March 30th, 2021 at 8:29 AM
My career aspirations were always clear, either a car mechanic or a cook :-) doesn't fit together at all, but that's how I wanted it. At the age of 14 I already had 2 apprenticeships, an apprenticeship as a cook at the Intercontinentel Hotel or a mechanic apprenticeship in your 5-man workshop at home around the corner. My friend, who was a cook at Intercont, then advised me not to study in a large kitchen. So I became a car mechanic and a car electrician. I have never given up my cooking desires, I already cooked food when I was 10 years old, and so I have been doing it as a hobby of bakeries and cooking for more than 40 years. I also liked to cook and bake at the fire brigade, and always according to feeling, never according to recipe. How are you guys? Do you cook and bake too? lg Tc4me