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  T-Mobile vs. AT&T
Posted by: Darth-Apple - February 7th, 2019 at 4:29 AM - Forum: Technology & Hardware - Replies (3)

Past experiences aside, I think I'm maybe a tad bit biased towards T-Mobile. Their network is kick a** and has improved significantly over the past few years. They have some dead spots in some rural areas. They literally have no low band (600/700 mhz) in large areas of my state, which by the way, is a pretty big deal. Every carrier has low bands. These are the bands that go far from the tower and provide a solid signal behind trees, cars, inside houses, etc. T-Mobile literally lacks this band in some areas of the country, including where I'm at. If I'm any more than a mile from a tower, it's spotty coverage. (This is not a problem everywhere. It very much depends on where you are at, and they are actually building a new band that will function next time you upgrade your phone, for many areas of the country at least. )

But honestly I don't really hold it against them too much because, even without this low band that every other carrier has, their coverage was absolutely fantastic inside of the city limits. Yes, I know, every carrier's is. I'm not talking about dead spots. I'm talking about speeds. I could literally pull 90 mbps. No other carrier I've ever been on has pulled those kinds of speeds without it being some kind of an outlier. Literally, this network was blazing (faster than WIFI) fast. Screaming fast - consistently. Very much blown away and impressed... You would have to try it to see how fast this network truly is.

AT&T, by comparison, has considerably better rural coverage and has a fairly reliable network as well. I have no complaints, but they are a little pricier. Their network is definitely noticeably slower. Granted, it's still very good, and outruns Sprint any day. But would I replace WIFI with it? Maybe I'm spoiled, but probably not... Also, whereas T-Mobile is pretty much either LTE coverage or no coverage, parts of AT&T's coverage area is legacy networks such as 3G and 2G networks. It's a little less consistent than T-Mobile's for that reason, but you're more likely to get at least some type of coverage when you're out in the far unknown.

I do hope T-Mobile continues to grow and expand at the rate it is expanding. They seem to have done an awesome job radically improving their network over the last few years. But, for the time being, I'm with AT&T, mainly because T-Mobile has poor coverage out in the area where my family lives. What are your guys' thoughts?

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  Alliance of American Football 2019
Posted by: Guardian - February 7th, 2019 at 1:09 AM - Forum: Sports - Replies (12)

[Image: a1dcc93bf86fc9aa19778c775845dd7e9cfd07d6_image-12.png]
The new Alliance of American Football's inaugural season kicks off this weekend. Who's watching?

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  Need web directory domain name idea
Posted by: Altair - February 7th, 2019 at 12:47 AM - Forum: Web Design & Internet - Replies (10)

If this is the wrong thread I apologize. 
I have brainstormed and brainstormed but I can't come up with a domain name . 
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  Two-column template
Posted by: Altair - February 7th, 2019 at 12:41 AM - Forum: Resources & Tutorials - No Replies

Two Column Template. 
No attribution needed. 
Preview: http://justaparadox.com/twolayout.html


     font-family: "Arial";
     line-height: 13.3px;
     font-size: 12.5px;
       outline: 10px solid #F5F5F5;
       width: 45%;
   .contentinside {
       width: 90%;
       margin: 0 auto;

   .rightHalf {
       outline: 10px solid #fff;
       background:transparent url(http://orig09.deviantart.net/d6e6/f/2015/003/b/d/white_background_by_funkichkn-   d8ceprb.jpg)
repeat-x 0 0;
/* use
... if you have text extending the right side of your page..
And you want the text to scroll



