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(April 18th, 2020 at 1:19 AM)SpookyZalost Wrote: we really screwed up when we allowed manufacturing majority to be done by a few people in the same place, the old all eggs in one basket bit.

Yeah... this makes interruptions to the gobal economy considerably more likely and even more catastrophic. I just hope we can learn from the issues of this.

(April 18th, 2020 at 1:50 AM)SpookyZalost Wrote:  did you know that one of the biggest places that produces the main circuit boards they use in gas/electric monitoring systems are produced in a small out of the way place just outside town here?.

Funny enough I have one just down the street from me as well. They employ no more than 30 people and specialize in local "quick replacements" for circuit boards and small special electronic parts that would otherwise have to be manufactured in China. I thought it was pretty cool when I found about about them. Don't see that much anymore. They seemed to be doing well before all this, but have been shuttered along with everyone else during the pandemic.
There has been new cases where I live in almost 10 days but it's a state of emergency until the end of April to make sure that it stays that way. The doctor in charge of Public Health that if condition stays that way that it has that they are slowly start open things back up again.
[Image: qg8LLVv.jpg]
^Banner made by me^
Alright, now I'm starting to get slightly concerned.
My town released a new statement yesterday with a new confirmed cases count.
It was about 70 cases higher than the day before. Turns out (according to a statement posted by the Public Health director here), the chart I posted last time with growth was pretty linear because that's more or less the number of tests they could get through per day (of course subtracting the number of cases that came back negative from positive). But now for whatever reason, they got through seemingly three times more in a day than usual, and of course that brought its own new numbers.

I'm hoping it subsides for a while or goes back to the 'mean' if I can even use that term, but it's kinda sketchy.
We're at about 850 cases now. We'll probably break 1K by Saturday. 20/day until now, factoring in the possible multiplying of tests done.

All that negative shit being said, it's probably nice to hear that 42% of all the confirmed cases we've seen (cumulatively) have now recovered. From 850 total cases seen here, we've had 42% of those cases become 'resolved' or in other words, they've either been discharged from health facilities or have confirmed their own recovery. So we've had about 360 recoveries. And out of the 850 cases, we've had 25 deaths. So you'd think that's 3%, following the typical global average.

Except, it's more like seven. People who don't have corona anymore either recovered or died. In other words, there are still 850 - (360+25) = 465 cases out there
Pretty good, but keep in mind, if you're calculating the death rate out of the total people who have seen to the 'end' of their corona experience, that's more like a 6.5% death rate, more than double the initial statistic.

We'll see how it goes. I want more data than what's actually given on the datasheets they prepare every couple of days, so I'll see if there's an easy way to parse what is given to try and derive some stuff (i.e. rate of recovery, actual current cases based on cumulative - resolved, recovery vs. death rates, etc.)

I should buy myself a new Kindle or a bunch of games that are gonna drop on PSN on the 24th.
Gonna be locked up in here for a while, seems like. I was hoping we'd be on schedule for the curve to start falling like with other countries, but hey it might not be terrible.
The hospitals here seem pretty empty now. A lot of doctors and nurses getting furloughed now. Hearing from that crowd they're still "expecting it to get worse" but they're currently empty. It's... weird.
Maybe it's the rapture? Lol.
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
[Image: 5.jpg]
Confirmed cases worldwide (reported)

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Ok 2.82 million, that's terrible and I really feel for the families of the dead.

But there's is some hope now.

There's a new treatment being tested, it's similar to how the flu vaccine works.
Basically they're taking antibodies from people who have recovered from covid 19 and giving them to patients who haven't.
Results are good so far but this is a treatment not a vaccine.
Deaths should go down soon hopefully but the vaccine is still half a year out.
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
[Image: 5.jpg]
I heard about the news too. I'm so glad.

Trump apparently brought up the idea of people ingesting sanitizer, then talked it up to "being sarcastic" after the fact. I watched the footage. He was pretty much thinking out loud. He was actually mostly suggesting that people do some research on heat and light from the inside of the body as a means of cleaning it, and he was suggesting that this research be taken on by medical professionals.

The remark about ingesting hand sanitizer was a bit out of context when you view it and he backtracked quickly. He actually mentioned only that the idea had been brought up to him, and that he though it was "interesting, but it needs more research." So all in all, he did make an incredibly stupid remark about it, but the news media exaggarated things and didn't tell the whole story.

That whole briefing was a disaster even outside of that though. It's just... He completely embarassed himself on national television. Badly.

"Remedies": man drinks aquarium cleaner - dead!

Shock in the US: As it now became known, a man from the US state of Arizona died after drinking a drug that he thought US President Donald Trump had recommended as a corona medicine.

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We were already on the mend, but now that again:

Mass diseases in Vienna refugee home!

After the 17 cases (including two caregivers) became known, the magistrate, rescue and police were deployed on a large scale: the entire facility, in which 400 people live, was blocked by the authorities.

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That's how we should be responding in America. I can say that people here are not taking it seriously compared to the rest of the world.

We had a group protest to re-open everything up. The leader of the protest soon became infected and tested positive. It ended up proving that shutting things down was necessary in the end.

Got an email that was saying my work is trying to get people back in the office in the next couple of weeks...

No thanks.
Very bad. now the danger also comes from pets.
The national veterinary school in Alfort near Paris announced that around ten animals had been tested on SARS-CoV-2. The cat from the Paris area had lived with a person suffering from Covid-19.

Wash hands before petting the animal
The school advised people suffering from coronavirus to avoid close contact with their cat. People should wear a mask and wash their hands before petting the animal.

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US germ warfare research leads to new early Covid-19 test

Exclusive: test has potential to identify carriers before they become infectious



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A carrier test will be huge. They will have to make it widespread for it to be worthwhile, but there is a lot of potential there.

well at least we're slowly inching along towards a solution to this.

and the death toll is a lot lower than I expected by now both globally and in the states here.

I may seem cold for saying this but if all the ignorant idiots get sick, isn't that just Darwinism taking effect to prune ignorance just a bit?
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own." - Adam Savage, Mythbusters
[Image: 5.jpg]
It's not cold, it's the normal mind, of course it sounds hard when you accept natural selection, but that's life. I also don't understand the life-saving measures for 90-year-olds, people here die for 25-year-olds because there is no space in hospitals, and we save 90-year-olds? At 90 I think you've already lived life ...

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The temperature measurements of passengers at the US airports at the beginning of the corona pandemic were ineffective, according to the CDC health agency, because humans can spread the virus without having symptoms such as increased body temperature. This emerges from a study published by the CDC on Monday.

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