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IPB 4 to come out soon |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 29th, 2013 at 2:08 AM - Forum: Web Design & Internet
- Replies (13)
There has been a lot of discussion about IP.Board 4 on the official developmental blog for IPS services. They haven't release too many details, but generally people are expecting a release in early 2014.
So far, they are saying that a considerable amount of their codebase will be completely rewritten, and they will completely overhaul the entire file structure, plugin system, etc... Personally, I've always liked IP.Board as it is now, but there are evidently a few things that could be done more efficiently, and to hear that they are working to deal with some of those issues in the new version will be nice.
IP.Board has also promised a more modern look with their new software, which will be intersting to see, and the software suite will now be called "social suite." Honestly, I'm not too much of a fan of the new naming and branding, but IP.Board seems to be pretty confident that it will be a good change.
Anyway, so far, IP.Board 4 looks like it will be a very interesting release. What are your thoughts?
Paid forum software - which do you prefer? |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 26th, 2013 at 2:39 AM - Forum: Web Design & Internet
- Replies (2)
Currently, the three main contenders for paid software are vBulliten, IP.Board, and Xenforo. Burning Board seems to have its own user base, but it doesn't really seem to compete well with the other options out there, at least at first glance. vBulletin has gone downhill a bit too ever since the release of VB5, but recent updates seem to be recovering the product a bit.
Personally, if I were to choose to go for paid software, I would probably use either Xenforo or IP.Board. Xenforo seems to be more "progressive" as a forum software solution, but IP board has a reputation for a very complete product designed for professional communities. Of course I'm quite happy with MyBB at the moment as well. MyBB's customization is difficult to match, hands down.
Anyway, as far as paid software is concerned, which is your personal favorite? Be sure to vote in the poll!
What is your favorite genre for a forum? |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 24th, 2013 at 2:51 AM - Forum: Web Design & Internet
- Replies (3)
Personally, I'm one to love just about any kind of forum that isn't in an overcrowded niche. I've started to really love a few new communities lately, and as long as they have a unique character and feel as a community, I enjoy them.
What is your favorite forum genre?
Community Newsletter - October Edition |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 21st, 2013 at 10:04 PM - Forum: Announcements
- Replies (3)
I am pleased to announce that today, Makestation is now five months old. We also recently hit 100 members and 5,000 posts, making today a good day to release our very first community newsletter.
This Month in Review
1) The Marketplace
Now longer will MS-cash be useless, as we have just today released the marketplace on the forums. This will be a place where members can exchange various services for MS cash here at the community, finally bringing a much needed purpose to MS-cash. More information can be found in this thread.
2) New Plugins
We have enabled a new "thanks" plugin on the forums. To "thank" the author of a post, simply click on the button at the bottom of their post. A few of our plugins are still being fixed as the update to MyBB 1.6.11 caused a few glitches, and those will be repaired soon.
3) The new community theme, layout, and organization
As you probably already know, we've just reorganized our forums and board layout. Have any feedback. questions, or suggestions? Feel free to let us know in this thread! Also, if you have any feedback or suggestions related to our new theme, let us know here.
Coming Soon?
1) The Knowledge Base/Resource Center
Work has begun on a new knowledge base/resource center. This will be a comprehensive place to place all tutorials and resources for members of the community. It will also have integration with various features of the makestation community. If you have any suggestions or feedback for the idea, feel free to post your thoughts in this thread.
Also, if you're interested in helping out with the knowledge base, we'll need tutorials! Shoot me a PM and we'll get started.
2)New Portal and/or Homepage
We will soon begin official work on the new portal page/homepage for the forums. The goal is to design a more exciting landing page for the community. If anyone has any suggestions, or is interested in helping out, feel free to let us know in this thread! Your suggestions and ideas are always appreciated!
3) Community Related
- Are you a graphics designer? Don't forget to participate in the new graphics competition thread. We need participants to get new competitions going!
As always, if you have any suggestions, feedback, comments, or questions, feel free to post them in this board. We're always open to your suggestions and feedback to make this community a better place!
The Marketplace Guidelines (Read this first!) |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - October 20th, 2013 at 5:20 PM - Forum: Marketplace & Collaboration
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Hello forumers!
2020 update: Paid exhcanges are allowed and encouraged. Our goal is to expand upon this section considerably in the coming months. If you have a paid exchange, you are welcome to post it here!
We are pleased to introduce the all new marketplace of Makestation. This is a place where you can exchange various services for station cash (or for other things as well) freely with members of the community. Here are some ideas on how the marketplace can be used:
- You can exchange posts or registrations on blogs, forums, etc...
- You can exchange youtube subscriptions, software licenses (if obtained legally), etc...
- You can use the marketplace to request graphics designs, themes, etc...
- You can make community related threads here as well. For example, you could make predictions about a football game or a website and make a bet based on it.
1) You are permitted to do exchanges using station cash or real cash. Paypal is the only payment method that is currently accepted for advertising in this marketplace. If you intend to do an exchange with real cash, please state clearly in your thread.
2) Don't PM users and solicit exchanges. Let users find your thread in this board instead. Also, bumping is allowed, but please don't bump your threads excessively, as it appears to come across as spam to viewers of this board.
3) Reputation exchanges are strictly prohibited
4) If you set up a deal, please follow your end of the deal. We want to build a good reputation here at Makestation, so please don't abuse this section. Also, any event of a scam from any user in this board that involves station cash or real money will result in your account being banned from the marketplace.
-Darth Apple