March 5th, 2020 at 1:41 AM
Ah yes, the zed80 ?, you know it was the zilog zed80 that started the British microcomputer revolution and was used in the zxspectrum, (Zed ex spectrum)
That and the Motorola 68000, which would later be used in the msx line of computers as well as the Sega Genesis.
What's fascinating though is that both of these chips are still being produced and with a bit of effort you could diy a zx spectrum these days lol.
As for parralax and propeller.... I've not had the luxury of coming across them.
That and the Motorola 68000, which would later be used in the msx line of computers as well as the Sega Genesis.
What's fascinating though is that both of these chips are still being produced and with a bit of effort you could diy a zx spectrum these days lol.
As for parralax and propeller.... I've not had the luxury of coming across them.