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  Is anyone getting a Nexus 4?
Posted by: Marc - August 31st, 2013 at 1:43 AM - Forum: Technology & Hardware - Replies (2)

Does anyone have a Nexus 4 smartphone yet? It's a smartphone running on the Android 4.2 Jelly Bean operating system. A quad-core 1.5GHz CPU powers the device and it has 2GB of RAM. In addition to the above, it has either 8 or 16 GB of internal storage space, an 8 megapixel rear-facing camera, a 1.3 megapixel front-facing webcam, and a 4.7-inch True HD display with 768 x 1280 resolution.

What I dislike about the phone is that there is no microSD card slot and you can't remove its battery. A Li-Po 2100 mAh capacity battery isn't bad, but some people might want to buy a better battery to replace it. As for the storage space, 8GB isn't going to get me anywhere. 16GB may also cause problems because I'm the type of guy who likes to stock up on dozens of large games for mobile.

What are your thoughts about the Nexus 4?

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  Wanderers In Time
Posted by: Gmdykfuiygh66476 - August 30th, 2013 at 11:52 PM - Forum: Writer's Journals - Replies (35)

Wanderers In Time - Entry 1

"Ah, you're still here, Susan."

"Sure am."

"Restating the obvious - its what I do best. So how was your day?"

"Well Peter, in short it has been absolutely nothing except for people barging into my office and "inquiring" about the recent incidents in the mountains. I guess they see on the news that people are vanishing. So they elect to see, for themselves, people vanishing! I mean, who is really going to be up along Wolf Crossing at that time in the evening.}

"So they're pestering you also? It's all I've been hearing about all day from the bookkeepers and secretaries! I tell them, we don't know what to make of it, and now they're calling for an investigation. Which, I'm skeptical of all of this, but it may not be a bad idea. There ARE people who have just gone up the road and never returned the next day, but I suspect just a coyote or wolf or something."

"Well, there's no dead bodies laying around, no blood anywhere. And are they really going to get out of their cars at 9:30 at night?"

"That's what I'm wondering. Where are they going, exactly? That's my question."

"Ah, hi Jon."

"Hello there Peter, Susan. I wanted to let you both know of another incident I got from Wolf Crossing last night."

"Another one? Now what happened?"

"Well, a citizen came into my office, saying he saw these strange lights last night. These lights were faint and colored white and yellow."

"And this man is absolutely sure it's not a headlight or something?" asked Susan.

"Well, it's possible, but it would have shone for a much greater distance if drivers have their high beams turned on. And according to this man, the lights would pulsate, growing brighter and dimmer at no apparent interval. And whats more intriguing is that they would abruptly stop, and then resume pulsating just as quickly. Oh, and here's my boss."

"Oh, hello Paul."

"Good afternoon Peter! Jon, I have a message, it's from your wife. "

"Alright Paul. Sorry to cut this so short, but I'm sure it's... important... *rolls eyes*"

"No problem. Enjoy the rest of your evening.. or try to.. hehe."

"So, strange flashing lights in white and yellow?", asked Susan, after Paul and Jon Left

"Give me a break. It was probably someone's headlights!", Peter replied

"I know, but I still think we should visit Wolf Crossing to see for ourselves."

"Why waste our time with it? If people want to subscribe to all of this.. mumbo jumbo.. than that's their choice. I've heard stories of demons and ghosts for crying out loud! It's nonsense! "

"Of course it's ridiculous and irrational. But if we went there, gathered proof that it's not "demons and ghosts", then all these rumours will stop, and not to mention people coming in at the end of the shift, out of breath, and trembling!"

"I suppose you're right, but, how are we going to actually view these lights?"

"I thought maybe we'll drive there and pull off the road at the foot of the pass. That's where most of the reports are coming from. "

"So you're suggesting that driving through thick rush-hour traffic to get out of the city and then taking an additional hour to actually get to Wolf Crossing is a good idea?"

"Well, would you rather walk there? Or not go at all and continue with all the "reports"? I have shocked, angry, distressed, people frightened out of their minds, people coming in, in a huge crying mess, and I know you do too!"

"I suppose you're right. Should we go together or will we meet up?"

"We'll have to meet each other there. I have some stuff left to do before the end of my shift. I'll also need to go home and make dinner for the husband and kids."

"Yeah, the wife will probably wonder where I'm at too. I'll see you around 9 tonight?"

"Well enough."

About four hours later, Peter and Susan meet at an underpass at the Wolf Crossing exit on rural Highway 96.

"Okay, let's make this quick. Just after I got here, I heard a distant coyote howl!", Susan said.

"I don't think they'd come near the freeway.. there's too many lights and too much traffic noise. Let's just watch from under the overpass."

"I can see why people are so frightened by this place. A dark, ominous road going up a mountain. It makes me a bit edgy, but at least I'm not running to the city hall or police station in sheer terror..."

"Well, what do you think could happen?" Peter replied

"I don't know, a coyote may come out of the forest? Or a wolf or some other dangerous creature?"

"Well, if that does happen we just run to our cars."

"That's no help if we're being charged at!"

"*shakes head* Would you rather set up a video camera somewhere around here and leave?"

"That sounds best. Do you have one?"

"Well, um, no."

"I don't either. One of us should have brought one in the event we did see these "lights"."

"Speaking of which, there's one!"

"Umm, what is... oh, it's just a headlight. But of course! So, do you want to go back and get a camera?"

