Welcome to Makestation! We are a creative arts/indie discussion community — Your center for creative arts discussion, unleashed!
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I personally love them. Sometimes they are a little pricier (surprisingly), but you usually get a huge plate of fresh food. I usually avoid the more expensive ones (I can't afford them), but I enjoy not having the processed food that you normally get with chain restaurants.
I eat out only about once a week, and when I do, I enjoy getting something local to my town.
Hello Forum-Team and Users, we have a monthly survey. Makestation Member of the Month - Award Nominations, what would you say to choosing the best thread of the month or / and, for example, the best answer of the month, regardless of whether it is cunning or whatever. Advantage, moderators, administrators and all other active members of the forum would also have a chance to get an assessment, or Award Nominations, I hope I have phrased it so well in English that you understand what I mean. lg Tc4me
HY folks, I really have to apologize for the German arrogance, a really embarrassing bunch of arrogant would-be programmers. In the original Mybb forum every simple and strange question is tried to be answered or to find a common solution. In German; at first no answer, then the questioner is pilloried or more or less called an idiot. Here every Mybb user immediately passes the flow on the forum. I try to avoid it myself. Mybb.de should rethink its behavior.
Congratulations to @pierreh and @Darvince on their dual-selection as Member(s) of the Month for November!
Makestation Member of the Month - Award Nominations
The Makestation Member of the Month vote is held to recognize that have made positive contributions to the community. The Member of the Month for November, will be recognized for their contributions for the previous month (October).
All qualifying nominations must be received by 30 October to be considered. Voting will begin as soon as I can possibly get one established, but no earlier than 31 October.
Hy good morning, I saw an old plugin:
################### https://mods.mybb.com/view/index-top-posters-2
Name: Index Top Posters
Description: Show Todays / Weekly / Monthly / Forum Top Posters in Index
MyBB 1.4: Yes
MyBB 1.6: Yes
Unfortunately the Entwinkler is no longer available and I myself cannot get this plugin for the Mybb 1.8 to work, do you (Darth-Apple) or also can adapt it for the 1.8? lg Tc4me
I'm just going to call this decade the 20s. I think this year kicked it off. We've been through enough. Here we go.
Anyway, I've noticed a lot has changed. Most free softwares have sort of fallen by the wayside. Those that are still running free forums are running simpler (not more advanced) communities, almost with fewer features.
MyBB's support forum is only a shadow of its old self. It's still alive and has a dedicated following, and a number of developers still contribute plugins and themes. But the software itself lacks responsiveness and basic features that come with more modern softwares, so it's been difficult for them to attract the new users they deserve. I absolutely love MyBB, so it's a bit of a shame that it seems slower. It seems that it doesn't have the fire it once did though, and I hope that this can change in the long term.
Forums have really been taken over by more modernized solutions, such as Facebook groups. FB groups is huge. I actually thought long and hard about making a presence for MS on FB groups, but my fear is that it would detract from the actual forum itself. We will probably expand long-term into more modernized solutions, but the makestation.net forum is the absolute first priority, and we won't do anything to the detriment of this forum.
That being said, it truly seems that the landscape has changed. The opportunities that were available to us when MS was founded in 2013 just don't seem to be as plentiful now.
What are your thoughts? Where are forums going in this next decade?
Someone on the MyBB community forum requested a reputation bars plugin tonight. I was surprised to find out that no such plugin existed yet for MyBB 1.8. Some previous ones existed for older MyBB versions, but they had restricted licenses prohibiting people like me from porting them.
Long story short, I ended up writing a new one. It's extremely simple at this time, but I figured I'd post here, in case anyone needs a reputation bars plugin and lands here from google.
I was looking at the phpBB default design the other day and had an idea pop into my head with the theme. Long story short, I found myself messing around with it to get a feel for what could be done with it... and lo and behold, a theme comes forth.
I will say that so far it's been VERY different from what I'm used to. I've never messed with phpBB before, so this is a first. That said, it's absolutely awesome working with a tableless, responsive default theme by default, so it's been a huge timesaver. It's gotten a little easier as I've messed with it some more.
What do you guys think of this so far? (I'm thinking about releasing this if it turns out well)
I've done quite a few small CMS-style projects for university and for random purposes. Each time, we ended up having to theme the project and it was always easier to do so by separating the HTML from the PHP. Fortunately, there are many template engines available, but some are very tedious to implement and are not suitable for small projects.
Luckily, it's incredibly easy to do templates with no trouble whatsoever. This template engine is incredibly simple and can be added to your project in less than 5 minutes. I use it on every raw project I've ever done, and it's a great time-saver and makes our code much cleaner and easier to maintain.
I've included the template_engine.php file with this post. It's licenced under the GPL 2, but if you need a different license, please PM me!
1. Create a file called template_engine.php with the downloaded file attached here. Include (or require_once) this file into every file/page of your project (such as index.php, etc). You may want to use your require_once("template_engine.php") in your init or global.php instead, depending on how your project is structured.
2. Now, create a templates folder inside your project. This folder should be in your project root and will contain all HTML template files.
3. Instantiate the template engine in each of these pages, or in your init file. Use the following:
$templates = new template_engine();
4. Start setting template variables/tags in your code. These variables will be replaced with the values they are set to when the template engine outputs your page. For example, in your index.php, you could set variables like this:
Now, the [@some_variable] tag will be replaced by "1234" by the template engine when it's ready to parse. Likewise, [@username] will be replaced with "Steve". Create as many variables as you like.
5. Create your index.html template in your templates folder. Use something like the following:
As you can see, we've used our new template variables directly in the template file. These variables will be replaced by their corresponding values on the fly by the template engine.
6. Parse the template and echo it. This will process all template tags and will send the resulting page to the browser.
echo $template->parse("index");
And now, with a simple template engine and 5 minutes of implementation, you can abstract away all HTML from your PHP code. This allows you to completely refactor the style and hTML structure of your theme/page without changing any of your PHP files, and keeps the project much cleaner than it would be with interleaved HTML/PHP.
Simple template engines such as these are perfect for small projects, university/college assignments, etc.
Hope this helps! Feel free to use it in your own projects as needed.
More Information (click spoiler):
Can I change a variable/tag after it's already been set? Yes! So long as you haven't parsed your template (sent it to the browser) yet, you can use the $templates->set function as many times as you need. It will overwrite the previous value of the tag with your new value.
How should I handle template headers/footers?
I recommend having a separate header.html and footer.html template. At the very beginning of your PHP page, parse these using the following:
Now, in your index.html template, you may use the header/footer tags as normal:
<h1> My page content </h1>
This allows you to use the same header/footer template for all of your pages, preventing you from having to duplicate the HTML in every page of your website.
Can I use templates inside of templates?
Yes! In fact this is recommend and is standard practice for simple template engines such as these. See the example above on how to do this.
What about the license? Feel free to use this in your own projects, that's what it's for! I wouldn't have licensed this at all, but I don't want someone stealing it, saying they wrote it, and then licensing it under some restrictive license. If you need a different license, please PM me!