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[Project] Adrift in the multiverse (a SI multicross adevnture)

Strange Encounters II

********************** Anthony Scott's Log - Ascension, Day 40 20:22:32 local time - SGU earth orbit - Local year 2010 *****************

so I was a bit off about the date, the atlantis city/ship was on the far side of the moon hidden from earth acting as the new global SGC, the ori had already been defeated and the biggest issues now were the rogue band of pirates and smugglers known as the lucian alliance. in other words I know most of what happened up to this point but it's all new territory for me, the excitement of the past few days was interesting to say the least. so far I'd traveled back to earth following the apollo, their commanding officer is a bit short on temper but I've been able to work with him so far, still I wanted to speak with samantha carter and Rodney mckay first since I figured if there's anyone in this entire reality who can help me, it's them. after arriving in high earth orbit with my ship cloaked, the activation of which nearly got me blown to hell since this earth has an itchy trigger finger I managed convince the people in charge that it was safe to beam over, man what I wouldn't give for a transporter, sadly the ascension did not come quipped with one, yeah, it has a replicator, but not a transporter, what's up with that?!. suffice to say there was a trade in some technologies on both sides with both colonel carter and dr mckay begrudgingly agreeing to work together to see if they couldn't find some way for me to back track my path through the multiverse. given circumstances though, some how i get the feeling that I'm going to be here a while.

********************** Anthony Scott's log - Ascension, Day 45 15:28:19 local time - SGU earth orbit - 2010 *****************************

it's been one headache after another since I let the SGC personnel onto my ship, I'm still keeping a low profile about my actual origins outside of being from another reality but what really worries me is the lack of any indications of Hotep's meddling. the last couple nights I've been struggling with insomnia wondering if he's just going to pop in or if there's something keeping him out... if there is I might have some idea about that and about his limitations, useful if you want to get an omnipotent godling off your back. it's been nice to be back on earth, albeit one from around ten years ago with some minor differences, sadly it seems my family does not exist in this universe so I won't be meeting myself anytime soon. I did however go fishing with general o'neill which was interesting to say the least, caught a 3 ft bass out on the great lakes which I've not actually visited until now, well worth the trip.

********************* Anthony Scott's log - atlantis - Brig, Day 50: 12:32:05 local time - SGU Luna/earth - 2010***************************

whelp, I screwed up, or I should say I was framed... so Hotep finally showed his big ugly head, my first clue was the sudden pickup in chaotic activity followed by a power conduit exploding on the apollo nearly taking out their FTL drive, and the earth with it. I knew I couldn't keep up this lost traveler persona for very long but at least I know now that hotep isn't all powerful given what showed up in my cell with me last night... yeah one of those ascended ancients, mostly apologizing for not keeping him on a shorter leash while he was within their purview, breaking their rules about not-interfering with mortals and all that.

still it wasn't long before a certain glasses wearing exo-archeologist/ ex-ascended and ancient cultures expert decided to pay me a visit and begin the questioning, best to fess up now I guess since I meet him in a couple hours, from what I hear Tea'lc should be coming with provided he can get away from his duties to the jaffa nation. at least they've let me keep my portable computer, not that it can do much without network access but after studying it I'm fairly certain they've determined it's not a threat... well at least until I decided to get the hell out of here, let's hope they don't keep me too long because I really don't want to try using modified GPIO connections to try and hack my way through atlantis and back onto the ascension the way I've practiced on elevator controls and various other panels... the things you can do with GPIO is astounding really.

******************* Anthony scott's log - Atlantis - brig, day 52: 10:32:05 local time - SGU Luna/earth - 2010 ******************************

shit, I think I might actually be stuck, the air force does not take kindly to people hiding things from them and now they're running all over my ship while I'm stuck here behind... well I wouldn't call them bars, more like energy shields?. anyway I've begun looking for an access panel, something I could use to escape my prison but I get the feeling the designers were far more competent than the show gave them credit for. still I'm hoping they'll let me out soon because I really should be moving on if hotep is causing the local higher-powers that be more problems than I'm worth protecting because otherwise there might be an issue.

