June 11th, 2013 at 3:18 AM
I forgot to mention that I am not a grammar nazi.
But... I guess I could be described as a grammar rules nazi in that I sometimes go off on a longwinded rant about the current rules of english grammar not matching up with the current english grammar.
English and I'm sure many languages is quite different spoken and written. And then there's the differences in casual and formal english. Chats are very casual. Forums are less casual but not quite formal. My point is that the grammar rules are different. Grammar should be more relaxed in a chat atmosphere and chat is no place for grammar nazis.
But... I guess I could be described as a grammar rules nazi in that I sometimes go off on a longwinded rant about the current rules of english grammar not matching up with the current english grammar.
English and I'm sure many languages is quite different spoken and written. And then there's the differences in casual and formal english. Chats are very casual. Forums are less casual but not quite formal. My point is that the grammar rules are different. Grammar should be more relaxed in a chat atmosphere and chat is no place for grammar nazis.