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tc4me February 19th, 2025
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tc4me February 19th, 2025
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#Win court appeal spells+...
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  $328 million increase in US debt after ceiling extension
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 20th, 2013 at 3:46 AM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (2)


This is insane. That's literally 1/3 of $1,000,000,000,000 borrowed in one day. This has really become a bit concerning lately.

What are your thoughts?

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  Are you a social networking junkie?
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 19th, 2013 at 4:09 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

I figured I'd throw this together. Just score yourself on each question, then add up the points to determine whether or not you are a modern social networking junkie.

A: How many social networks are you registered and active on?
1: None
2: only one.
3: 2-3
4: 3-5
5: 5+

B: How much time daily do you spend on social networks?
1: ten minutes or less
2: 10-30 minutes
3: 30-60 minutes.
4: 1-3 hours.
5: 3+ hours

C: How many times in the course of a day do you check social networks, on average?
1: Once or twice per week (or less)
2: Daily
3: A few times daily
4: Every hour
5: I get notifications on my phone. Tongue

D: How many facebook friends do you have? (Come on, we all have a Facebook account. Tongue )
1: <100
2: 100-250
3: 250-500
4: 500-1,000
5: 1,000+

E: How often do you make status updates (between all social networks)
1: less than once per week
2: A few times per week
3: Daily
4: A few times per day
5: Hourly

F: What best describes your posts on social networks?
1: "Hey guys! I need to make some money for a good cause. Come help us out by visiting our garage sale at..."
2: "I just got a new car! Feeling excited..."
3: "I hate oxyclean."
4: "OMG I just went to walmart! I haven't gone for 5 days. "
5: "I hate my life, my coworker did X, Y, and then ditched me because of Z. What a jerk!"

Simply score yourself on each one of the questions, then add up the points. Anywhere from 5-30 points can be made.

<10 points: Go get a facebook account.
10-15 points: Go log into your facebook account.
15-20: Average social network user
20-25: Social network junkie Big Grin
25-30: Asdf? Tongue

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  How many youtube channels are you subscribed to?
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 19th, 2013 at 2:25 AM - Forum: Media & Entertainment - Replies (10)

Personally, I'm only subscribed to about five. I'd like to find a few new ones to subscribe to. There are some amazing channels up on Youtube.

How many are you subscribed to? Be sure to vote in the poll! Big Grin

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  Favorite Magazines?
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 18th, 2013 at 9:57 PM - Forum: Creative Writing - Replies (9)

I personally love Maximum PC, although it's been a while since I last picked up one.

What are your favorite magazines?

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  The graphics competition thread
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 18th, 2013 at 8:22 PM - Forum: Photography & Graphics - Replies (10)

Hello Makestation!

I figured it'd be a good idea to pull in a mini-competition here, so this will serve as a simple, graphics design competition. Basically, we'll get two people to put in their submissions, and users will vote in this thread. After a few votes have been placed or a new submission is made, we'll determine the winner based on the votes, and a new round will begin. This should be pretty simple.

I'll kick us off with my submission. (click for full size). Feel free to place your own submissions, and we'll get our first round started! Big Grin

[Image: EPeZUqP.jpg]

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  Is photoshop worth its hefty price tag?
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 18th, 2013 at 6:18 PM - Forum: Photography & Graphics - Replies (16)

Undoubtedly, photoshop has pretty much become the leader in graphics design. However, many people have either been unable to afford the price tag, or found it to be too expensive for what it is.

I'd personally love to purchase photoshop, but I haven't really had a lot of spare cash to spend right now, so I've stuck with GIMP and Inkscape for the time being. What's your opinion? Is Photoshop worth its price tag?

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  Member Milestones
Posted by: simlink - October 18th, 2013 at 2:55 AM - Forum: Community Related - Replies (3)

Just thought I would point out we are nearing 100 members - currently sitting at 99. Woo! Go Makestation Go! Big Grin

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  Forum pet peeves?
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 18th, 2013 at 12:34 AM - Forum: Web Design & Internet - Replies (3)

What are your pet peeves when it comes to forums online?

One of my biggest pet peeves would have to be an overcrowded page full of ads. Nobody wants to look at a page full of ads, and even worse, when users try to click the register link, they get another popup ad, right in their face. Tongue

I also don't like it when forums have a war and peace index of boards on their site. Most forums don't need 80+ boards on the forum index, and it only makes everything very confusing and difficult to find.

What are your forum pet peeves?

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  Designing in a browser
Posted by: nolvorite - October 18th, 2013 at 12:34 AM - Forum: Photography & Graphics - Replies (6)

So who in here designs with a browser? With all the border radiuses, jQuery for animations and overall a more enhanced CSS there seems to be a less of a need for complicated designs when a simple color-schemed website can look just as sleek.

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Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 17th, 2013 at 11:17 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (1)

As you may have noticed, the boards have received a massive cleanup and have been organized. Some theme-related updates have also been made. The reorganization has consolidated a lot of boards and layed things out so that things will be easier to find.

1) We no longer have an entire two categories and eight boards dedicated to showcasing works. Instead, we have divided boards based on their topic, and have subforums for "showcase" boards. We hope the new layout will make more sense and will feel more much more balanced. It will probably be easier on the eyes as well.

2) We're also hoping to further promote our niche as a community with these updates. The simpler layout will allow more discussions and a better community atmosphere, and we hope you'll like the changes!

- The "Interrogation room" (or whatever it was called) has been merged with "our community." From now on, the "Our Community" board will serve as the place for all discussions related to the community or to its members.

- A lot of technology boards have been merged. This was a huge cleanup, and we hope you'll like the changes.

- The webmaster related boards have their own board on the index instead of existing within a subforum.

- The graphics and writing boards have been expanded. (Whoo! Tongue )

- Creative Arts General Discussion has been expanded.

- A lot of boards have been consolidated to make a much simpler layout. Big Grin

If you have any comments, feedback, or suggestions, feel free to let us know! We hope you'll like the changes!

-The Administration

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