May 25th, 2013 at 2:29 AM
What were the specifications of your first computer?
My first had a 500mhz PIII, 128MB of RAM, windows 98, and 7GB of hard drive space. I soon got a new one with a 40GB hard drive, 256MB of RAM, and 450MHZ PIII (soon upgraded to 600MHZ) and an old install of ubuntu.
What were the specifications of your first computer?
My first had a 500mhz PIII, 128MB of RAM, windows 98, and 7GB of hard drive space. I soon got a new one with a 40GB hard drive, 256MB of RAM, and 450MHZ PIII (soon upgraded to 600MHZ) and an old install of ubuntu.
What were the specifications of your first computer?