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How many books do you read in a year?

Personally, as far as the number of books I read through cover to cover, I'm at maybe 20/year or so. What about you guys?

When I was in school, I would easily read through 4 novels a month, if that gives you any idea on how often I did read. But now I just read manuals Tongue
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"Join the Army, see the world, meet interesting people - and kill them"
I do not read any book other than my university textbooks.

I read a lot of ebooks though.
Yeah, the only actual physical books I read these days are textbooks, sadly...
Good to know you people as I am a student and chosen law as my field, so I am in love with reading the random topics which may help in improving myself.
Ban reason: "I don't have any idea, actually I am a student of law and do not deals with this kind of stuff." (Permanent)
I use to read a lot of books in the past. However, I do not have time to read any books these day. I now read 1-5 books a year.
Looks like I'm in good company in saying that I read less than I used to, for relaxation at least. I used to read 2 -3 books a week, sometimes more. Also a wide variety of fiction, autobiography, travel etc. Now I struggle to get through more than one every couple of months. The type of book though it still pretty eclectic as I belong to a book club and we take it in turn to choose. I do read a lot of books about dogs though - development/behaviour/training/nutrition etc as I am hoping to become a qualified dog trainer one day.

bigging up the little terrier Heart
I definitely used to read more than I do now, I blame "screen distraction" (computer, phone, tv) but also being generally busier than I was ten years ago.

I read about 30 books a year or so, which is down from about one a week at my highest rate I'd say.

Buuuut, I've also tried to slow my reading on purpose since at some point in my early twenties I realized that I would burn through books and then not be able to recall much about them even a month later.
If only more people were like this guy. Tongue

(July 23rd, 2013 at 4:28 AM)Darth-Apple Wrote: Personally, as far as the number of books I read through cover to cover, I'm at maybe 20/year or so. What about you guys?

Thanks to this lovely challenge on Goodreads, I tend to really challenge myself and read about 50 or 60. Last year I read 30. I think it comes down to taking the actual time to do it and making yourself read more than one at a time. I'm currently reading 3 at once.
I couldn't legitimately do 50/60 because I'm far too ADHD to pull it off. Tongue

It sounds like a great goal though.

I do book reviews, so I read at least two a month and often more than that because I am a voracious reader. I don't really count the number I do in a year, but it's definitely more than a few.
I also use Goodreads and it helps me read more, because of the competitive component - I "race" with my friends on who is going to read more books within a month, year etc. Last year I read 70 books, but to be fair, I had a LOT of spare time.
(April 23rd, 2014 at 5:58 PM)sqquares Wrote: I also use Goodreads and it helps me read more, because of the competitive component - I "race" with my friends on who is going to read more books within a month, year etc. Last year I read 70 books, but to be fair, I had a LOT of spare time.

Wow... that's one book for every five days. How long on average were the books?

I usually read a book every couple of weeks, maybe one a month if I'm too busy with work and stuff. So I would say I would be around 15 books a year? Maybe less, maybe more. I tend to like easy reads for an everyday basis. I like romantic stories, suspenses, dystopian young adult books. Those are the books are more entertained with, so the majority of my reads is with those. If we are talking about more complex, deeper reads, maybe it would be 3 or 4 out of the 15.
I'd say around 300 pages on average, because I read some really long books (800-1000 pages), and I also read some graphic novels and the like, so it averages to not such a crazy number.
*edit* I should say I have a friend who beat me in this reading challenge, and she read 120 books. they're not all masterpieces, but they're full-length books, but to be fair she had troubles with insomnia, that was one of the ways to cope with it.
My goal for this year was 2019 books but I only read like 12. My goal for next year will be 2020 books.
Estoy en España
Yeah... I probably read 2 in all of 2019. I need to do better.

(November 27th, 2019 at 11:13 PM)Thomas Wrote: My goal for this year was 2019 books but I only read like 12. My goal for next year will be 2020 books.

Good luck just hitting that first number. Tongue

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