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tc4me February 19th, 2025
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tc4me February 19th, 2025
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tc4me February 19th, 2025
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  "Who is online" script for Ajax chat (can be integrated universally)
Posted by: Darth-Apple - August 30th, 2013 at 2:18 AM - Forum: Software - No Replies

This is a very simple script that generates a list of users online in Ajax Chat, and it can be integrated with your website easily using an iframe. You can use notepad++ to paste this into a file named online.php, or you can alternatively download the attached file. You will need to manually configure the database connection settings (on line 2 of the script) but other than that it should work without any need for changes. It also puts the user's username in italics if [Away] is found in the username, which is designed to make it compatible with "AFK" command modifications. You can modify this as needed.


$sql = 'SELECT
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
echo "Users Online: ";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
$away_text = "[Away]"; // This will italicized usernames that have [Away] anywhere in the username. This can be modified as needed.
if (strrpos ($row['userName'], $away_text, -1)){
$string = str_replace("[Away]", "", $row['userName']);
echo "<i>".$string. "</i>";
else {
echo $row['userName'];
echo ", ";
if ($i != 1) {
echo " <b>".$i." members online</b>";
else {
echo " <b>".$i." member online</b>";

Important: : Make sure to use a program such as notepad++ to paste the contents of this file. Otherwise, extra space will be put at the beginning of the file that will make it unexecutable. You may also download the attached file.

I have set this up to be integrated on the index using an iframe at several websites. You can use something like this to integrate this script into any place on your forum or website. Modify this as needed.

<iframe style="display:inline;" src="http://example.com/chat/online.php" height="44px" marginheight="1px" frameborder="0" width="550px" scrolling="auto" seamless>Live Chat <a href="http://example.com/online.php">click here to see who is online. </a></iframe>

Attached Files
.php   online.php (Size: 741 bytes / Downloads: 561)
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  How many posts does your forum get daily?
Posted by: Tyler - August 28th, 2013 at 7:15 AM - Forum: Web Design & Internet - Replies (1)

I've basically been going around asking this, Just wondering Cool

I average around 5-20 posts a day.

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Posted by: Marc - August 28th, 2013 at 12:51 AM - Forum: Other Games - Replies (13)

Does anyone here play The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim? I purchased this game for PC a couple of months ago, and I must say, it's an excellent game. The world is huge and there are a lot of quests to tackle. I love the battle system, however, I heard a couple of people giving negative feedback about it. Still, the battle system is okay for me. It's like you're fighting the enemy in real life.

PC gamers can download mods from the Steam Workshop or Skyrim Nexus (I think that's the name of the website where Skyrim moders go). Mods never worked on my PC. Every time I tried to install one, the game crashed or there was some error message. Maybe it's because I purchased a Russian Steam key for a really low price. Who knows... Everyone else I know says that mods work fine for 'em.

The gameplay is fun but there are times you will get stuck in the game. The last time I got stuck, I left the game to collect dust on my PC for several weeks, lol. Still, there should be a lot of tutorials for the game on the Internet since the game isn't exactly "new", Wink

What are your thoughts about Skyrim?

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  The Political Compass
Posted by: Darth-Apple - August 28th, 2013 at 12:07 AM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (34)


It's definitely an interesting test I'd recommend to anyone. I scored out as being slightly upper-left wing.

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  Post some photoshop tutorial article here please?
Posted by: lookforuu - August 26th, 2013 at 6:27 PM - Forum: Photography & Graphics - Replies (3)

If you write some photoshop tutorials or you know some good photoshop tutorial articles, please post them here? I am currently learning graphic design, and would like to read all kinds of tutorials, and I just hope it's comprehensive and easy to understand, so that I could carry on step by step and get the expected result. Thanks!

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  September Happenings
Posted by: Darth-Apple - August 26th, 2013 at 12:38 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (5)

Makestation has now reached the three month mark, and has grown nicely. After soon feedback from administrators outside of the Makestation community, we've decided we're going to push a few new exciting changes for September.

