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Show us your Interchanges

Interchanges must be built manually in Cities Skylines. SC4 players are already familiar with this in the form of RHW (a NAM addon that is an absolute must for any SC4 player). Cities Skylines doesn't give you any other option. Absolutely every highway is similar to RHW, although the interface for it is native and doesn't involve puzzle pieces, which is nice. 

In other words, you have total control. You can make them however you want to, down to very small details. Big Grin

Anyway, forgive my toaster for a graphics card. Yes, the screenshot really is that bad. But hey, I'm gonna get this thread started. 



This is an extremely busy interchange that funnels the only direct link from an entire borough of my city into the downtown area where the majority of the jobs are. A single highway with four lanes in each direction funnels the traffic nicely, and splits up into three separate highways (one to the south, one to the north nearby, and one that continues west). There are occasionally jams on the northern highway, but it otherwise works great. 

The auxilliary lanes on the western portion also do a very good job dispersing some of the traffic. The western area goes towards the seaport, airport, and a large industrial area, so quite a bit of traffic is generated.

The northern area is primarily offices, industry, and residential. The north highway itself splits into three separate highways later on, so it is the busiest portion of highway that this interchange serves. The southern portion links to another borough and some residential areas, but is less busy in comparison.

What do your interchanges look like?

Oh Ive had some pretty rough ones, though on cities I've already deleted. I tend to mostly junk them if they get too crazy now.

If I get to that point again, I will definitely share.
Thanks for posting these Darth !

I think they really look good. And it shows what a good player like you can do with this game ..
Sports fanatic

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