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"Happy Holidays" |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 24th, 2014 at 3:28 AM - Forum: Current Events
- Replies (1)
So, at one of my jobs, I'm not allowed to say "merry christmas" as a fear of offending someone who doesn't celebrate christmas. Very few people here in America don't celebrate christmas, whether religious about their celebration or not, but there are some who still choose to avoid it. The usage of "xmas" has increased as well, sometimes (not always) used as a way to remove "christ" from christmas.
Personally, I'm honestly not all that bothered with using "happy holidays" instead of merry christmas, partly because christmas isn't the only holiday people are celebrating. I'm not really one to pick problems where problems don't exist, but with that said, given the option, I'll generally use "merry christmas" more often than "happy holidays," simply because that seems to be on people's minds more. I suppose that's easy for me to say considering I do celebrate Christmas.
What is your opinion? Should "merry christmas" be avoided in public situations to avoid offending those who don't celebrate christmas? Is it something that is not necessary due to the majority of people who do celebrate?
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Posted by: +Wolf - December 21st, 2014 at 8:00 PM - Forum: Other Communites & Promotion
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Shopping = done |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 20th, 2014 at 5:54 AM - Forum: General Discussion
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In the midst of a very busy schedule and two jobs, I have successfully managed to finish my christmas shopping. This year was way too pricey, but I'll be working many long hours through the holidays to make up for it.
Anyone else wait until the "last minute" as I did for their shopping? I'm not one of those christmas eve shoppers, but I do consider one week prior to christmas to be a little on the late side.
MyBB - display content on profile only if ? is filled |
Posted by: Harry K. - December 18th, 2014 at 10:27 AM - Forum: MyBB Related
- Replies (2)
I can't seem to work out how to only display certain content only if multiple custom profile fields have been filled in.
The custom profile fields are:
- Ad BG Image
- Ad Name(1 word)
- Ad link
if all of these fields are filled in, I want it to show the content, however if only 1 or 2(or none) of them are, I don't want it to display. I know this can be done in PHP, but I suck at that, haha, so I need some guidance.
Basically it would be something like this(I think):
PHP Code: <?php
if (**ALL FIELDS ARE FILLED IN** == true?) { then display the content } else { dont display the content }
The content that I want putting in there, is as follows:
Code: <div class="ui dimmable image" id="dim" style="float:right;margin-top:20px;">
<div class="ui dimmer">
<div class="content">
<div class="center">
<div class="ui inverted button">SOCIAL+</div>
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/EkXHK5R.png" class="ui image rounded">
Budget phone photography gallery? |
Posted by: Electric2Shock - December 5th, 2014 at 4:30 PM - Forum: Web Design & Internet
- Replies (2)
The title basically explains it. I had a brain idea of taking shots with lower end and middle end phone cameras and putting up a gallery and forum. It'll be powered by MyBB and the awesome power of XThreads.
It's not exactly an isolated idea, quite a few friends of me are quite into this and they can provide their own shots for show. On top of that, I've had a design idea chew my head through the exams and it wants an outlet.
What's your take?
What time do you hit the bed? |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 2nd, 2014 at 7:18 PM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (40)
Personally, I have not been much of a morning person lately due to some late nights at work, so I'll hit the bed anywhere from 11PM to 3AM, and have no set time for when I get up in the mornings. I'm hoping to change my habits a bit for this upcoming year because quite frankly, there are plenty of benefits to a more stable sleep schedule.
What time do you generally set for going to bed?