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  FTC, 47 states file suits to break up Instagram and WhatsApp from Facebook
Posted by: Thomas - December 9th, 2020 at 11:46 PM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (7)



Thank god. Break up Google, Amazon, and Apple while you're at it.

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  CentOS is discontinued
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 9th, 2020 at 4:03 PM - Forum: Technology & Hardware - Replies (19)

Given that millions of web servers depend on CentOS, this one is going to make some fairly deep waves in the industry. CentOS will no longer be a free version on RHEL (sans the enterprise support). The version as we know it is going to be discontinued in 2021. (It will be replaced with CentOS stream, a rolling release model unsuitable for server environments). 

This is hugely disappointing news for some. CPanel and many other options are designed specifically with CentOS in mind, and although they are recently being made compatible with other options, CentOS/RHEL is still the preferred, tested, and uniquely stable option. The natural alternative is Ubuntu Server, and it’s a worthy replacement (and is my server OS of choice, personally). They are roughly equivalent and both have vibrant camps of users. However, CentOS and Ubuntu do a number of things differently. Dev Ops engineers tend to stick with what they are more familiar with, and CentOS has a very good reputation for stability in the industry.  

What are your thoughts? Is this going to push more to use Ubuntu Server, or will people find other alternatives? 


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  Makestation Awards 2020
Posted by: Guardian - December 9th, 2020 at 12:14 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (6)

Congratulations @Kyng  for your selection as 2020 Newcomer of the Year!

Congratulations @tc4me  on your selection as 2020 Member of the Year!

Project of the year is a two-way tie between the MyBB Status Updates and the Hardware Keylogger.

Congratulations everyone!

Makestation Annual Awards

We are currently taking nominations for Makestation Annual Awards for the year 2018. The following are the official categories.

  • 2020 Member of the Year
  • 2020 Newcomer of the Year
  • 2020 Project of the Year

Based upon additional community input, we're trialing nominations for the below. They may not become official awards if there are not adequate nominations.

  • 2020 Thread of the Year
  • 2020 Post of the Year
Please submit your nominations here. All qualifying nominations must be received by 21 December to be considered. Voting will begin as soon as I can possibly get one established, but no earlier than 22 December.

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Tongue Age difference between your partner and you?
Posted by: tc4me - December 4th, 2020 at 5:50 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (11)

What was the biggest age difference between you and your partner? How about you now?

With my previous wife the difference was 16 years by which she was younger, with my current wife (Bianca) it is even bigger, she is 31 Y and I am 55 Y Shy

how is or was that with you?

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  Hack smith and the world’s brightest flashlight
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 3rd, 2020 at 11:22 PM - Forum: Technology & Hardware - Replies (3)

I came across this on YouTube. It’s a worthy watch. They built a flashlight so bright that it broke through glass. We’re not talking sound. We’re talking light. And it’s about the size of a fiat 500. 

What a project. Absolutely amazing.

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  Essential Oils?
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 1st, 2020 at 7:57 PM - Forum: Lifestyle - Replies (15)

I have NEVER been a believer. I swore up and down it was snake oil. And most of it probably is, but I was anything but correct about them on a broad scale. 

I found some oil the other day to treat an ongoing sinus infection. Mind you, no other medication has been able to treat it. Not even prescription antibiotics could wipe it out as fast as essential oil based ones did. And one of them cleared up my sinuses within about two minutes of applying. They cleared up so fast that it actually hurt with how fast they drained. 

No medication has ever done that before. It was literally instant. Drained completely within about two minutes. I was completely and totally shocked.

I think I might have gone from a skeptic to a believer. There might actually be something to this stuff. 

Anyone else tried these before? What were your experiences?

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  Member of the Month VOTE - December 2020
Posted by: Guardian - December 1st, 2020 at 12:05 AM - Forum: Community Related - No Replies

Please make your selection or the Member of the Month for December 2020.

This vote is to recognize members for their contributions for the previous month. In this case, a user's contributions for the month of November lead to their nomination for the December Member of the Month.

The poll is anonymous, and no one will see your vote.

