June 3rd, 2017 at 5:01 AM
eh personally as long as I can attach a keyboard and type in a command line I don't really care about screen size... hacker flip phone ftw, if only
meh I'm sure with linux, a basic cell phone kit, a pi zero, and a few other things I could probably engineer one that only uses 3 or 4 text lines on a LED matrix or something for ultra long battery usage, but honestly right now I'm content with my cheap android, it does what i need it to, costs little, and I can use the command line with a little tweaking.
meh I'm sure with linux, a basic cell phone kit, a pi zero, and a few other things I could probably engineer one that only uses 3 or 4 text lines on a LED matrix or something for ultra long battery usage, but honestly right now I'm content with my cheap android, it does what i need it to, costs little, and I can use the command line with a little tweaking.