuse in this section.
  • We don't believe in templates for promotional threads, so none will be required! However, do not bump your website's thread repetitively to bring it to the top of the list. This is considered disruptive and will be counted as spam on our forums. This includes statistics bumps or one word "bump" posts. Threads that do not comply with these rules will be locked or removed without notice.

Feedback rules:
  • We don't require that all feedback is positive. However, the same rules apply here that apply elsewhere on the forums. If you have something negative to say, be constructive about it.
  • Don't reply to threads to promote your own websites. You are only allowed to promote your website in your own promotional thread.

Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing some of the interesting websites to be showcased in this section.
-Darth Apple


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