June 18th, 2020 at 11:59 AM
I liked DuoLingo. I was using it for French, and it was easy but they weren't pronouncing the conjugations at all, so it was pretty significant. I quit.
I could never get anything from Rosetta Stone. It may be great, but to me... I just couldn't pick anything up.
What I have done, set your gaming system (PS, XBox) default language to a language you want to learn. Common languages like French and Spanish might play the game in that language (like Fallout works, FIFA works, Madden does not work). Especially for games you've beaten. I've picked up a lot of random object names from Fallout in French.
I could never get anything from Rosetta Stone. It may be great, but to me... I just couldn't pick anything up.
What I have done, set your gaming system (PS, XBox) default language to a language you want to learn. Common languages like French and Spanish might play the game in that language (like Fallout works, FIFA works, Madden does not work). Especially for games you've beaten. I've picked up a lot of random object names from Fallout in French.