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tc4me February 19th, 2025
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tc4me February 19th, 2025
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tc4me February 19th, 2025
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  Fediverse makestation?
Posted by: SpookyZalost - May 2nd, 2024 at 3:08 PM - Forum: Community Related - Replies (2)

So quick question for everyone.  once in the past the idea was floated to make makestation something other than just a forum.  with blogs, a chat, and a site with tutorials on how to do cool projects.

mybb isn't ideal for that given plugins but it works as a forum.

So my question is.  who here knows what hubzilla is?

and how would you all feel if makestation made the jump to the fediverse to take advantage of hubzilla for creating a makestation hub with interconnected sub services like forum based socials.  dedicated pages.  maybe a wiki for tutorials and how to stuff.  and a Content Management System or CMS for custom mods, pictures, things of that nature.

Darth's dream was for makestation to flourish as a central hub of creativity.  Mybb is limited but hubzilla might make that work.

Just food for thought.  I'd like to hear back what everyone thinks of this.

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  Ethnic Background?
Posted by: Nebulous - March 31st, 2024 at 6:45 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

What is your ethnic background? Where did you mother's side of the family originate from? Your fathers?

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  Makestation: Rebirth.
Posted by: SpookyZalost - March 28th, 2024 at 8:48 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (5)

Hey everybody.  Going to be going through and doing some cleanup.  looks like we have a few bots getting through our defenses again so I'm going to have to change some backend stuff up as I recover old access accounts and such.

In the meantime.  I'm also going to be posting new articles and trying to bring in new topics for everyone too.  so for those that are still hanging around.  Thanks for being here with us!

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  Counting in Binary and Hexadecimal.
Posted by: SpookyZalost - March 21st, 2024 at 3:17 PM - Forum: Resources & Tutorials - No Replies

Boring as this may sound the following information is actually on the Network+ certification exam (but not the A+ interestingly enough.)  So to that end, the following is a simple how-to on 8bit computer math.  for 16 bit 32bit and 64 bit you simply scale up.
To start with, what is binary math?  Well binary is simply counting with switches in an on/off state.  first 4 places go like this.
0000 = 0
0001 = 1
0010 = 2
0011 = 3
0100 = 4
0101 = 5
0110 = 6
0111 = 7
1000 = 8
1001 = 9
1010 = 10
1011 = 11
1100 = 12
1101 = 13
1110 = 14
1111 = 15
and so on.  next would be
10000 = 16

And thus it scales like that.  You can count quickly on your fingers too on your hands starting from right to left you lift each finger to represent an on or off state.  10 would be closed pinkie, lifted ring finger, closed middle finger, lifted forefinger.
9 would be basically the devil horns metal heads are so fond of.  17 is basically the hang loose hand sign. as it's 10001
why this is will become apparent pretty quickly when you realize that each digit represents a doubling of the previous, so it goes like this.
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
if those numbers sound familiar it's because we use them to measure everything from hard drive size to ram size.
so an 8 bit integer can represent everything from 0 to 255 for a total of 256 digits including 0, with 256 being the 9th bit where you get into 16 bit binary computation.
Hex is a similar case.  it's an 8 bit integer but instead of a string of 8 bits it's represented by 2, 4 bit hex numbers put together and goes something like this.
This can be converted to binary as well.
0000 = 0
0001 = 1
0010 = 2
0011 = 3
0100 = 4
0101 = 5
0110 = 6
0111 = 7
1000 = 8
1001 = 9 
1010 = A
1011 = B
1100 = C
1101 = D
1110 = E
1111 = F
so converting that you get an 8 bit integer with two hex numbers (Yes the letters technically represent numbers, it's base 16)
so 18 in hex would convert to 00011000 in binary.  which would convert to decimal as 
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
0 0 0 1 1   0   0  0     0
or 8+16 = 24.  and that's the core of computer math right there.  it's just strings of numbers representing on/off state switches that get added together to get decimal numbers, and hex is just a way to simplify those long strings into pairs representing half of an 8 bit byte.
so let's look at the hex color code.
FFFFFF is the color white.
but it comes out in binary as all 1's.
that is a 32 bit integer. which comes down to 
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 (8bit)
512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 (16 bit)
131072 262144 524288 1,048,576 2,097,152 4,194,304 8,388,608 16,777,216
so FFFFFF is equal to 
16,777,215 in decimal or
11111111 11111111 11111111

but it's easier to just write FF:FF:FF
and if you recognize that format, that's because mac addresses are 8 bit integers written as hex pairs for a total of 6 pairs 

for example 18:AC:22:14:16:AA
that's 8 16 24 32 64 128 creating literally billions of combinations with a 128 bit integer converted to hex and broken down into binary by a computer, give it a try some time.  if you convert a hex address to decimal, you get the unique identification number which will be a long string of binary if you convert it the other way.  This also goes into IP addresses and addressing for both IPV4 and IPV6 which I will cover in another article.

- Z

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  Hey everybody
Posted by: SpookyZalost - March 20th, 2024 at 8:38 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

Hey everybody.  sorry for the long delay.  As always, life got in the way.  First I got an awesome job.  then I got laid off 5 months later.  now I'm at a similar job getting paid about the same being a 1 man IT guy for a whole office.  Hopefully this one sticks.  Anyway I'm back now.  been busy.  I'm not a Vtuber!  and a hybrid gaming/tinkering one at that.  go find another tinkering Vtuber, I dare ya!

Seriously though it's been an interesting ride getting all that working in Linux along with everything else.  but it's official now I guess.  So if ya see me on twitch you'll be looking at my avatar rather than me.  woot!

Anyway I've got some time now to stop by and check on the ole site, see how things are going.  maybe contribute a bit again.  I'll probably be posting articles again too now that I've learned a bunch more.  feel free to message me if ya have issues and I'll see what I can do.


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Posted by: Nebulous - March 10th, 2024 at 7:44 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

How important is it to invest?

Do you think you’ll have a lot of investments when you’re older?

What kind of things would you invest in?

What things do you think are risky investments?

If you had just one dollar, what would you invest it in and why?

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  Get Chemistry Coursework Help Online in UK by Ph.D. Experts
Posted by: royalbert867 - February 14th, 2024 at 9:14 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

I suggest looking for support from chemistry coursework helpers in the UK. Their know-how, particularly from Ph.D. professionals can considerably improve your understanding and also efficiency in chemistry coursework. With their assistance you'll browse complicated principles much more properly bring about far better qualities plus a much deeper understanding of the subject. Do not wait to connect to these experts for vital assistance in your scholastic trip.

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  How often think about money?
Posted by: Nebulous - February 11th, 2024 at 5:51 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

How often do you think about money? Is money a stressful part of life?

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Sad The last one turns off the light :-(
Posted by: tc4me - January 31st, 2024 at 6:36 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (5)

The last one turns off the light :-(
Unfortunately, it is so! No interest from the admins and no more users here either. Software is outdated and unfortunately some things don't work. I tried everything to reach one of the bosses, offered my support, but no response after months. I'm leaving now too! If anyone is looking for me, I can be reached at any time on my forum www.autism4all.at.
So I'm the last of the gang to turn off the lights.
  Greetings Tc4me Sad

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  Most embarrassing clothing item?
Posted by: Nebulous - December 30th, 2023 at 10:22 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

What is the most embarrassing clothing item you have ever worn?

Blush Blush Blush

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