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The Land Of Skyrim

Thanks Blake Smile

So. Bleak Falls Barrow in search of the Dragonstone. After I woke up, I immediately visited Alvor and Sigrid's house once again.

[Image: 2013-08-05_00002.jpg]

"So, basically the court wizard wants me to go to Bleak Falls Barrow, in search of the Dragonstone."
"Oh, wow, really? While you're there, you can also obtain the Golden Claw! Every d*** time I step inside the Riverwood Trader, the owner and his daughter are fighting over it."
"So THAT'S the golden artifact?"
"Yep, sure is. So regarding the Dragonstone..."
"How does that stupid court wizard even know it's there?"
"That's my question. I don't believe most of the crap that magicians and enchanters and the like spew out."
"Neither do I. The only thing I trust in battle is a sharp blade."
"Same here brother."
"So, when you go inside, be prepared for thieves by the front entrance. Then, about halfway in, ready your sword and prepare for Draugrs and Skeletons. Basically you'll want to back up as fast as possible as soon as you attack the undead with your sword. Use your shield while you're at it. There's also a Draugr Overlord near the south exit. Your best bet there is to constantly be moving while attacking strategically with your battle axe. The Overlords use Shouts against their enemies. Oh, and you might learn a Shout yourself...."
"And apparently you've thought about this more than I have."
"Experience, my friend. I've had to do the same thing for the Golden Claw. And now, someone else took it! Kill that bastard and bring the tablet and the claw back. You've fought in the war before, surely you can take on a few Draugrs by now."
"Absolutely. So how do I get there?"
"It's a difficult path. I simply went up the trail on the west side, crossed the river, then ascended the mountain. Oh, and beware of the fort near the top of the mountain. It's a thief hide-out."
"Will do."
"Best of luck, my friend. I know you'll do well. Report to me as soon as possible."

I stepped outside into the fresh morning air. It was cold, but not uncomfortably so. The village bustled. I looked up at the Throat Of The World above. Even it was ominous and threatening.

[Image: 2013-08-05_00003.jpg]

I started up the trail and Bleak Falls Barrow quickly came into view...

[Image: 2013-08-05_00005.jpg]

Further along the trail I encountered wolves, which I quickly slayed.

[Image: 2013-08-05_00006.jpg]

Eventually I reached the river that Alvor spoke of. Continuing up the trail, I heard a distant creaking and ratting sound. It suddenly grew louder and appeared behind me. I turned around, and an undead skeleton was standing right beside me!

[Image: 2013-08-05_00008.jpg]

The skeleton was a very easy fight. It took one quick swipe of my sword to completely make the skeleton fall apart. It should be easy to kill them inside the tombs.. I don't know about the Draugrs though...

Eventually I reached the tree line. Then grass stopped growing. Then the landscape was entirely stone. I reached a fort made of stone. I assumed this was the bandit's hide-out.

[Image: 2013-08-05_00009.jpg]

As expected, they instantly came running outside. I was attacked, but still managed to slay each of them.

[Image: 2013-08-05_00012.jpg]

These thieves had been hiding large amounts of coins and various precious items such as gems. I collected all of it. I treated and wrapped my wounds from battling the bandits. After ensuring that I wasn't severely injured, I carried on.

At this point, the wind got bitterly cold and permanently frozen snow covered the ground.

[Image: 2013-08-05_00013.jpg]

After a brutal 5 minutes of hiking, I finally made it to the entrance. As expected, a couple more bandits were at the door waiting for me, though I managed to actually kill them without being injured.

[Image: 2013-08-05_00014.jpg]

Before going to the iron door blocking the entrance I decided to look at beautiful Whiterun beneath. From on top of a massive mountain, it looked puny despite being a large and significant city.

[Image: 2013-08-05_00016.jpg]

And there I was. The front door. Prepared to retrieve two precious artifacts and battle undead creatures and thieves to retrieve them.

[Image: 2013-08-05_00017.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
The Land Of Skyrim - by Gmdykfuiygh66476 - August 5th, 2013 at 1:10 AM
RE: The Land Of Skyrim - by Acko - August 5th, 2013 at 1:19 AM
RE: The Land Of Skyrim - by Darth-Apple - August 5th, 2013 at 1:22 AM
RE: The Land Of Skyrim - by Gmdykfuiygh66476 - August 5th, 2013 at 8:47 PM
RE: The Land Of Skyrim - by Darth-Apple - August 6th, 2013 at 4:07 AM
RE: The Land Of Skyrim - by Gmdykfuiygh66476 - August 9th, 2013 at 2:10 AM
RE: The Land Of Skyrim - by Darth-Apple - August 9th, 2013 at 6:55 PM
RE: The Land Of Skyrim - by Acko - August 10th, 2013 at 2:19 AM
RE: The Land Of Skyrim - by Gmdykfuiygh66476 - August 10th, 2013 at 6:36 PM

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