November 8th, 2014 at 7:54 AM
I routinely drive through heavy traffic more often than I should. I can't say I've ever loved it, but I've certainly grown more used to it. If I had to sum up the single two most annoying traffic behaviors that I have observed as a driver myself, they would be as follows:
- People texting and driving (I don't know how many rear-end accidents I've seen as a result of this).
- Tailgating. I don't care if you're going 10 MPH below the speed limit. I won't tailgate you, period. I particularly don't like when the tailgating driver behind me immediately changes lanes as soon as I turn on my turn signal to prevent me from changing lanes, then flies in front of me 15 MPH above the speed limit without the usage of the turn signal. That sort of behavior is guaranteed to get me to hold the horn for a good long three seconds.