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February 19th, 2025
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Ancients vs. Moderns - Fact Sheets |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - April 2nd, 2014 at 2:23 AM - Forum: Roleplay
- Replies (1)
The Moderns
The Moderns are those who live by the principles of constant discovery. They believe that there is no such thing as any principle becoming fully refined, but believe in the constant process of changing and improving through trial and error to improve human well being. They are very liberal and progressive, but often change too much and suffer considerably from goal displacement. Arguably, their constant polls and media attraction, as well as marketplace and betting brings some excitement into this group as well.
The moderns run regular polls that can make policy changes and their wiki is changed frequently. Anyone is welcome to create polls, but policy changes can be made with a 66% majority vote, and vetoed by the president if they are at 75% majority or less. Needless to say, this group is a bit restless at times. 
Core Problem in Humanity: Human greed
Solution: There is no final solution. Change will only bring us closer in the end.
End goal: To weed out human greed and to create a progressive, perfect, society.
Discovery: Heavily endorsed, almost to the point of endorsing conspiracy.
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The Announcement Channel |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - April 2nd, 2014 at 12:14 AM - Forum: Roleplay
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This is where official announcements will be posted and discussed. Of course individual threads will often be posted for announcements as well, but convenient discussion related to political matters can be conducted here.
Ancients vs. Moderns - Start Here |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - April 1st, 2014 at 11:40 PM - Forum: Roleplay
- Replies (3)
The Great Rivalry - Ancients vs. Moderns
Makestation Roleplay divides participants into two political parties, diametrically opposed, but with equally challenging and pressing ideology and philosophy. (Technically, there's a third political party, but its existence is very mysterious and unknown. More on that will be revealed, or discovered, later. ) These two parties have very different explanations for various pressing issues, and of course there are many possible outcomes. However, the final results are determined by none other than popular vote, and polls will regularly be posted by various members in this board.
Of course these teams, doctrines, ideologies, and more will be revised over time. Each party will have a leader or set of leaders, and a constitution, as well as a private discussion board for its members. Of course these principles will be expanded upon over time, but for now, here are the underlying concepts.
The Setting
The moderns and the ancients have never really been able to get along. In the past, disagreements were heated and no organized representation existed. However, in recent times, people have come together to represent their ideologies. Of course, this representation was a slow developmental process, but the formation of two main political parties was the end result. The ancients and moderns, of course, agree on nothing but the fact that loyalty should be demanded from their members, or they could be voted out for poor representation.
Parties carry out various debates and missions, and of course poor representation of the party's code can cause members of those parties to be evicted. In the end, those most loyal to the party generally get promoted to leadership positions within the party. Those who aren't so loyal get kicked out of the party.
The Moderns
The moderns believe that ancient principles, while valuable, are outdated and no longer applicable to today's universe. The moderns have very liberal views in general, and favor complicated policies, overarching social programs, and of course, change. The moderns are seen as very liberal and progressive, and suffer from goal displacement, but are also considered to be more exciting and dramatic. The full fact sheet for the Moderns can be found here.
The Ancients
The ancients, by contrast, live by the "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" rule. You may assume that this sounds boring, but the ancients feel that time is the best refining tool that society has in place to date, and that standards that have stood the test of time should not be allowed to change in the order of protecting society. Not surprisingly, the ancients also spend a great deal of time sorting through old material, and deciding what content belongs in the grand hall of fame. Admittance to the wall of fame is a difficult achievement to make, but once something is admitted, it is rarely removed. The full fact sheet for the Ancients can be found here.
The alpha - when it's coming and where it's at |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - March 5th, 2014 at 4:07 AM - Forum: Filecave Development
- Replies (9)
Many people have recently asked me when the next POC/Alpha release will be out. To be honest, I keep thinking it is only a couple weeks off, but every time I think it's close, I find something else to rewrite. The simple answer is that I'm basically recoding the whole thing one step at a time. I've implemented several new features, including hookable menus and notifications, hookable action, page, and form handlers, modular addons, templates, lang systems, and more to come. This is a pretty in-depth framework overhaul, and not only that, but I need to replace some DB classes, etc... as well. And I haven't even touched the ACP yet. 
Given all of the framework changes, the majority of the existing code needs to be reworked. I'm already well into getting the pages for uploads, categories, etc... and I'm also in the process of rewriting the user management module. I've come to the conclusion that while I won't be doing a complete rewrite from scratch, I will need to take each module and rework it individually. The entire project could take a month or longer to complete, and the actual feature improvements will be marginal. However, once that's done, the code will be much easier to extend, and that is something I'm excited about.
Another concern is with security. Earlier on in the project, I wasn't quite sure whether or not I wanted to use mysqli, or PDO. After having coded much more into the project, I've decided that while PDO might be the smarter approach nowadays, that mysqli is something I am simply more familiar with, and I will thus convert all PDO code into mysqli code for the sake of simpler code and faster development. PDO is gaining popularity for a number of reasons, but mysqli is not deprecated and is still in popular use. Using consistent database methods will make it easier to keep the code secure and consistent.