       text-align: justify;
   <div class="leftHalf">
       <div class="contentinside">
           <div class="leftHalf-left">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer convallis quis nulla ut malesuada. Nullam ullamcorper neque
       sed lacus lacinia egestas. Nullam malesuada mattis purus sit amet malesuada. Etiam porta a ligula eu feugiat. Mauris interdum ut odio nec posuere.
       Integer quam risus, egestas nec nibh ac, convallis tempor quam. Fusce elementum ex sem, hendrerit aliquet nunc tincidunt sed. Quisque ullamcorper orci mauris, eget aliquam ante pretium eu. Vestibulum ac tortor finibus, accumsan urna elementum, congue nulla. Nulla at ante quis erat pretium tincidunt sed sit amet justo. Duis eu nibh a sapien pellentesque interdum vel nec orci. Pellentesque facilisis risus quis justo bibendum auctor. Vestibulum sit amet nulla tellus. Pellentesque dapibus, ligula eget luctus dapibus, urna est luctus orci, vel vulputate nunc lectus sit amet risus. Sed eget porta lectus, eget blandit dolor.
   Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.  Integer quam risus, egestas nec nibh ac, convallis tempor quam. Fusce elementum ex sem, hendrerit aliquet nunc tincidunt sed. Quisque ullamcorper orci mauris, eget aliquam ante pretium eu. Vestibulum ac tortor finibus, accumsan urna elementum, congue nulla. Nulla at ante quis erat pretium tincidunt sed sit amet justo. Duis eu nibh a sapien pellentesque interdum vel nec orci. Pellentesque facilisis risus quis justo bibendum auctor. Vestibulum sit amet nulla tellus. Pellentesque dapibus, ligula eget luctus dapibus, urna est luctus orci, vel vulputate nunc lectus sit amet risus. Sed eget porta lectus, eget blandit dolor.

           <div class="leftHalf-right">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer convallis quis nulla ut malesuada. Nullam ullamcorper neque
       sed lacus lacinia egestas. Nullam malesuada mattis purus sit amet malesuada. Etiam porta a ligula eu feugiat. Mauris interdum ut odio nec posuere.
       Integer quam risus, egestas nec nibh ac, convallis tempor quam. Fusce elementum ex sem, hendrerit aliquet nunc tincidunt sed. Quisque ullamcorper orci mauris, eget aliquam ante pretium eu. Vestibulum ac tortor finibus, accumsan urna elementum, congue nulla. Nulla at ante quis erat pretium tincidunt sed sit amet justo. Duis eu nibh a sapien pellentesque interdum vel nec orci. Pellentesque facilisis risus quis justo bibendum auctor. Vestibulum sit amet nulla tellus. Pellentesque dapibus, ligula eget luctus dapibus, urna est luctus orci, vel vulputate nunc lectus sit amet risus. Sed eget porta lectus, eget blandit dolor.
  Integer quam risus, egestas nec nibh ac, convallis tempor quam. Fusce elementum ex sem, hendrerit aliquet nunc tincidunt sed. Quisque ullamcorper orci mauris, eget aliquam ante pretium eu. Vestibulum ac tortor finibus, accumsan urna elementum, congue nulla. Nulla at ante quis erat pretium tincidunt sed sit amet justo. Duis eu nibh a sapien pellentesque interdum vel nec orci. Pellentesque facilisis risus quis justo bibendum auctor. Vestibulum sit amet nulla tellus. Pellentesque dapibus, ligula eget luctus dapibus, urna est luctus orci, vel vulputate nunc lectus sit amet risus. Sed eget porta lectus, eget blandit dolor.

   <div class="contentinside">
       <div class="righthalf">

                <img src="http://oi63.tinypic.com/wtc935.jpg" class="img">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer convallis quis nulla ut malesuada. Nullam ullamcorper neque
       sed lacus lacinia egestas. Nullam malesuada mattis purus sit amet malesuada. Etiam porta a ligula eu feugiat. Mauris interdum ut odio nec posuere.
       Integer quam risus, egestas nec nibh ac, convallis tempor quam. Fusce elementum ex sem, hendrerit aliquet nunc tincidunt sed. Quisque ullamcorper orci mauris, eget aliquam ante pretium eu. Vestibulum ac tortor finibus, accumsan urna elementum, congue nulla. Nulla at ante quis erat pretium tincidunt sed sit amet justo. Duis eu nibh a sapien pellentesque interdum vel nec orci. Pellentesque facilisis risus quis justo bibendum auctor. Vestibulum sit amet nulla tellus. Pellentesque dapibus, ligula eget luctus dapibus, urna est luctus orci, vel vulputate nunc lectus sit amet risus. Sed eget porta lectus, eget blandit dolor.
  Integer quam risus, egestas nec nibh ac, convallis tempor quam. Fusce elementum ex sem, hendrerit aliquet nunc tincidunt sed. Quisque ullamcorper orci mauris, eget aliquam ante pretium eu. Vestibulum ac tortor finibus, accumsan urna elementum, congue nulla. Nulla at ante quis erat pretium tincidunt sed sit amet justo. Duis eu nibh a sapien pellentesque interdum vel nec orci. Pellentesque facilisis risus quis justo bibendum auctor. Vestibulum sit amet nulla tellus. Pellentesque dapibus, ligula eget luctus dapibus, urna est luctus orci, vel vulputate nunc lectus sit amet risus. Sed eget porta lectus, eget blandit dolor.


