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Instead of my bike....AMG 63 |
Posted by: tc4me - December 23rd, 2022 at 9:44 PM - Forum: Lifestyle
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Instead of my bike... a new toy for the Audi
SUV Mercedes AMG 63 . here with Ben :-) It's still at Mercedes but I'll get it next week[attachment=503][attachment=504][attachment=505]
Attachments? |
Posted by: tc4me - December 23rd, 2022 at 9:35 PM - Forum: Community Related
- Replies (14)
Mybb actually already installed attachments via drag and drop, but I can't insert anything into a post here,
Error only exists in the Makestation Light Theme
lg Tc4me
I've now said goodbye to the biker scene entirely. |
Posted by: tc4me - December 23rd, 2022 at 9:23 PM - Forum: Lifestyle
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Hey guys, I've now said goodbye to the biker scene entirely.
For personal reasons, I rarely get to drive, and when I do, I don't have a clear head.
My severely autistic 7-year-old son Ben can't handle it when I'm on my bike. And my son just goes first, unfortunately he only accepts me as a reference person. My heart is bleeding a little, it was a great bike. The way it looks now, I will never drive again, until now I'm 57 and you can't say how my son will develop. Autism is not just a cough and runny nose that disappears again, and unfortunately it has a very pronounced type, A-typical hyperautistic (autism spectrum)
I don't blame my son, he didn't choose autism, and I want to give him the time and help him find his way in this world of norm neuros.
I offered my 1 year old BMW S1000RR for sale and sold it immediately, picked it up and gone ;-(
I still have my Audi S6, which already has 860 hp, and instead of the BMW RR I bought a Mercedes SUV ML 63 AMG today, .. as a Christmas present, I will only get it in a week, the car is needed, will still prepared and serviced
Do you put stickers on your laptop? |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 23rd, 2022 at 6:39 PM - Forum: Lifestyle
- Replies (2)
I throw stickers on pretty much anything I own. It seems like a no-brainer to do it for laptops too (you can put a bit of your personality into it and make it your own, which I've always enjoyed. I usually get a case for them so that I can keep them after I get rid of the laptop too, although I usually keep my computers for quite a long time before replacing them.)
Among some folks in the Mac community, it's a lot more controversial. Sticker's don't seem that damaging to me (devices are meant to be used anyway, nothing stays new forever), but it's something that's a surprisingly hot topic in many of these circles.
Do you put stickers on your personalized devices? Why or why not?
[Poll] How should we handle the entourage of email subscriptions? |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 23rd, 2022 at 8:48 AM - Forum: Community Related
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Hello MS Community,
Our new server seems to be sending emails much better than our older one, and that's a bit of an achilles heel. MyBB (our forum software, as many of you already know) is quite excessive with subscription emails out of the box, and literally auto subscribes users to every thread they've ever replied to. This means you'll get an email for every reply that someone makes to a thread you've also posted in (unless you manually uncheck the subscription box when you post).
That's a lot of emails. Particularly for users who are pretty active.
We're looking into ways to help clean up this behavior (currently you can still enable/disable these emails in the User CP, which won't change), but some of the options might involve unsubscribing all users to all current threads and requiring manual action to subscribe to future threads. We can do this (and it would clean up everyone's email quickly), but I don't necessarily want to get rid of existing subscriptions if there are people who are making use of them either.
We wanted to create a poll to get community input and to allow MS users to help us decide. (Keep in mind that our forum software is pretty archaic, it unfortunately doesn't have any sort of daily digest feature for these things. That would probably be the ideal solution, but we're looking into alternatives due to the difficulty of implementing this.)
Feel free to also comment any additional ideas below as well!
What are your thoughts on AI Art |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - December 23rd, 2022 at 5:11 AM - Forum: Photography & Graphics
- Replies (5)
AI Art has grown massively in the past few years. It went from being relatively on the fringe to now being almost mainstream, and even social media filters are taking advantage of it.
Some artists are in support of it because it's seen as the future (or something that can at least augment the technology that we use for artistic design). Others are very afraid it will replace human artists, and are also afraid of AI's ability to be trained on vast datasets without any accreditation to the artists who created the work that it was trained on.
What are your thoughts on AI Art? Do you see it growing larger in the future than it is today?