February 19th, 2020 at 2:26 AM
Just a heads up since I see you testing marquees:
1. Marquee is deprecated so support can end any day now. Probably won't anytime soon, but even though I hate JS, it might be your most stable/reliable solution.
2. The marquee is delayed to start and skips before it finishes because of text-align:center. Remove that/keep default alignment when using marquees and it'll look normal.
3. Marquees don't look great when the text kinda disappears into nowhere, but you can make it look a little cooler with box-shadows and border-left/border-right properties.
1. Marquee is deprecated so support can end any day now. Probably won't anytime soon, but even though I hate JS, it might be your most stable/reliable solution.
2. The marquee is delayed to start and skips before it finishes because of text-align:center. Remove that/keep default alignment when using marquees and it'll look normal.
3. Marquees don't look great when the text kinda disappears into nowhere, but you can make it look a little cooler with box-shadows and border-left/border-right properties.