January 8th, 2023 at 9:40 PM
If I look at the source text, I lack the following (im Makestation Light)
<script type="text/javascript">
lang.add_attachment = "Add Attachment";
lang.update_attachment = "Update Attachment";
lang.update_confirm = "The following file(s) are already attached and will be updated / replaced with the newly selected one(s). {1} Are you sure?";
lang.attachment_missing = "Please select one or more files before attempting to attach.";
lang.attachment_too_many_files = "You can upload a maximum of {1} files at once.";
lang.attachment_too_big_upload = "You can upload a maximum of {1} MB at once.";
lang.attachment_max_allowed_files = "You can attach {1} more file(s) to this post.";
lang.error_maxattachpost = "Sorry but you cannot attach this file because you have reached the maximum number of attachments allowed per post of {1}";
lang.drop_files = "Click or drop some files here to upload...";
lang.upload_initiate = "Release to initiate upload...";
php_max_upload_size = 20971520;
php_max_file_uploads = 100;
mybb_max_file_uploads = 4;