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Ajax Chat vs. IRC |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - June 20th, 2013 at 3:12 PM - Forum: Web Design & Internet
- Replies (7)
Ajax chat is a popular ajax IRC script that has many basic features using an ajax protocol, making it very simple for users without the need for flash or an IRC client. It's generally more advanced than many ajax IRC bridges, so for users who don't know a whole lot about IRC, it has many advantages.
On the other hand, Ajax chat clients can be very server intensive on older servers when hundreds of people are online at a time, and don't have many of the advantages that committed IRC users have come to love in IRC. Users usually don't leave their ajax chat open like they would leave an IRC client open, and for multiple channels at once it is inconvenient.
What's your preference?
Triumph [band] |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - June 20th, 2013 at 1:48 PM - Forum: Media & Entertainment
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Triumph was a hard/progressive rock band from the 70s and the 70s. They wrote many songs that became popular hits, especially in the US and Canada, including "Fight the Good Fight," "Never Surrender," and "Follow your Heart". After their lead guitarist left in the late 80s, they went downhill and broke up shortly after that. They actually came back together recently for touring purposes, but haven't really been writing any new content, and they can't really play like they used to be able to play. Even still, their older hits left quite a legacy.
Any other triumph fans here?
[Debate] should technology replace textbooks in schools and colleges? |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - June 19th, 2013 at 6:44 PM - Forum: Current Events
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Recently, the presence of technology in education has significantly increased. In the last decade, many new websites have come up with completely new and innovative ways of reaching the uneducated with great resources with huge success. It looks like the concept of using iPads instead of textbooks is becoming a popular debate subject for schools today. While iPads may be significantly more expensive than the paper used to print textbooks, will it end up being of benefit to technology?
Personally, I find textbooks very expensive, but they aren't expensive because it costs a lot to print them. They are expensive because of the high charges from the publishers, so using iPads won't really save money. I don't really mind using textbooks, but I'm open to more futuristic ways of bringing education in both schools and colleges.
What is your opinion?
Good, simple blog software? |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - June 19th, 2013 at 6:23 PM - Forum: Web Design & Internet
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I know that wordpress is pretty much the standard when it comes to blogs. I've always found it very resource intensive and very insecure, however. Joomla and Drupal tend to be a little too much for a simple blog or CMS, but my attempt at finding a good alternative hasn't turned up too many good results.
Does anyone in here have any experience with a good, simple alternative to wordpress for simple purposes?
Posted by: That Punk Guy - June 17th, 2013 at 5:41 PM - Forum: Technology & Hardware
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LESS is a CSS extension language, as described on Wikipedia:
Quote: LESS is a dynamic stylesheet language designed by Alexis Sellier. It is influenced by Sass and has influenced the newer \"SCSS\" syntax of Sass, which adapted its CSS-like block formatting syntax. LESS is open-source. Its first version was written in Ruby, however in the later versions, use of Ruby has been deprecated and replaced by JavaScript. The indented syntax of LESS is a nested metalanguage, as valid CSS is valid LESS code with the same semantics. LESS provides the following mechanisms: variables, nesting, mixins, operators and functions; the main difference between other CSS precompilers being that it allows real-time compilation via LESS.js by the browser. LESS can run on the client-side and server-side, or can be compiled into plain CSS.
Do you use it? I just started using it in a web design I'm making for an anime club.
You can read about it here: http://lesscss.org
[Debate] Is PHP the best programming language for web design? |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - June 17th, 2013 at 5:25 PM - Forum: Technology & Hardware
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PHP may be the most common language used to program websites today, but it also has some disadvantages as a language. Many people don't particularly love it as a language, but it still gets the job done, it's free, and it's very popular. That alone has been an incredible advantage for the language, and is why I choose to program in PHP myself.
So for the fellow web designers here, what's your take on it? Be sure to vote in the poll!
Logo design - Inkscape or Gimp? |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - June 17th, 2013 at 5:20 PM - Forum: Photography & Graphics
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Both are popular graphics design utilities with a different purpose. The GIMP is an all in one suite designed to suit many purposes, where Inkscape is particularly suited for logo design, but may not have some of the features of the GIMP.
So for logo design purposes, which do you prefer?
The Rage Game |
Posted by: Durfsurn - June 17th, 2013 at 11:56 AM - Forum: Forum Games
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This is the game where you rage like there's no tomorrow!
EA? SimCity 2013? Microsoft? Apple?
They all are rage worthy. Add to the cause to become the biggest rage thread in history!
Why can't bloody EA find it in there small barely functioning brains to make a good game based on what the CUSTOMERS want and not the pushy get the biggest profit margin! "We need DRM so People don't pirate the game"! There's one easy way to fix that one: Make a game people will want to buy? Why would anyone want to support a money-sucking company like EA? Maybe that's why they didn't recover from the '08/'09 financial crash.