Member of the Month candidates:


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  Formula 1 driver Romain Grosjean after the serious accident in Bahrain
Posted by: tc4me - November 30th, 2020 at 7:05 AM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (2)

[attachment=359][attachment=361][attachment=363]Great, the security guard on the left runs away first, then he armed the fire extinguisher 15 meters away, then he started to extinguish it at a distance of 10 meters .. Um, what does it extinguish at 10 meters? and does not go closer than 5 meters .. Magic powder extinguisher? Throwing distance (spraying distance)? So if they are already employing volunteer security guards, then they should not only be there to watch for free, but also master their job. If the Saftycar team had not reacted so well and quickly, Romain ev would no longer be alive, look closely, the RACING DOCTOR even have to help the 2 security guard with fire extinguishers

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Shocked Dave Prowse: Darth Vader actor dies aged 85
Posted by: tc4me - November 29th, 2020 at 10:25 AM - Forum: Current Events - Replies (1)

Dave Prowse, the Bristolian former bodybuilder best known for playing Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy, has died aged 85.

Prowse was cast as Vader for his imposing physique, even though the role was voiced by James Earl Jones.

But the weightlifter-turned-actor was most proud of playing the Green Cross Code Man. The role, promoting road safety in the UK, earned him an MBE.

"May the force be with him, always!" said his agent Thomas Bowington.

"Though famous for playing many monsters - for myself, and all who knew Dave and worked with him, he was a hero in our lives."

Dave Prowse
image captionProwse, a personal trainer, and his brother were responsible for starting some of the first gyms in England
Mr Bowington called the actor's death, after a short illness, "a truly and deeply heart-wrenching loss for us and millions of fans all over the world".

Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars movies, said he was "so sad" to hear the news.


When I was in the cinema with my father as a child and Dath Vader saw it for the first time, I was completely AFRAID.

Yes folks, that was an event earlier, CINEMA ... it was a long time ago


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  Will PHP always dominate shared hosting?
Posted by: Darth-Apple - November 27th, 2020 at 8:32 PM - Forum: Web Design & Internet - Replies (12)

This seems like a ridiculous, even laughable question. Of course it will. But why? 

Wordpress powers well over 1/3 of the entire internet alone. And among non-wordpress sites, many of them are using services such as Blogspot or Weebly, or other PHP related scripts. The consumer, entry level market for smaller websites is completely and totally dominated by PHP. 

Developers of course have largely moved elsewhere for larger-scale, commercial projects. Python/Django, Ruby, Rust, Go, Java, etc. are all far better for many uses cases, and are certainly faster and have picked up a lot of ground over the past decade. And truthfully, I would far rather code with Django/Python instead of PHP any day. PHP is one of my least favorite languages, but it's not one I have the luxery of avoiding. 

I started researching alternatives to CMSs and forums that are written in other softwares, and most of them (besides NodeJS options) are relatively obscure and not well-known. I then, naturally, started researching shared hosts (such as Godaddy or Dreamhost), in search for answers as to why. And most of them support other options, but not without a great deal of SSH setup. It isn't exactly a walk in the park to install these applications.

Granted, for any developer, the setup is easy enough to do on SSH. But for the average wordpress owner, SSH is a mystery and somewhat of an enigma. It's never been touched before and would be well beyond the expertise of the vast array of Wordpress websites that existence. Hence, PHP will likely always dominate the mainstream CMS market. And it's sad, in a sense, because other languages would perhaps be even better suited than PHP for writing these kinds of applications.

I'm not sure that could ever change unless we made other options much more accessible for everyday, non-professionals who set up websites. That's not to say that Python, Java, NodeJS, and otherwise have not picked up a ton of ground server side. They are much more common than PHP for companies and businesses, who typically avoid PHP when they can. Django and NodeJS are HUGE, all on their own. Finna

But they're big for companies and developers, not for the everyday Godaddy site owner (who probably doesn't need alternatives anyway). But it's unfortunate, in a sense, because Django would probably be far better suited for writing WP/Drupal styled CMSs, and the market has a barrier to entry for alternatives such as these.

But for the time being, what are your thoughts on PHP's future? Will other options ever become more accessible? Is there a market for easy, ready-made shared Python/NodeJS options for hosting?

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