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  The Orville
Posted by: Altair - February 7th, 2019 at 12:35 AM - Forum: Media & Entertainment - Replies (3)

Anyone body here watch The Orville?
Ed Mercer an exemplary officer gets his own ship to only find out his ex wife is his commander.Its basically star trek 2.0 but is a great sci-fi show about exploring space. They deal with a lot of serious issues. For example in one of the previous episodes they deal with the topic is Issac the android sentient. At the same time there is humor in the show.

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  Three Column template
Posted by: Altair - February 7th, 2019 at 12:21 AM - Forum: Resources & Tutorials - Replies (8)

Three Column template. 
No attribution needed. 
Preview: http://justaparadox.com/columnlayout.html


position: fixed;

background:transparent url(http://orig09.deviantart.net/d6e6/f/2015/003/b/d/white_background_by_funkichkn-d8ceprb.jpg)
repeat-x 0 0;

overflow: scroll;
font-family: "Arial";
line-height: 13.3px;
font-size: 12.5px;



height: auto;
border-left: 1.5px dashed #000;
border-right: 1.5px dashed #000;

height: auto;

border-right: 1.5px dashed #000;


height: auto;
border-right: 1.5px dashed #000;

   /* here here*/

<div class="header"></div>
<div class="main">
   <div class="inner-main">

   <div class="columnsfit">

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer convallis quis nulla ut malesuada. Nullam ullamcorper neque sed lacus lacinia egestas. Nullam malesuada mattis purus sit amet malesuada. Etiam porta a ligula eu feugiat. Mauris interdum ut odio nec posuere. Integer quam risus, egestas nec nibh ac, convallis tempor quam. Fusce elementum ex sem, hendrerit aliquet nunc tincidunt sed. Quisque ullamcorper orci mauris, eget aliquam ante pretium eu. Vestibulum ac tortor finibus, accumsan urna elementum, congue nulla. Nulla at ante quis erat pretium tincidunt sed sit amet justo. Duis eu nibh a sapien pellentesque interdum vel nec orci. Pellentesque facilisis risus quis justo bibendum auctor. Vestibulum sit amet nulla tellus. Pellentesque dapibus, ligula eget luctus dapibus, urna est luctus orci, vel vulputate nunc lectus sit amet risus. Sed eget porta lectus, eget blandit dolor.

Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.
Etiam ut aliquam nisi. Ut vehicula volutpat sollicitudin. Proin suscipit, eros nec porttitor venenatis, orci massa laoreet nulla, a congue nisi augue non augue. Nam ultricies tincidunt pellentesque. Donec purus leo, bibendum id egestas sit amet, posuere nec urna.

Maecenas tristique, nunc quis luctus auctor, lectus ligula accumsan enim, quis tincidunt erat urna in neque. Quisque a diam enim. Aliquam eget diam vitae dui porttitor finibus. Curabitur suscipit neque vitae mauris dictum, ac aliquam sapien faucibus. Etiam eleifend libero arcu, id tristique lorem elementum tincidunt. Fusce ac massa luctus, venenatis quam sed, fringilla enim. Aenean leo diam, scelerisque efficitur elit vel, pellentesque posuere turpis. Pellentesque sed elit nulla. Curabitur odio lorem, ultrices in tincidunt vel, sodales quis lectus. Nam felis nisl, tempus eget arcu sit amet, semper consectetur enim. Duis sodales enim in ipsum pharetra pharetra.
Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.
Etiam ut aliquam nisi. Ut vehicula volutpat sollicitudin. Proin suscipit, eros nec porttitor venenatis, orci massa laoreet nulla, a congue nisi augue non augue. Nam ultricies tincidunt pellentesque. Donec purus leo, bibendum id egestas sit amet, posuere nec urna.

Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.
Etiam ut aliquam nisi. Ut vehicula volutpat sollicitudin. Proin suscipit, eros nec porttitor venenatis, orci massa laoreet nulla, a congue nisi augue non augue. Nam ultricies tincidunt pellentesque. Donec purus leo, bibendum id egestas sit amet, posuere nec urna.

Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.
Etiam ut aliquam nisi. Ut vehicula volutpat sollicitudin. Proin suscipit, eros nec porttitor venenatis, orci massa laoreet nulla, a congue nisi augue non augue. Nam ultricies tincidunt pellentesque. Donec purus leo, bibendum id egestas sit amet, posuere nec urna.

Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.
Etiam ut aliquam nisi. Ut vehicula volutpat sollicitudin. Proin suscipit, eros nec porttitor venenatis, orci massa laoreet nulla, a congue nisi augue non augue. Nam ultricies tincidunt pellentesque. Donec purus leo, bibendum id egestas sit amet, posuere nec urna.

    <div class="columnsfit2">

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer convallis quis nulla ut malesuada. Nullam ullamcorper neque sed lacus lacinia egestas. Nullam malesuada mattis purus sit amet malesuada. Etiam porta a ligula eu feugiat. Mauris interdum ut odio nec posuere. Integer quam risus, egestas nec nibh ac, convallis tempor quam. Fusce elementum ex sem, hendrerit aliquet nunc tincidunt sed. Quisque ullamcorper orci mauris, eget aliquam ante pretium eu. Vestibulum ac tortor finibus, accumsan urna elementum, congue nulla. Nulla at ante quis erat pretium tincidunt sed sit amet justo. Duis eu nibh a sapien pellentesque interdum vel nec orci. Pellentesque facilisis risus quis justo bibendum auctor. Vestibulum sit amet nulla tellus. Pellentesque dapibus, ligula eget luctus dapibus, urna est luctus orci, vel vulputate nunc lectus sit amet risus. Sed eget porta lectus, eget blandit dolor.

Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.
Etiam ut aliquam nisi. Ut vehicula volutpat sollicitudin. Proin suscipit, eros nec porttitor venenatis, orci massa laoreet nulla, a congue nisi augue non augue. Nam ultricies tincidunt pellentesque. Donec purus leo, bibendum id egestas sit amet, posuere nec urna.

Maecenas tristique, nunc quis luctus auctor, lectus ligula accumsan enim, quis tincidunt erat urna in neque. Quisque a diam enim. Aliquam eget diam vitae dui porttitor finibus. Curabitur suscipit neque vitae mauris dictum, ac aliquam sapien faucibus. Etiam eleifend libero arcu, id tristique lorem elementum tincidunt. Fusce ac massa luctus, venenatis quam sed, fringilla enim. Aenean leo diam, scelerisque efficitur elit vel, pellentesque posuere turpis. Pellentesque sed elit nulla. Curabitur odio lorem, ultrices in tincidunt vel, sodales quis lectus. Nam felis nisl, tempus eget arcu sit amet, semper consectetur enim. Duis sodales enim in ipsum pharetra pharetra.
Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.
Etiam ut aliquam nisi. Ut vehicula volutpat sollicitudin. Proin suscipit, eros nec porttitor venenatis, orci massa laoreet nulla, a congue nisi augue non augue. Nam ultricies tincidunt pellentesque. Donec purus leo, bibendum id egestas sit amet, posuere nec urna.

Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.
Etiam ut aliquam nisi. Ut vehicula volutpat sollicitudin. Proin suscipit, eros nec porttitor venenatis, orci massa laoreet nulla, a congue nisi augue non augue. Nam ultricies tincidunt pellentesque. Donec purus leo, bibendum id egestas sit amet, posuere nec urna.

