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What games are you currently playing?

EVE On-line and APB Reloaded, PC. Smile
Deus Ex (original game).
Hack net.

having a ton of fun with my windows XP computer lol.
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
[Image: 5.jpg]
Resident Evil 2. Remake is super good.
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(February 22nd, 2019 at 11:57 PM)SpookyZalost Wrote: Ingress.
Deus Ex (original game).
Hack net.

having a ton of fun with my windows XP computer lol.

Windows XP? Huh Microsoft doesn't even support that anymore! lol
(February 24th, 2019 at 7:08 PM)Thomas Wrote: Resident Evil 2. Remake is super good.

Console or PC?
(February 26th, 2019 at 8:39 PM)zoldos Wrote:
(February 22nd, 2019 at 11:57 PM)SpookyZalost Wrote: Ingress.
Deus Ex (original game).
Hack net.

having a ton of fun with my windows XP computer lol.

Windows XP? Huh Microsoft doesn't even support that anymore! lol

Yeah well... This machine is sort of like having an old game console, designed to play the games my modern desktop won't... And as for Microsoft support.... *Expletive* I've got a good av so I'm not worried about any issues, not like I'll be upgrading it lol.

Also new game, Genesis alpha one.  Basically, take the alien horror mechanic from alien and make it a rogue like fps survival game ? fun!
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
[Image: 5.jpg]
PC! Doing the Claire run rn.
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I recently finished watchdogs 2, looking forward to the third one.

currently in between games but I want to play through deus ex Human revolution on wii U simply because the control menus and map screens are on the tablet Tongue it promises to be more immersive.
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
[Image: 5.jpg]
I've actually went back and am doing another run through Fallout 4.

I've set it to French so I've no idea what's going on and I am stuck with my unintended consequences. Tongue
Tomb Raider! again
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I'm currently playing Pokemon Go with my dad daily, Elnea Kingdom also for mobile... And then on PC I'm playing My Time at Portia and Littlewood a lot. I actually stream both. xD
Just finished Fairy Fencer F: Dark Advent Force
Pretty good. Went with Goddess route on first run. 24hrs playthrough, with probably a couple hours of just leaving the game open while I went to go eat or something.
Finished at around lv50.

Didn't like it at first, since the MC was just too hedonistic and his laziness being his personality got boring really quickly, but I stuck through it because of the cute anime girls and eventually he got better. Character progression was absolutely on point.

Soundtrack was good. Not phenomenal, but not terrible either. Low-quality audio though, the instruments are all poorly sampled and you can hear quite a bit of distortion if you have a good pair of headphones.
That being said, here's probably my fave track. Been listening to this on repeat for the last while:
Some of the tracks were written by Nobuo Uematsu too, who, if you need the reminder, did a lot of the OSTs for the early FINAL FANTASY games as well.

Don't know how replayable it's going to be. Dark Advent Force is basically a rerelease of the game with some extra content rather than DLC packages, so more endings, more dungeons, more stuff to get if you're a completionist, but I don't know if I want to replay it over and over to get those extra routes. I know I'm going to have to NewGame+ if I want to get to all the other content, and I don't really want to spend much time unlocking all those extra routes and dungeons.

Currently just grinding out Neptunia ReBirth1 on my old Vita. Not even on NewGame+, but I think I'm going to NewGame+ anyway since there's a lot more to unlock and it was just in general a much more enjoyable game than FFF with the personalities of all the characters. Wish they included the side characters more in the story like MarvelousAQL (best girl) and MAGES (who has a lot of Steins;Gate references and an outfit that makes her look like Kurisu, as expected.) At around hour 50 on my playthrough, max level on all chars and most legendary weapons unlocked. But I need to get those other Colosseum weapons too as well as all the cute outfits for all the girls ;P

Next on my list is the other Nep games up to ReBirth 3, then hopefully find a used copy of Megadimension VII for PS4 at my local game shop or at least wait til it goes on sale since 40$ is a relatively steep price, especially with the FFVII remake, a new SAO game and CP2077 all right around the corner in 2-3 months.

I wish I had more time Sad
ReBirth 1 NewGame+ is complete and I unlocked more content like colosseum battles, and I also discovered that (because my PSVITA is jailbroken,) not only do I get free games from PKGj but there's also a section for DLC, so my max level isn't 99 anymore, it's 999.
Back to the grind. Because of all the DLC stuff, I need to NewGame+ again to get all of it (or at least an amount I can be satisfied with like outfits, dungeons, item plans, and other goodies.) Unlocked Uni, Nepgear and Ram/Rom on NewGame+ this time though, and they're actually all stronger than the goddesses for the respective regions. Pretty busted, but to be fair I don't even use the goddesses in my party except for Lily Ranks, I mainly use the side-characters because the damage output is pretty d*** high and good AoE attacks for speedy grinding.

I also bought the DooM Slayers Collection. It has:
DooM 3
DOOM (2016)

All on Playstation.
See, I already played all these games. I enjoyed them. I mean, I also have DooM I and II running on my Vita, just as a cool little homebrew when people ask 'heh, can you even run DooM on that thing???' and I can show them up.
Thing is, Dad's favourite games ever were the original DooM/Quake (the ones before 1999, so no Q3) and Rise of the Triad.
Problem is, he's left handed. Playing FPS games on PC are difficult for him because either he crosses his hands all over, can't reach certain keys, or needs to spend a long time remapping everything.
But the beauty of a PS4 controller is that you use both hands anyway, so it's more or less ambidextrous. And that way, he can play his favourite games without having to spend time in agony over keybindings or holding his arms/hands at weird angles/positions.

