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Member of the Month - September 2020 |
Posted by: Guardian - August 24th, 2020 at 12:24 PM - Forum: Announcements
- Replies (1)
Congratulations to @Megan on your selection as September Member of the Month!
Makestation Member of the Month - Award Nominations
The Makestation Member of the Month vote is held to recognize that have made positive contributions to the community. The Member of the Month for September, will be recognized for their contributions for the previous month (August).
To nominate a member for this award, please submit your nominations here.
All qualifying nominations must be received by 30 August to be considered. Voting will begin as soon as I can possibly get one established, but no earlier than 31 August.
Get your nominations in!
Member of the Month VOTE - August 2020 |
Posted by: Guardian - July 30th, 2020 at 11:14 AM - Forum: Community Related
- Replies (2)
Please make your selection or the Member of the Month for August 2020.
This vote is to recognize members for their contributions for the previous month. In this case, a user's contributions for the month of July lead to their nomination for the August Member of the Month.
The poll is anonymous, and no one will see your vote.
Member of the Month candidates:
@Kim Winchester
Member of the Month - August 2020 |
Posted by: Guardian - July 24th, 2020 at 11:26 AM - Forum: Announcements
- Replies (7)
Congratulations to @Kyng on your selection as August Member of the Month!
Makestation Member of the Month - Award Nominations
The Makestation Member of the Month vote is held to recognize that have made positive contributions to the community. The Member of the Month for August, will be recognized for their contributions for the previous month (July).
To nominate a member for this award, please submit your nominations here.
All qualifying nominations must be received by 29 July to be considered. Voting will begin as soon as I can possibly get one established, but no earlier than 30 July.
Get your nominations in!
Ubuntu 20.04 |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - July 22nd, 2020 at 2:26 AM - Forum: Software
- Replies (3)
I'm now using Ubuntu once more. I've used Debian on the desktop in the past (mostly just as a consequence of what was available at the time). I ended up liking it. It was stable. It was far more stable than just about anything else available.
Anyway, I'm back on Ubuntu for the time being. My new computer came with it. It's faster, has Skylake instead of Ivy Bridge, and it's a very noticeable speed boost. I'm quite surprised. It plays CSL quite well considering it's on integrated graphics with a dual core CPU. It's the first machine I've ever used that was usable for CSL in any capacity whatsoever.
I still have my mac that I will use for music production, but the mac cannot handle more than about 10-15 tracks before it starts to have trouble. I'm going to need to replace it within about a year or so, but for the time being, I'm once again on Ubuntu.
Anyone using it currently on the desktop? What do you think of the new LTS? (Personally, it works well for me, outside of Ubuntu's insistence on using snaps instead of regular Debs).
Fpga expansion cards as an emulator replacements |
Posted by: SpookyZalost - July 15th, 2020 at 11:14 AM - Forum: Technology & Hardware
- Replies (2)
Crossposted over at the coffee house.
So it's not really been talked about too much but with awesome fpga based mini consoles like the mega sg available I've started thinking... What would happen if people could get an fpga expansion card to simulate hardware for backwards compatibility purposes.
For example, what if instead of running an emulator, you loaded a mega drive/ genesis core and used an app to load the rom as a cartridge and link it to the fpga.
Crazy I know, or better yet, loading an Amiga core and booting into the simulated Amiga while sharing the drives and such through a kind of passthrough.
What got me considering this was two very real systems back in the day. The Ibm 286/mega drive/mega cd Sega terradrive and the pioneer laseractive which has a genesis expansion module. Both used an expansion card of some sort which did passthrough to output stuff effectively having an integrated 2 in 1 setup.
Now I know it's kinda crazy but with how Linux allows dual video cards to have one be passed through to a VM it's not the craziest idea either.
There's also a ton of advantages if it works, like how modern bus speeds are faster than entire systems back in the day.
Just an idea though.