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  Megan's Art and stuff
Posted by: Megan - September 26th, 2020 at 8:09 PM - Forum: Digital Journals - Replies (1)

I guess I could share some art and stuff here. Basically I guess will be a dump spot for any art and graphics I make.

Here's some art. Most of it is older Put it in spoilers since some are a little bigger.:

[spoiler][Image: ChibiKyle4.jpg][/spoiler]

[spoiler][Image: KyleSleeping2.jpg][/spoiler]

[spoiler][Image: Maroon6.jpg][/spoiler]

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  Spotify "Data Saving" mode
Posted by: Darth-Apple - September 25th, 2020 at 3:57 PM - Forum: Media & Entertainment - Replies (2)

I discovered this recently, and it's been interesting. I don't have unlimited data, so saving data on Spotify is a big deal for me. I didn't realize this, however: It's 24kbps (HE-AAC). Spotify normally uses Ogg Vorbis, so I'm surprised they dropped it to AAC for this, but the 24kbps is shocking, to say the least. 

I took a listen, and it's absolutely amazing how good it sounds at such an abysmal bitrate. Make no mistake, I can definitely tell the difference from the higher quality ones (it sounds a little more reverb/echo-ish, especially when the drums come in), but it doesn't sound terrible by any means. 

Sirius/SiriusXM/XMRadio receivers generally use VBR at around 30-44kbps and sound MUCH worse (especially the old Sirius-only radios, the newer XM and SiriusXM ones sound a little better), so I'm quite surprised. 

I generally can hear the difference between an MP3 and the CD at anything about 160kbps and lower, or with AAC, I can hear the differences even between 256kbps and the CD (surprisingly, as AAC is a better format).I'm not even an audiophile (haha Finna), and can definitely hear artifacts in higher bitrates, so I was surprised at how good Spotify pulled it off at 24kbps. 

Anyone else used low bit rate audio before? What were your experiences? It's more or less obsolete with the storage we have available now, but it's still amazing how well some of the more modern formats can pull this off.

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  iOS 14
Posted by: Darth-Apple - September 23rd, 2020 at 7:58 PM - Forum: Technology & Hardware - Replies (4)

Has anyone else updated yet? 

It’s quite a welcome update in my opinion. Adds widgets and the new App Library, both of which are long overdue features that android had had had for around a decade. It’s also quite a bit faster and drains my battery less. 

What are your thoughts on iOS 14?

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  Member of the Month - October 2020
Posted by: Guardian - September 23rd, 2020 at 6:56 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (9)

Congratulations to @brian51 on your selection as October Member of the Month!

Makestation Member of the Month - Award Nominations

The Makestation Member of the Month vote is held to recognize that have made positive contributions to the community. The Member of the Month for October, will be recognized for their contributions for the previous month (September).

To nominate a member for this award, please submit your nominations here.

All qualifying nominations must be received by 29 September to be considered. Voting will begin as soon as I can possibly get one established, but no earlier than 30 September.

Get your nominations in!

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  Deactivated FB
Posted by: Darth-Apple - September 22nd, 2020 at 2:15 AM - Forum: Lifestyle - Replies (9)

I was getting doxxed (stalked on social media and having personal information leaked publicly by strangers). Things got out of hand a tadddd bit too much. 

And before you assume too much, I'm staunchly opposed to racism of any kind. I got doxxed by racist people saying some... very offensive things. Let's put it that way. Finna 

I decided to deactivate my primary facebook account until after the election. I did this in 2016 and it was a good decision. (For anyone who isn't in America, it's absolute chaos on the streets here. It's pretty much war in a lot of places, so we're hanging in there the best we can. My city has stayed safe and thankfully, the police here did an excellent job listening to the people and addressing injustice. Not all cities in America can stay the same. That being said, I love my country and I do everything I can to make a positive difference. I'm very thankful to have a roof over my head and will never complain, knowing there are people who are doing much worse. I'm blessed and very thankful. )

Anyway, I feel much lighter and less stressed already. I created a new one for close friends and have about 20 people on it, and that's it. It's amazing how much better I feel not having to stress about being doxxed, finding random screenshots of my profile everywhere, and getting hate mail from people 2-3/week in my inbox and my posts. People are unhinged. It's amazing, in all the wrong ways. It's just... I'm truthfully shocked and speechless. 

