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Banished |
Posted by: Kyng - April 1st, 2021 at 6:15 PM - Forum: Simmania
- Replies (21)
Has anybody here played Banished?
If you haven't played this, it's a city-building strategy game, developed by Shining Rock Software. You start a settlement, and you need to manage its limited resources carefully, and handle challenges such as famines, natural disasters and an aging population. However, should you succeed at managing these issues, the town will grow and, eventually, prosper.
I haven't played it yet, but it seems to be right up by street, and the Steam reviews look very good - so, I'm pretty certain that I'm going to get it .
What about you?
Hobby cooks among you? |
Posted by: tc4me - March 30th, 2021 at 8:29 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (8)
My career aspirations were always clear, either a car mechanic or a cook :-) doesn't fit together at all, but that's how I wanted it. At the age of 14 I already had 2 apprenticeships, an apprenticeship as a cook at the Intercontinentel Hotel or a mechanic apprenticeship in your 5-man workshop at home around the corner. My friend, who was a cook at Intercont, then advised me not to study in a large kitchen. So I became a car mechanic and a car electrician. I have never given up my cooking desires, I already cooked food when I was 10 years old, and so I have been doing it as a hobby of bakeries and cooking for more than 40 years. I also liked to cook and bake at the fire brigade, and always according to feeling, never according to recipe. How are you guys? Do you cook and bake too? lg Tc4me
Member of the Month - March 2021 VOTE |
Posted by: Guardian - March 29th, 2021 at 12:52 PM - Forum: Community Related
- Replies (6)
Please make your selection or the Member of the Month for March 2021.
This vote is to recognize members for their contributions for the month the award is named. In this case, a user's contributions for the month of March 2021 led to their nomination for the March Member of the Month.
The poll is anonymous, and no one will see your vote. Poll ends 6 April.
Member of the Month candidates:
NOTE: Partly because I am a slacker and wasn't around for the last week to post nominations, and because its been a slow month in general, I just pulled the 3 most-active users to choose from.
MyAlert ad customization |
Posted by: tc4me - March 18th, 2021 at 8:23 AM - Forum: MyBB Related
- No Replies
Good Morning, I was busy with the Myalert notification today, and what bothers me is the display in the Alert (0) header, there shouldn't be a bracket and number, and if there is a message, then not such a stupid bracket with number
That's why I found some things in Mybb and changed them to that
You need to look at the template in ACP> Templates & Style> Templates (left bar)> * YOUR THEME *> MyAlerts Templates> myalerts_headericon.
replace content by this
Code: <li class="alerts {$newAlertsIndicator}">
<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/alerts.php" class="myalerts" onclick="MyBB.popupWindow('/alerts.php?modal=1&ret_link={$myalerts_return_link}', { fadeDuration: 250, zIndex: (typeof modal_zindex !== 'undefined' ? modal_zindex : 9999) }); return false;">{$lang->myalerts_alerts}
<if $mybb->user['unreadAlerts'] == 0 then></a>
<span class ="alert_counter">{$mybb->user['unreadAlerts']}</span></a>
and add css into ACP> Templates & Style> Theme (left bar)> * YOUR THEME *> alert.css
Code: .alert_counter {
position: relative;
top: -7px;
background-color: rgba(212, 19, 13, 1);
color: #fff;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 1px 3px;
font: 9px Verdana;
add this css code and save and refresh your index page with so unread notification
Restoring an old Graphic Equalizer |
Posted by: SpookyZalost - March 18th, 2021 at 3:02 AM - Forum: Technical Design/Build Journals
- Replies (4)
Finally decided to make a new Project Journal since I came across what should be an interesting challenge.
I recently got for free an ADC S-1 MKII, vintage circa mid to late 70's, maybe early 80's.
was pretty beat up, but was intact otherwise.
side note, this unit goes for anywhere between $40 and up to $70 working.
![[Image: JcOWA9X.png]](https://i.imgur.com/JcOWA9X.png)
it's not even a full featured one as it has only 5 rather than 10 sliders per channel but it'd be a fun restoration nonetheless.
