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(April 9th, 2020 at 9:10 PM)SpookyZalost Wrote: ...terrifying the population with my very presence.

This is, obviously, my favorite part.
The population is already terrorized. No need to bring more terror. Finna Big Grin

@darth: but being an eccentric scientist who can make the normies scatter is so much fun Tongue

plus you don't have to wait in lines very long and people usually keep their distance anyway.
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
[Image: 5.jpg]
(April 10th, 2020 at 8:41 PM)SpookyZalost Wrote: @darth: but being an eccentric scientist who can make the normies scatter is so much fun Tongue

plus you don't have to wait in lines very long and people usually keep their distance anyway.

Social distancing at its finest... Finna

social distancing?

this was before the virus...

"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
[Image: 5.jpg]
The United States is now the country with the largest corona deaths in the world for Italy.
Like that in Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University dies on Saturday with contracts that rights at least 18,860 people in the US after being infected with the novel corona virus. So far, Italy had registered its own world-friendly ones; according to a count by the AFP news agency, there belongs at least 18,849 inf.
There are already more than 100,000 people worldwide with the novel lung disease

As of Saturday, 6 p.m., 13,767 people were registered in Austria who were infected with the corona virus. Over 1,000 of these were being treated in hospitals. The number of fatalities infected with the pathogen rose to 342 on Saturday.

[Image: autism4all.png]
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The numbers are staggering, but the fact a few deaths in the US have been attributed to the Coronavirus and then determined to be completely unrelated has me questioning the numbers they are putting out now. Undecided
I just heard about that recently. People could be dying for unrelated causes and then the hospitals will put it down as COVID-19 without even fully testing them.

I'm not entirely sure we know the full story, but I don't doubt that it has happened.

VERY CONCERNING !!!!! I still believe that we are 99% lied to

How postmortems affect the COVID 19 death rate
The highest German federal authority for infectious diseases, the Robert Koch Institute, has advised against autopsying COVID-19 deceased. Doctors hope that the autopsy will provide important answers. Among other things, the question of whether people actually died on or with the virus.

In Austria, 337 people (as of April 11, 12 p.m.) have died of COVID-19. At least according to the official numbers. However, the actual number could be lower. At least that is what the autopsy results of the Hamburg forensic doctor Klaus Püschel suggest. With his team, he has autopsied all previous COVID-19 deaths in Hamburg. The result: all the deceased were seriously ill before that. And: "There are quite a few in whom the viral disease was of little or no significance for the fatal outcome," says Püschel.

Based on these results, the official figures for the deceased of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) differ from the Hamburg census. The latter led eight "COVID-19 deaths" in Hamburg on Wednesday, compared to 14 in the official statistics of the RKI. "Our investigation results show that 'ordinary people' need not be afraid or panicked about COVID-19 from a medical point of view" says Püschel.

Died with or from the virus?
In Austria too, the question repeatedly arises as to how many people really died and how many died from the virus. In the statistics of the corona dead, all those who have previously tested positive for COVID-19 appear. Regardless of whether they died directly from the consequences of the viral disease itself or “with the virus” (from another cause of death). This means that even a young accident victim would potentially appear in the statistics - in the unlikely event that they were even tested for the virus.

Austrian oncologist Stefan Wöhrer tells of a patient who died of pancreatic cancer and who tested positive for the virus. Wöhrer is convinced that the man would have succumbed to his cancer even without the virus and that this case is not an isolated case. He will never be certain because the man was not autopsied. Conversely, it could also happen that a person on COVID-19

German federal authority advises against autopsies
Autopsies could remove many ambiguities. As a result of a lack of understanding among many doctors, a recommendation from the German Robert Koch Institute was recently made. In this recommendation, it was stated: "An internal physical examination, autopsies or other aerosol-producing measures should be avoided." This recommendation was withdrawn after objections from the umbrella association of pathologists in Germany. In Austria, however, the Ministry of Social Affairs still recommends pathologists not to perform autopsy routinely.

The Robert Koch Institute's recommendation “I don't understand it either,” says the head of pathology at an Austrian hospital, who does not want to be named. In the case of autopsies of COVID-19 deaths, there could be a risk that infectious liquids would be flushed into the wastewater and the viruses would survive there for weeks, but that was not a real danger in Germany and Austria. In Austria, he says, at least some COVID 19 deaths are autopsied. "But: If I don't have a clinical question, I don't need to do an autopsy."

[Image: autism4all.png]
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It's almost as if they have to pump the numbers up to warrant the reaction to everything, else it become a political nightmare for the negative effects to the economy after this is over.
It's gonna be scary. They're saying it's gonna be a V-shaped recession, but I don't know. A lot of small businesses are being forced to close their doors. It's gonna be a sad state for all of us.

I just bought some the brewery-distilled hand sanitizer in a spray bottle. It's not bad honestly. Hard to believe they literally made it out of old beer. Finna

I do not need to be afraid, I have hardly anything and my little was not worth anything in the past and is now nothing, only the rich and hyper-rich will be afraid, because they cannot buy NOTHING with their "wealth" when there is nothing to buy. .... Fred Trump has gotten enough from the Spanish flu because he had taken out life insurance ... strange, that a Trump always breaks out :-)

[Image: autism4all.png]
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Haha that’s a good point. The ones who have their life savings in the stock market. Finna

I’m worried about being laid off. Once I am, it won’t be as easy for me to find a job. Unemployment shot very high here. So far I’m incredibly lucky to still have mine, a lot of people don’t. Hoping for the best!

I hope its a V, but the longer this drags on the less likely that's a possibility. Those that are able to remain working from home are going to be vital to the economy once things open up again. I've ordered more takeout in the last two weeks than I have all year. Just trying to keep those that are still open, open.
I've taken advantage of working from home to put more money that would other wise go to expenses towards my jeep since I'm not going anywhere right now.

I've got nearly 3K of my 4K goal now (4K because that's what I was told for a total engine replacement on my honda, I figure it can't be more than that to do some pulleys, a serpentine belt, and the radiator, cooler, condenser.

beyond that I can do everything myself.
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
[Image: 5.jpg]
That’s awesome, seems like your savings went up quick. Big Grin

Someone at work just got put into quarantee when someone in their household tested positive. Someone else got sent home with a high fever who was in contact with it. Looks like we’re having to buckle down again, coronavirus is getting near all over again.

They pulled another round of layoffs today. They laid off people that are above my position, so it's got me worried. They pulled me aside today and told me that my job is safe, as of today, but that the higher ups could change something at a moments notice.

It's a day by day thing at this point. How are you guys holding up so far?

I hope for you, my job is 100% safe! Professional firefighter for 31 years, I will soon retire

[Image: autism4all.png]
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