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Ubuntu 20.04

I'm now using Ubuntu once more. I've used Debian on the desktop in the past (mostly just as a consequence of what was available at the time). I ended up liking it. It was stable. It was far more stable than just about anything else available. 

Anyway, I'm back on Ubuntu for the time being. My new computer came with it. It's faster, has Skylake instead of Ivy Bridge, and it's a very noticeable speed boost. I'm quite surprised. It plays CSL quite well considering it's on integrated graphics with a dual core CPU. It's the first machine I've ever used that was usable for CSL in any capacity whatsoever. 

I still have my mac that I will use for music production, but the mac cannot handle more than about 10-15 tracks before it starts to have trouble. I'm going to need to replace it within about a year or so, but for the time being, I'm once again on Ubuntu. 

Anyone using it currently on the desktop? What do you think of the new LTS? (Personally, it works well for me, outside of Ubuntu's insistence on using snaps instead of regular Debs).

Is amazon still on your toolbar?
Or did they finally stop being overly proprietary
Good morning, I'm still stuck with Linux Mint :-)
or Windows 10 on the other computers

[Image: autism4all.png]
[x] <= Drive in nail here for new display!
Good afternoon, I'm on Manjaro (it's basically Arch Linux)
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