Stay safe everyone. Make sure your posts are private on FB and otherwise!

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  Life on Venus?
Posted by: Darvince - September 14th, 2020 at 11:01 PM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (8)


Detection of the chemical phosphine, PH3, phosphorus with hydrogens attached to it, has happened in the atmosphere of Venus. They say it is an energetically costly molecule that can only be made by either unknown chemical processes, or bacteria. It's not very common on Earth, because it can only be made by bacteria killed by oxygen, but Venus seems a suitable place for such a life form, if the phosphine is there, and it is life making it.

"But if phosphine really is floating through the Venusian cloud deck, its presence suggests one of two intriguing possibilities: that alien life-forms are deftly linking together phosphorus and hydrogen atoms, or that some completely unanticipated chemistry is crafting phosphine in the absence of life."

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Exclamation Hy friends !!!!
Posted by: tc4me - September 1st, 2020 at 9:59 AM - Forum: Lifestyle - Replies (2)

Hy friends, I would like to speak for a moment, unfortunately I am still very stressed. It's about my son Ben and the start of special school. Unfortunately, we don't get an autistic helper, the state doesn't want to take over the costs, the official car is very stressful, and as it looks now, he can't go to school. Without help with eating, changing diapers etc .. he cannot go to school, he also needs protection from himself and others that he hurts himself. Without accompaniment, no chance. School would start next week, but today I called again for 4 hours to get help, unfortunately only canceled, so I now have an application that I can only send this week for home schooling through me.
Sorry that I only take a quick look at you and don't post anything, but I just feel like I can do more with my head and energy.
Regards Tc4me  Blush

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  Member of the Month VOTE - September 2020
Posted by: Guardian - August 31st, 2020 at 7:55 PM - Forum: Community Related - Replies (14)

Please make your selection or the Member of the Month for September 2020.

This vote is to recognize members for their contributions for the previous month. In this case, a user's contributions for the month of August lead to their nomination for the September Member of the Month.

The poll is anonymous, and no one will see your vote.

Member of the Month candidates:


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  Makestation Community RPG Night
Posted by: SpookyZalost - August 28th, 2020 at 2:22 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (1)

[Image: 6gpFmlu.png]
what: Makestation Community D&D and RPG night.
when: 2X per month on Sundays starting as soon as we get a few more members to join.
where: Makestation unofficial discord: Roleplay subchat.

Hello there, Zalost here!  I'm speaking on behalf of the budding Tabletop RPG group that's formed out of a few interested members of the Makestation forums.  I'm writing this announcement up to let everyone know that we are currently looking for new players to join us as we delve deeply and greedily into dungeons, go on grand adventures seeking rare treasures, and occasionally saving the world from evil!  So far we're playing D&D 5th edition with pathfinder expansion and could really use a few new members to fill out the party.

So if you're interested here's how to apply to join.

First, you must be a member of makestation!
Second, you need to create a character.
and Third, post in the Roleplay section of the makestation discord letting us know you are interested or send a PM my way and I'll pass it along to our GM!

for your character creation, pick one of the available races and classes and build to a 20 point buy here.
information on available characters and classes here.

And remember, the most important rule of gaming! have fun!

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  Member of the Month - September 2020
Posted by: Guardian - August 24th, 2020 at 12:24 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (1)

Congratulations to @Megan on your selection as September Member of the Month!

Makestation Member of the Month - Award Nominations

The Makestation Member of the Month vote is held to recognize that have made positive contributions to the community. The Member of the Month for September, will be recognized for their contributions for the previous month (August).

To nominate a member for this award, please submit your nominations here.

All qualifying nominations must be received by 30 August to be considered. Voting will begin as soon as I can possibly get one established, but no earlier than 31 August.

Get your nominations in!

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