1) Most Epic Contributor Competitions will be launching full swing this time, and we'll be doing round 1 as a graphics design competition. More info will be announced in a few days, but we think it will be pretty exciting.

2) We'll be doing theme update #2 in the next few days. The theme update will significantly improve our design and hopefully clean some things up. We're hoping to bring a more compelling and "creative" feel to Makestation.

3) The blog will be expanded to showcase popular content here at Makestation. Winners of the Most Epic Contributor competitions will also get their content featured. We've also redesigned the blog, and exciting things will be happening soon over there.

Stay tuned! Big Grin

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  Asian movie and TV stories
Posted by: lookforuu - August 25th, 2013 at 6:54 AM - Forum: Other Communites & Promotion - Replies (3)

It's my blog where I write about Asian movie and TVs, and some are with the videos embedded in the article itself so that you could watch it right away. Good day and happy reading!

Asian movie and TV stories

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  Taiwan movie: Perfect Two
Posted by: lookforuu - August 25th, 2013 at 6:38 AM - Forum: Media & Entertainment - No Replies

Original article: Taiwan movie: Perfect Two
You may also watch the movie there.

This is a comedy movie made in Taiwan, starting Vic Chou, Yang Mi, Ella, and Benny. It's a new
year blockbuster which is touching and funny at the same time.


B used to be a competitive motorcycle racing driver, but an accident 6 years ago took away almost all he used to have, including fame and his wife. Since then he has been addicted in alcohol and gambling, without any ambition or dream. His neighbor Ma Niu cares about him a lot, voluntarily does the housework for him, including cooking, laundry, cleaning. Actually Ma Niu loves B secretly, never shows it up, nor does she care that B just treats her as a brother, all she wishes is that one day B cheers up and gets normal as before.

One day, B's wife Jia Wei comes to talk him along with a little boy Bin Bin, telling that Bin Bin is his son, and hopes he could take care of the boy for some days. B starts taking care of Bin Bin, and gets more and happy and positive. They do things together happily, such as playing, fishing, cycling, etc. One day someone calls B and tells that Bin Bin might not be his son, B gets angry and calls Jia Wei, but her phone is off. B plans to leave Bin Bin on the street, but then comes back and takes him home again.

B meets Jia Wei to talk, Jia Wei tells that Bin Bin is really B's son, but Jia Wei is going to marry and migrate to the United States soon, so she put Bin Bin with B, so that they two could stay together for a while. B asks Jia Wei to come back to him, but she doesn't accept it. B decides to start motorcycle racing again, and hopes he would get successful again.

One day before the racing, Jia Wei comes to B again, saying when Bin Bin hears that he is B's son, he doesn't want to go to the United States, but wish to stay with B. Jia Wei hopes B could convince Bin Bin to go to the United States and study well. B meets Bin Bin and speaks coldly, says he doesn't want to stay with Bin Bin, asks him to go to the United States.

At the racing match, Bin Bin surprisingly comes to the field, B becomes happy and confident, he passes all the components, but then finds Bin Bin has gone, he falls again like the previous accident. After the accident B becomes unhappy again.

In summer holiday, Bin Bin surprisingly comes back again, and lives with B happily. B finally accepts Ma Niu's love..


B: Vic Chou
Jia Wei: Yang Mi
Ma Niu: Ella Chen
Bin Bin: Benny

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Posted by: Darth-Apple - August 25th, 2013 at 2:12 AM - Forum: Web Design & Internet - Replies (11)

Xenforo may be a fairly new option in the market of paid forum software, but it has definitely become a very popular option very quickly, especially among former vBulletin users. It also has a unique style and feel, and has many unique features.

In addition, it is very light on server resources, has great support, is a solid package and is in rapid development, and has very solid security practices. I'd say it's a pretty great deal for the price.

What is your opinion of Xenforo?

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  Pizza - love or hate?
Posted by: Darth-Apple - August 25th, 2013 at 1:50 AM - Forum: Poll Booth - Replies (15)

I've heard arguments go both ways on this. Personally, I love it. What's your opinion?

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