Here's the unit as I got it.
![[Image: JrZQAqgl.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/JrZQAqgl.jpg)
![[Image: acNZ6lll.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/acNZ6lll.jpg)
Pretty beat up but the internals are hopeful and the potentiometers for the frequency adjustments slide smoothly, likely just need a good cleaning and a bit of silicone grease to lubricate them.
part of my plan is to replace the wood part of the case by fabricating a new one, it's just a simple 3 sided box with a lip on one side to attach to, should be able to come up with something and either paint it or leave it with a nice wood grain finish.
![[Image: z0soF9Tl.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/z0soF9Tl.jpg)
![[Image: dNVXQj2l.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/dNVXQj2l.jpg)
also going to change a couple minor things to update it a bit and make it easier to service in the future.
here's the power supply which I'll likely need to replace due to it's age.
![[Image: k3qNdY9l.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/k3qNdY9l.jpg)
so a few things of note.
several capacitors have started leaking though the traces are not on the capacitor side so that's good news, means there may not be any damaged traces.
(edited, yes there's no obviously damaged traces, it's a single layer board, hand drawn too by the looks of it).
at least 3 resistors are damaged, and all components are still available except for the transistors but I can get them pretty easily on ebay if needed.
when I get the chance to go over everything I'm going to write up a component list and try to reverse engineer the circuit as I go along with my multimeter as well as note which components are faulty, that'll be the next update.
I'm super glad I didn't plug it in to test it first given the state the components are in, but I can fix it for less than it's worth 
oh! and it has all the slider knobs btw!
![[Image: 9xExsV2l.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/9xExsV2l.jpg)
they just need a good soak in some warm soapy water and an air dry.
![[Image: xlvNZaPl.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/xlvNZaPl.jpg)
the wires are fairly short so I'm going to need to note which ones go to which pins (which are numbered!!!!), De Solder them, Then Remove the board
The great news is, it's a single layer board, the components are mounted opposite the traces so nothing was damaged by the leaky capacitors near as I can tell.
Definitely 1970's.
the traces are not electronically drawn, they're curved instead of straight angles which is a pretty solid indicator.
The good news is, that makes reverse engineering it easier since being single layer and hand drawn means you can visually connect what pins on what components go where.
the pins themselves are marked on the side they sit on so this should be pretty easy once I de solder the wires holding it in place.
Biden said he thought Putin was a "murderer" |
Posted by: tc4me - March 17th, 2021 at 7:38 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (2)
Somebody should say again, Trump is and was an idiot, Biden is no better! Quote News
In an interview with ABC News broadcast on Wednesday, Biden said he thought Putin was a "murderer". In addition, the Russian head of state will “pay” for trying to undermine his 2020 presidential candidacy.
Biden was asked in the interview if he believed that Putin “is a murderer” - the new US president replied: “I do.” Biden did not provide any further details and did not make it clear whether he might be dealing with it referred to the case of the attempted poisoning of the Kremlin critic Alexander Navalny.
Moscow: "Attack on Putin is an attack on our country"
On Tuesday, the US authorities published a new report that Russia interfered in the 2020 US presidential election. Moscow reacted immediately and sharply to Biden's statements. "Putin is our president and an attack on him is an attack on our country," wrote the President of the Russian House of Commons, Vyacheslav Volodin, in the Telegram online service.
Does the woman grabber want a world war?
MyBB Updates Completed |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - March 11th, 2021 at 4:27 AM - Forum: Announcements
- Replies (17)
Hi all,
We just completed emergency updates on our forum software and server. These sorts of updates *usually* break things (we've seen some serious wreckage in the past), so we normally test them to make sure everything is good before we put them in place. This time, however, they had several critical security patches that we had to run immediately to prevent any breaches. Not to worry, we patched them very quickly and the community is safe.
That being said, there are almost always bugs after one of these is run, and we had to push this one very quickly. We will be fixing any issues in the coming hours, so please report anything you may encounter!