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February 19th, 2025
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February 19th, 2025
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February 19th, 2025
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Anyone watch football/soccer? |
Posted by: Martin - May 29th, 2018 at 5:14 PM - Forum: Sports
- Replies (10)
If so, what team do you support? I am a Manchester United fan through and through even if recent times haven't exactly left me happy.
cant pay? we'll take it away on channel 5 (UK) |
Posted by: VSS - May 29th, 2018 at 4:07 PM - Forum: Media & Entertainment
- Replies (13)
this is certainly one of the most engaging tv shows in a while. i watch this series on youtube. what is this you might ask? well, as defined by wikipedia:
Quote:Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away! is a factual/reality documentary series on Channel 5. It follows the work of High Court enforcement officers(previously known as sheriff's officers) as they execute High Court writs across England and Wales, on those who have failed to make repayments on a debt or refuse to vacate a property. The series was first broadcast on 24 February 2014, featuring HCEA's of High Court Solutions. Five series of the programme have been broadcast to date.
As of 29 March 2018, the first three series have been made available on Netflix in the US and Canada. The first two series are available on Netflix UK.
iam huge fan of the show. too bad we dont have this kind where i live.
Posted by: SpookyZalost - May 29th, 2018 at 8:09 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (23)
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linux peppermint vs windows 10 |
Posted by: VSS - May 29th, 2018 at 5:41 AM - Forum: Technology & Hardware
- Replies (5)
in the last 2 months ive been thinking off and on about trying to replace problematic win10 with linux. so far ive jotted down many programs that are compatible with linux that iam familiar with. in terms of performance , security issues , user interface which one would you choose when addressing these 3 issues?
the other programs that are still left undecided whether or not they are compatible with linux:
paint.net , bandizip , aimp media player , epic privacy browser , moviejack
VSS has arrived |
Posted by: VSS - May 29th, 2018 at 5:23 AM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (8)
basically i followed the link from guardian's sig on the soon-to-be defunct IB support forum. i go by this name there. cheers everyone
Martin here |
Posted by: Martin - May 28th, 2018 at 6:08 PM - Forum: Introductions
- Replies (7)
Hey everyone, saw a few other members from IcyBoards say they will hang out here from now onwards so I thought I would join up too and keep in touch. Looks like a nice forum so look forward to chatting with you all!
Any Seinfeld fans? |
Posted by: Electric2Shock - May 28th, 2018 at 4:09 PM - Forum: Media & Entertainment
- Replies (3)
I watched Seinfeld just earlier this year and I can't believe how wittingly funny it is. I'm not American, mind you, and barely anybody has ever of Seinfeld in this place. Everybody is just a FRIENDS fan.
Which is also a good sitcom.
Chatcave Support moving to MS! |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - May 28th, 2018 at 4:22 AM - Forum: Chatcave.me Support
- Replies (1)
Hello all!
Chatcave has been a project that I've had for a little over four years now. It was started as an attempt to create some sort of hosted service for the inexperienced programmer that I was at the time. It turns out that it's not all that server intensive, and we are hosting 600+ chat rooms as of now. From a technical standpoint it was fairly easy, and it's been a fun little side project ever since.
The forum over there, however, is pretty trash. I've decided to go ahead and migrate support over here to make it much easier to maintain just one forum instead of two. Feel no obligation to really provide support, I have a feeling a lot of that will be on me. However, I will say that despite the website needing significant work and being very much neglected as of recent, it's actually a neat little service. We'll get the website fixed, but feel free to check it out! Its main downside is that it is not IRC compatible, but it's intended for communities that have smaller needs and there seem to be people who don't really mind.
The official migration will happen sometime towards the end of June, and I have plans to clean up the service and revive it a bit. I'm also hoping to use Chatcave as a means of hopefully getting a little more eyes on MS and bringing some traffic our way. And plus, maybe some people will check us out as a token of appreciation for hosting their chats. (Hopefully? Maybe? IDK anymore... )
Anyway, that's what's going on here in this board, in case you were confused. Expect a few threads to be posted in the coming weeks, and feel free to jump in if you wish. Otherwise, don't mind the work here. I do believe that unifying the two websites will be a benefit in the long run.
The worst design project ever completed. |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - May 28th, 2018 at 4:13 AM - Forum: Photography & Graphics
- Replies (6)
As a part of my major for finishing up my bachelors degree, I am taking a class through my local community college online for 2D design. I expected, you know, GIMP, photoshop, inkscape, actual graphics design, or at least drawing. Instead, we're doing crafts. Like, 2nd grade style crafts.
I will say that the beauty in taking classes at the community college and transferring to the university is this: Whatever grade I make has absolutely no impact on my GPA. As long as I make at least a C, I'm okay. It will transfer and nothing else makes a difference. Being that I'm taking calculus 1 and 2 back to back this summer, this design class is definitely low on my priority list.
But this is, quite literally, the stuff they've made us do. I guess you have to start somewhere. I was never much a fan of crafts, and certainly never expected to have to do them in college. 
Pretty trash if you ask me. Definitely barely a C at best.