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February 19th, 2025
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February 19th, 2025
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February 19th, 2025
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Aco's NEW Paradox LP's - Main Thread |
Posted by: Acko - May 7th, 2014 at 1:02 AM - Forum: Other Games
- Replies (1)
(Experimenting a little. A second thread will be used for archived LPs 'n stuff.)
Welcome to my Paradox LP thread! In this thread will the current LP that I am doing and its comments will be. A secondary thread will also be used to archive finished/unfinished/abandoned LPs.
Hold on, let me explain.
Paradox games usually refer to the many strategy titles developed by Paradox Development Studio/published by the rather infamous Paradox Interactive (don't get the two confused). These titles include the games in the Europa Universalis series, Hearts of Iron series, and many more.
Paradox LPs are LPs (Let's Plays, also somewhat more commonly known the name After Action Reports (AAR) (LP is more commonly used for video series, at least on YouTube) of PDS's strategy games. My LP's are modeled after the typical SomethingAwful Paradox LP (another board I frequent, I don't post much though.). Some of these take the form of mega-campaigns, which span the length of multiple campaigns within one LP, but I will only definitively do these if I actually finish one campaign. One of most prominent and early examples of one of these is House Hohenzollern Rising by SA'er Wiz (who is also writing one that is at its last part right now). (LPArchive link).
Usually, however, LPs/AARs are restricted to a single game, and even those hardly ever get finished.
So what will I be playing right now?
At the moment I have began taking screenshots for a Victoria II campaign as Plantagenia in the Divergences of Darkness mod. Expect the first update soon (hopefully).
And yes, prepare to be disappointed as I do have a rather bad track record of abandoning these. Just ask some veteran members .
Plantagenia - Table of Contents
Prologue (below)
Video editing |
Posted by: Warwick - April 30th, 2014 at 2:31 PM - Forum: Software
- Replies (2)
As a youtuber who has to make weekly videos, I am interested in video editing programs. So far, I am relatively familiar with AVS Video editor, Movie Maker and Pinnacle Studio. I am trying to learn Adobe Premiere and After Effects.
What video editing programs have you used so far?
Male Rock/Pop Singers |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - April 29th, 2014 at 10:31 PM - Forum: Media & Entertainment
- Replies (7)
I've noticed that a good majority of the male rock and pop singers out there are tenors. It seems to be a trend that started decades ago and has continued today.
Do you think that being a tenor actually gives a singer an edge as far as pop/rock is concerned in today's music industry? Why or why not?
Announcement: update on findings regarding spammed PMs |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - April 28th, 2014 at 11:09 PM - Forum: Announcements
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Hello everyone. As some of you may have noticed, the latest member registered here (fatoubaby1) has sent provocative, spam-like private messages to several users on the forums. It is unclear whether this user is a bot or if it is real user, but in any case, the account has permanently been banned. You can safely ignore these messages.
Also, regarding a previous announcement, it turns out I was reading some of the exported database data incorrectly, and there is no evidence that the forum or that accounts were hacked. However, as I'm sure many of you all have already heard, the heartbleed bug has left a lot of passwords exploited on a significant portion of the internet's more popular websites. If you use the same password here that you use on other websites, it may be recommended to change your password anyway as a safety precaution.
The computer woes never end... |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - April 28th, 2014 at 6:02 PM - Forum: Technology & Hardware
- Replies (4)
So on some startups, my PC won't even recognize the keyboard. Not sure if that's a keyboard related issue or if it's an actual hardware issue. I tried a USB keyboard, which didn't work, but that could be a driver issue.
Anyway, this PC has now successfully fried its video card twice, had one hard drive failure, run on damaged RAM, suffered through endless power failures on a cheap, loud PSU, and gone through countless OS re-installations. Might it be worth buying a new one entirely, even if Windows 8 comes as stock installed?