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Aco's Alternate History |
Posted by: Acko - November 25th, 2014 at 5:13 AM - Forum: Writer's Journals
- Replies (4)
I'm a big fan of the alternate history genre. I frequent alternatehistory.com. I also like strategy games, so combine those with writing, and the result is a good basis for an alternate history timeline. This next passage I'm going to show to you is a draft of what could be my first TL. It's based off of the AAR Paradox Hohenzollern by Wiz, which can be read on LParchive here. If you read that, you'll understand what's going on here.
The Zuhriman Wars Part 1: Revolution (1760)
The 18[sup]th[/sup] century had been a troubling time for Iberia and the Tahirid Dynasty. Following the overthrow of the former Hammadid Dynasty, Iberia had lost most of its American and Jadakali colonies to revolutionaries. What had remained of the Iberian Empire were the very northeastern and southern parts of Jadakal, and Iberia's colonies in Africa. While the Tahirids had made somewhat of a comeback going further into the century, their iron-fisted and brutish rule, combined with the stigma of being a foreign-born dynasty, had led to the Iberian Revolution of 1760. Supported by Mazula, thousands of Iberians who were deported to Mazula by the Tahirids led a revolution, that with the support of Iberia's lower classes, successfully overthrew the Tahirid Government in Iberia. These revolutionaries were led by Ibn Zuhriman, a genius in the art of war who was notably stout. This revolution would open the door to nearly six centuries of conflict between revolution vs. reaction, republic vs. monarchy, and old order vs. new order.
Of course, this is only a draft. The final product will probably be a lot more polished, wordy, and will include fancy portraits and maps too. But for a draft, I think this will suffice.
SMF 2.1 |
Posted by: Darth-Apple - November 24th, 2014 at 7:00 AM - Forum: Web Design & Internet
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So I haven't really followed SMF much recently, but I did hear today that SMF 2.1 is on its way. I'm going to go on a whim and say SMF 2.1 can almost be compared to phpBB 3.1 in a lot of ways. I won't necessarily compare it with MyBB 1.8 because, all things considered, MyBB 1.8 isn't really that much of an earth shattering update. Regardless, the official beta 1 release announcement can be found here.
I set up a little test install out of curiosity. I'm pretty impressed by its features, but the theme looks messier than it has ever looked. Not sure I'm really a fan of it. I wasn't a fan of 1.8's theme either, but at least 1.8 had some consistency in its theme and was easy to "fix". This could use some improvement. However, the (mostly) responsive theme, alerts systems, etc., as well as the simplicity of setting up various features on the forum are, in general, pretty strong advantages.
What are your thoughts on SMF 2.1? Feel free to register on that test site if you want a good example site to take a look at.
Lost in development |
Posted by: Urban - November 17th, 2014 at 1:28 PM - Forum: Launchpad
- Replies (2)
For the last few weeks I have been working on a forum of mine but I think I've got lost or something. I have everything setup and got some content built but I don't know how to advertise. I have gotten a few people to post but that's it. I don't know any sites where to advertise and I don't have enough money to buy ads. The niche is Call of Duty (not general CoD discussion) which appeals to a wide range of audiences. Does anyone here know where I can properly advertise to get my forum out there?
Thank you.
"View Today's Posts" |
Posted by: Urban - November 17th, 2014 at 1:04 PM - Forum: Community Related
- Replies (5)
I think the forum here needs it. I use it a lot. It's really helpful when you want to know if the thread you replied in has had any new posts recently or to just check the latest bumps as it's a lot quicker. I find this feature very convenient so I would like to suggest it...
Thank you.