"I guess we have no other choice, except to get eaten by coyotes. [said sarcastically] And oh look, a fox just ran by! And why do I have to fetch the video camera? We'll both go get our cameras and put them at two different positions."

"Okay, that'll work. I'll see you around 11 or such."

"Susan, such an idiotic coward sometimes.." whispered Peter, to himself.

Just after Susan and Peter leave, the same lights which so many people have reported to the city hall, appear over the mountains.

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  The Song of Makestation!
Posted by: Acko - August 30th, 2013 at 10:41 PM - Forum: Community Related - Replies (1)

What is this?
Conceived on the Simmania chat today, this contest is to create the best, well, National Anthem, of Makestation.
The rules...
The song can be completely original, or an adaptation of another national anthem/song. Please try to refrain from using copyrighted works, to avoid a legal mess. Also, do not post the lyrics in this thread, use something such as pastebin to show your submission. I have an example submission here:

A d*** Goon Wrote:Title: The Song of Makestation
Pastebin Link: []
Adapted From? (if applicable):
Anything Else?:
I, myself, have written a submission. To demonstrate what you need to post AND because it is awesome Tongue

Title: Hymn of Makestation
Pastebin (or other) Link: http://pastebin.com/dCJxGciV#
Adapted From?: Hymn of the Soviet Union
Anything Else?: Nope.

Have fun!
This post was written at the consent of Blake, here known as 'Darth-Apple'

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  Do you use manga studio?
Posted by: 3DWaffle1 - August 30th, 2013 at 8:52 PM - Forum: Photography & Graphics - Replies (5)

Do you use manga studio? What version are you using? Do you find it useful?

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  I found a new version of Ajax Chat that has a registration system
Posted by: Darth-Apple - August 30th, 2013 at 5:00 PM - Forum: Web Design & Internet - Replies (3)

Ajax chat is a very popular ajax chat client and is used by many websites to offer a simple, fully-featured chat room. It is able to be integrated with most popular forum software options, but the standalone version has the disadvantage of not having a registration system. I found a version today that included it by default, and it looks quite nice.


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Posted by: Darth-Apple - August 30th, 2013 at 3:15 AM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (3)

Obviously, there has been a lot of news going around lately about the bombing related to Syria, and it has been a very tense issue of debate as to how the US and many European nations will respond to the issue. What is your opinion on the matter?

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  "Who is online" script for Ajax chat (can be integrated universally)
Posted by: Darth-Apple - August 30th, 2013 at 2:18 AM - Forum: Software - No Replies

This is a very simple script that generates a list of users online in Ajax Chat, and it can be integrated with your website easily using an iframe. You can use notepad++ to paste this into a file named online.php, or you can alternatively download the attached file. You will need to manually configure the database connection settings (on line 2 of the script) but other than that it should work without any need for changes. It also puts the user's username in italics if [Away] is found in the username, which is designed to make it compatible with "AFK" command modifications. You can modify this as needed.


$sql = 'SELECT
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
echo "Users Online: ";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
$away_text = "[Away]"; // This will italicized usernames that have [Away] anywhere in the username. This can be modified as needed.
if (strrpos ($row['userName'], $away_text, -1)){
$string = str_replace("[Away]", "", $row['userName']);
echo "<i>".$string. "</i>";
else {
echo $row['userName'];
echo ", ";
if ($i != 1) {
echo " <b>".$i." members online</b>";
else {
echo " <b>".$i." member online</b>";

Important: : Make sure to use a program such as notepad++ to paste the contents of this file. Otherwise, extra space will be put at the beginning of the file that will make it unexecutable. You may also download the attached file.

I have set this up to be integrated on the index using an iframe at several websites. You can use something like this to integrate this script into any place on your forum or website. Modify this as needed.

<iframe style="display:inline;" src="http://example.com/chat/online.php" height="44px" marginheight="1px" frameborder="0" width="550px" scrolling="auto" seamless>Live Chat <a href="http://example.com/online.php">click here to see who is online. </a></iframe>

Attached Files
.php   online.php (Size: 741 bytes / Downloads: 560)
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  How many posts does your forum get daily?
Posted by: Tyler - August 28th, 2013 at 7:15 AM - Forum: Web Design & Internet - Replies (1)

I've basically been going around asking this, Just wondering Cool

I average around 5-20 posts a day.

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Posted by: Marc - August 28th, 2013 at 12:51 AM - Forum: Other Games - Replies (13)

Does anyone here play The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim? I purchased this game for PC a couple of months ago, and I must say, it's an excellent game. The world is huge and there are a lot of quests to tackle. I love the battle system, however, I heard a couple of people giving negative feedback about it. Still, the battle system is okay for me. It's like you're fighting the enemy in real life.

PC gamers can download mods from the Steam Workshop or Skyrim Nexus (I think that's the name of the website where Skyrim moders go). Mods never worked on my PC. Every time I tried to install one, the game crashed or there was some error message. Maybe it's because I purchased a Russian Steam key for a really low price. Who knows... Everyone else I know says that mods work fine for 'em.

The gameplay is fun but there are times you will get stuck in the game. The last time I got stuck, I left the game to collect dust on my PC for several weeks, lol. Still, there should be a lot of tutorials for the game on the Internet since the game isn't exactly "new", Wink

What are your thoughts about Skyrim?

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  The Political Compass
Posted by: Darth-Apple - August 28th, 2013 at 12:07 AM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (34)


It's definitely an interesting test I'd recommend to anyone. I scored out as being slightly upper-left wing.

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