As for where the alpha stands, once the code is reworked, I plan on finishing a few core features, such as comments, etc..., then on releasing a proof of concept release. It's still a ways off, but I'd like to go ahead and get some code out in the open once I'm able to. Of course github is also probably coming in the future. I'm hoping to complete this sometime in May, but we shall see how it works out. In addition, I plan on launching an official website for it as well. This is something I'm uber excited about planning. 
Anyway, stay tuned for more! I'll keep you guys updated as more progress is made.
Overview - the template system |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - February 28th, 2014 at 7:38 PM - Forum: Filecave Development
- Replies (3)
As I've documented on the official thread for filecave so far, I've officially begun working on the template system. What I have so far is pretty simple, but it works. The goal is to allow HTML templates to be edited and rearranged without the need to edit any actual PHP. It will overall make retheming filecave much easier and much more flexible.
I've decided to put the lang system and the templates system together. Both template tags and lang tags pretty much work the same way. Unlike MyBB's template system, Filecave will require all template variables to be explicitly set. This is for security reasons, as it makes it much more difficult to exploit the template system when only variables that are intended to be set can be used. So, instead of something like "{$conf_URL}", you will see something like [@conf_url]" instead, which PHP will not automatically parse.
For example:
Code: hello world, [@user]! <br />
Age: [@age].<br />
Occupation: [@occupation]. </br />
Interests: [@Interests] <br />
Would reveal something like:
Quote:hello world, Darthness!
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Restaurant worker
Interests: Lots of stuff!
In the PHP, template variables are set something like this:
Code: $templates->set("user", "Darthness");
$templates->set("age", "Unknown");
$templates->set("occupation", "Restaurant worker");
$templates->set("Interests", "Lots of stuff!");
echo $templates->parse("template_hello");
This has now been implemented into Filecave as an API, and I'm currently working on converting existing code into code that uses this system. I've been working hard to ensure that it performs well, but we'll see how well it works once it actually starts being used more heavily. I'm using str_replace instead of strtr, but the consequence of that is that, in making the lang packs readable and easier to code, I have to individually parse each entry into the correct format when the template engine is initialized. I'm not entirely sure how well it will work yet.
Either way, lang tags are also supported. For example,
Code: [@lang_hello], [@user]! <br />
[@lang_age]: [@age].<br />
[@lang_occupation]: [@occupation]. </br />
[@lang_interests]: [@Interests] <br />
The above script would also parse. A sample language pack might look like this:
Code: $lang = array();
global $lang;
$lang['hello'] = "Hello world";
$lang['age'] = "Age";
$lang['occupation'] = "occupation;
$lang['interests'] = "Interests";
Stay tuned for more info!
Filecave - what it's about |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - February 27th, 2014 at 8:26 PM - Forum: Filecave Development
- Replies (1)
So it's been almost a year since I officially took this project on, and here is where it was not too long ago. It's the most recent screenshot I have on hand, although several theme improvements have been made since.
![[Image: pout.png]](http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1024x768q90/594/pout.png)
As for why I don't have more recent screenshots, it has to do primarily with my priorities. Earlier on, I was a bit messy with my code, and now I'm going back and rewriting a good portion of it to work with a more extensible API. Until that's done, there will be quite a lot of glitches involved, and I don't feel like taking more screenshots until those are resolved. 
Anyway, Filecave is built around a number of core concepts.
What is Filecave?
Filecave is a file sharing platform that will allow users to create file uploads, and will allow for ratings, comments, discussion, featured uploads, categorization, and so on. It will be useful for mod databases, etc... where files need to be categorized quickly and easily. It will also be a standalone solution, although rest assured, I've been looking into possible integration options as well.
Core Concepts
Effective file sharing platform
- Filecave is being designed specifically to have file sharing in mind and to be effective for that purpose. Hotlinking protection is implemented, user management will be included, and moderator tools (including the optional ability to require upload approval) are all included.
- Filecave is being built to be highly extensible, with a modular plugins and hooks system, template engine, and more. Of course this is one of the areas where I am doing the most restructuring. I will write a more detailed post later once more work is done.
Content Management
- It may seem far fetched, but yes, I'm also trying to turn this into a full CMS. Don't get your hopes up too fast, I'm trying to finish the essentials first. 
Earlier on, I was releasing proof of concept releases. I've decided to stop doing that up until the alpha, or at least until a later time, simply because the code isn't ready for any sort of release yet. (It turns out that two of the three files I had uploaded in the past had broken installers. ) Rest assured, I will release a proof of concept or alpha release once the extensibility system is fully up and running, however. At that point, anyone who wishes to contribute will be able to create new themes and modules, so stay tuned!
Hello Everyone |
Posted by: Centur - February 26th, 2014 at 8:41 PM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (4)
Hi, the name's Centur. I am an 18 year old programmer, anime fan and gamer from the USA. I own CenturCore Labs, a software studio that hopes to publish other's software someday. I know how to code in PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and soon, C#. I like action, sci-fi and supernatural games/animes, such as my favorite game, Team Fortress 2. If you wanna chat, feel free to contact me and I'll give you my Skype or other contact methods. Thanks for reading my intro!