****************** atlantis - SGU Luna/Earth ****************************

daniel jackson was still in a meeting trying to for the umpteenth time explain that the person they had imprisoned was innocent when there was a sudden power outage across the city/ship, it only lasted for a brief moment but events such as this were so rare and this one was so controlled that something seemed off, especially since there was no emergency lighting or alarms to accompany it. troops were doing manned sweeps of the city with a small team led by Lt Colonel Sheppard racing to the brig to check on their "guest". Daniel already knew the outcome of that one, the man who approached them peacefully was not much more advanced than they were technologically but he seemed to know a lot more about them than they knew about him and that seemed to not sit right with anyone him.

suddenly he spotted the man who was supposed to be behind a shield barrier, he was standing at the control panel to one of the atlantis's city wide transporter with a cluster of wires going into the bag which he said contained a computer of his own design. the odd part was the glasses he was wearing with wires going into the bag, they seemed to shield only part of his vision but he was completely focused while he typed away one handed on a keyboard that looked like something from ten years ago. the door opened and he stepped in with dr jackson racing after him barely making it before the door closed and tackling the strange man to the ground before they were moved across atlantis to one of the auxiliary jumper bays.

the man known as Anthony scott got up and dusted himself off briefly checking for damage to his equipment. "look doctor jackson I'm not here to cause any trouble alright? it was your people who decided to lock me away for doing nothing, an act I might add which is unconstitutional by your government" he'd added a harsh tone to that last bit to make it clear he was not going to put up with any games. "you don't understand, we just want to understand why you attacked our ship." the doctor countered. "for the last time, I did not attack the apollo, I've told you everything I know on the matter, I've been harassed from universe to universe by what you would call an ascended being who calls himself hotep!, Hell I don't even know what he looks like, he communicates by notes!". that didn't seem to phase jackson though who grabbed anthony scott by the shoulder attempting to keep him from getting way when suddenly the lights flashed and a closet's worth of various weapons appeared inside the transporter they had just occupied. the man raced towards it and grabbed a goa'uld staff weapon briefly testing it's weight and spinning it with skill showing he'd had some form of combat training. "now do we really have to keep this up or can I get out of here?" suddenly a burst of light shot across the room as Lt Colonel Sheppard and his team began firing on the man.

Oddly enough the weapon Ronin Dex carried seemed to just miss as anthony scott dodged with rolls and swift movement, his feet seemingly sliding like the floor was made of ice, the staff spinning as he got closer to his attackers. "I really did not want to fight you guys!" he shouted dodging as quickly as he could, it was obvious Ronin wasn’t trying to hit him "Daniel kept an eye on what was going on while going for the zat in the closet hoping to stun their "lost" opponent, suddenly a random shot from Ronin's gun hit the weapons in the closet causing a number of batteries to explode slagging the whole lot. taking advantage of the distraction anthony raced into one of the jumpers and began pushing buttons on the control panel until it closed, Sheppard paused with a smirk on his face since he knew that without the ancient gene that ship would never fly, or at least that's what he thought. without warning the ship's engines came on and the jumper began to lift unsteadily into the air as the man inside was pushing random buttons on the control panel, a keyboard across the screen and wires running from his bag to one of the side panels of the ship. the jumper turned to face the shocked people in the room before cloaking and seemingly remaining that way for a while.

************ Anthony Scott’s Log – day 56 – 08:32:57 local time, Ascension - SGU – Sol System ************

alright I think I’ve gotten my point across however I really hated causing so much of a fuss with them, I’m just glad to be back on my ship and not in that hard cell aboard atlantis. So far this whole trip has been one screw up after another and I really did not like even taking a chance of fighting anyone from sg1, my combat training is incomplete to say the least but it was enough to keep them off balance so I could get into a better position. Plus I have the ancient gene! Who knew? Woo! Maybe that’s why I’m so technologically talented, but then again I’m not even from a universe with ancients… at least to my knowledge, so who knows how it got there. I’m going to get some rest, in the mean time I’ve set the ascension on a course towards the outer planets for now, I’m going to put some distance between myself and earth until I can come up with a way to either smooth things over or put the knowledge that mcKay and carter came up with to use.

*A/N: sorry again about the grammar and pacing, this came to me last night and I just had to get it down before I forgot it. critiques and corrections welcome!
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
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RE: Adrift in the multiverse (a SI multicross adevnture) - by SpookyZalost - September 19th, 2017 at 2:35 AM

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