
Full Version: A world free of war?
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From as far as history goes back there has always been war and it's never been a equal fight, man has always wanted to take over the weaker man and it still goes on today. Can we be ever free from war or is this it forever? so many innocent lives get taken and suffer with the loss of homes and services and it is always seen as part and parcel. What could make all this war stop any ideas?
Obliterate mankind. Tongue

It's simply not possible in the world we live in. Mankind is selfish, and that's the core problem.
As long as there are humans there is going to be war. It's sad, but as DA said, mankind is too selfish.
Being selfish is not the problem. Wanting by some means of force what others have is the problem. Wanting control over others is the problem. Selfish is just a code work for how dare you have something someone else does not have and wants. Being selfish is not always a bad thing. In fact in many cases it is a good thing.
Greed, vengeance, wanting control and wanting power, among other things, mostly for a person's own benefit without considering the effect it has on everyone/thing else. But it's part of human nature, which is unfortunately why it's not going to stop.