     <div class="columnsfit3">

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer convallis quis nulla ut malesuada. Nullam ullamcorper neque sed lacus lacinia egestas. Nullam malesuada mattis purus sit amet malesuada. Etiam porta a ligula eu feugiat. Mauris interdum ut odio nec posuere. Integer quam risus, egestas nec nibh ac, convallis tempor quam. Fusce elementum ex sem, hendrerit aliquet nunc tincidunt sed. Quisque ullamcorper orci mauris, eget aliquam ante pretium eu. Vestibulum ac tortor finibus, accumsan urna elementum, congue nulla. Nulla at ante quis erat pretium tincidunt sed sit amet justo. Duis eu nibh a sapien pellentesque interdum vel nec orci. Pellentesque facilisis risus quis justo bibendum auctor. Vestibulum sit amet nulla tellus. Pellentesque dapibus, ligula eget luctus dapibus, urna est luctus orci, vel vulputate nunc lectus sit amet risus. Sed eget porta lectus, eget blandit dolor.

Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.
Etiam ut aliquam nisi. Ut vehicula volutpat sollicitudin. Proin suscipit, eros nec porttitor venenatis, orci massa laoreet nulla, a congue nisi augue non augue. Nam ultricies tincidunt pellentesque. Donec purus leo, bibendum id egestas sit amet, posuere nec urna.

Maecenas tristique, nunc quis luctus auctor, lectus ligula accumsan enim, quis tincidunt erat urna in neque. Quisque a diam enim. Aliquam eget diam vitae dui porttitor finibus. Curabitur suscipit neque vitae mauris dictum, ac aliquam sapien faucibus. Etiam eleifend libero arcu, id tristique lorem elementum tincidunt. Fusce ac massa luctus, venenatis quam sed, fringilla enim. Aenean leo diam, scelerisque efficitur elit vel, pellentesque posuere turpis. Pellentesque sed elit nulla. Curabitur odio lorem, ultrices in tincidunt vel, sodales quis lectus. Nam felis nisl, tempus eget arcu sit amet, semper consectetur enim. Duis sodales enim in ipsum pharetra pharetra.
Suspendisse ac congue mauris. Maecenas semper pulvinar risus, in commodo lectus maximus scelerisque. Sed eget semper nunc.
Etiam ut aliquam nisi. Ut vehicula volutpat sollicitudin. Proin suscipit, eros nec porttitor venenatis, orci massa laoreet nulla, a congue nisi augue non augue. Nam ultricies tincidunt pellentesque. Donec purus leo, bibendum id egestas sit amet, posuere nec urna.


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Posted by: Altair - February 7th, 2019 at 12:14 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (5)

I'm terrible at introductions. 
I'm Julia and reside in the U.S.

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Posted by: Daniel - February 6th, 2019 at 6:07 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)

...I think I am hilarious. Anyway, glad to be here at MAKEstation. There seems to be a wide variety of discussions available and I hope to start some new discussions myself Smile

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  Preferred hardware manufacturer
Posted by: Daniel - February 6th, 2019 at 6:05 PM - Forum: Technology & Hardware - Replies (16)

When we buy technology we all have a tendency to lean more towards one manufacturer or the other. However, it typically depends on the technology I am buying. For example, if I was going to buy a laptop computer I would probably go with the Lenovo ThinkPad series of laptops. However, when I buy TV's I tend to lean toward the Vizio's.

What hardware manufacturer's do you prefer and for what type of tech?

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  Cloudflare offering domain names
Posted by: Daniel - February 6th, 2019 at 5:59 PM - Forum: Web Design & Internet - Replies (1)

I am not sure if you have heard about this but Cloudflare is currently allowing people to transfer their domains to their domain service and it's cheap! Right now they are not allowing new registrations until the influx of transfers is done but they are planning to only charge the wholesale price of the domains. This is even available to the users that don't pay Cloudflare for their other services!

Do you plan on taking advantage of this? Did you even know this was a thing?

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