The collection also came with a poster, so I handed that off to him (got enough anime posters in my rooms) so he can put the DooM one up at work.
Got to about lvl300 in nep 1, might continue it at another point in time, but def not now.
Beat nep 2, got the normal end which doesn't really explain much. I want to get the true end but it's one hell of a grind and I'm running out of MB for plans :/ Again, might pick it up another time.
I found a Vita exclusive nep game called producing perfection and accidentally beat it in like a couple hours, got normal end. Turns out, getting the True end means you need to do like five playthroughs with one character so f*** that.
Might start nep 3 but I really need to catch up on schoolwork first. I know nep 3 is going to eat literally all my time up even when I need to study. Maybe I'll wait until I can get some, uh, study aids...

Right now I'm playing some League of Legends just to compete with some girl I know who was at an average/low rank last season (Silver II) and now got dropped to a really low rank (Bronze III) this season. Every time I mention it jokingly she gets really pissed off (as all low-ranking league players do) so I'm grinding a new account to show her up and probably get to Gold/Platinum without too much work. I used to play back in the day and was also a pretty low rank, but that was like from 2011 to 2015, then I cut it out entirely from my life (vidya addiction and it was making me depressed AF, not to mention bad grades.) Then a few years later I reinstalled, played on and off for a while, grinded a couple accounts to lvl30 (level needed to play ranked) and now here I am, just getting used to everything again.
I reckon gold will be really easy for me to hit, every game I play I have at least four gold players in-game on my team or the enemy team, and occasionally platinum players too.

Her boyfriend is diamond so I told her to get him to carry her on a smurf account or something but idk, I guess he's refusing to do that to force her to get good lmfao.
Since I got more time off from the corona scare, I've been playing more league.
When I ended my promotional games (to place me in a rank) I already got a higher rank than this girl, bronze I. After a few more games, I'm currently at Silver III and still climbing pretty quickly.

This game feels waaaaay easier than it used to be, not just gameplay wise but also the ranked system was changed. Not to mention I guess Riot (the dev company) decided to finally crack down on the shitty community.
We're in Season 10 now, last time I played ranked was five years ago in like Season 4 and 5. Back then, there were Five main tiers (and a tier for the highest-ranking players)
Platinum (Plat)
Each of those tiers would be divided into five divisions, so Bronze V to Bronze I to Diamond V to Diamond I. Challenger was the only exception where challenger ranking was determined solely by how many points (LP) you had (gain points from wins, lose points from loss.)

To go from one tier to the next, you either had to lose a game while you had 0LP to get demoted, or get to 100LP then win the next two out of three games. To promote a tier, you needed to get to 100 in [Tier] I and win the next three out of five games.

This system was flawed. Did you notice it?
To get to 100LP, you would need to win. You cannot get to 100LP from a loss. Then you would need to win your next few games.
So instead of winning 2 out of 3 games to get promoted, you'd need to win 3 out of 4 (75% winrate from 67%). For tier promotion, you'd need to win 4 out of 6 (67% winrate from 60%)

If you lost a promo series, you would get dropped down to 75 LP or so and have to retry (or fall downwards and get demoted xd)
If you won, you're up to the next Tier/Division and start at 0LP. You'd have a grace period of 3-5 games (based on your elo) where you can lose games at 0LP without getting demoted.

Now, there's way more Tiers:
Each of the original five + Iron are now divided into four tiers.

The promotion/demotion system is a little easier too, although not much has changed; you get to 100LP and win the next X out of Y games and get promoted.
But if you fail your promotional series once and get dropped to ~75LP, then the next time you get back into that series (by climbing, not demoting) then you get a free win counted towards your series, thus bringing that flawed winrate back to 'normal.'

Once you promote from Diamond I to Master, it's basically the same as the old Challenger, but there's a limit to how many players can be in Grandmaster and Challenger (500 and 200 respectively.) Since rankings are determined solely by how many LP you have (some have like 1800) the system checks every day at midnight or something to see if your LP is higher than the lowest LP players in those tiers, and if you are above them then you have the chance to be promoted (assuming that there aren't more people above you that are also about to be promoted.)

The community is also a lot better, although not perfect.
Out of the nearly 100 matches I've played, only in like five of them did I encounter someone who would shittalk the team the entire game. There were more toxic players on the enemy team as well. I still have yet to find someone who goes AFK and leaves the game right in the middle (although I had to do that the other night at like 1AM to head to the hospital.) This contrasts back in the day when that would be the norm in like 80% of the games I'd play, either a dickhead or an AFK.

So I guess Riot is handing out more bans to more players more frequently now to discourage people from being dickheads.
Kinda cool.
That being said, I don't know what the banter between teams are like, because I play with cross-team chat disabled. I don't see it and I can't send messages to the enemy team. I reckon it's same as always, though, hence why I keep it disabled. Not like I need to actively communicate with the enemy team, though.

Meanwhile the girl I was trying to show up this whole time is still stuck in Bronze III to Bronze II. Sucks for her, this game is f*** easy lmfao. Just get really good with like three characters (I'm now ranked as one of the top 2000 players in North America for Fiora) and get decent macro play (not champion specific, like watching the map, helping your teammates, securing objectives, wave management/lane pressure, etc.) and you can climb really easily.

So yeah, if this corona scare doesn't go away for the next while, I should be able to hit Gold by the end of the month.
I've been playing Luigi's Mansion 3 on my Nintendo Switch ever since I was given the game as a Christmas present. I'm so glad that game came out. I'd heard rumors of it for a long time before they actually announced the game.
Master of orion II, (dosbox).
Master of orion (os9, sheepsaver)
anything I can try out on my new old 2008 macbook.
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
[Image: 5.jpg]
Back into War Thunder the past few days.

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