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(February 8th, 2020 at 2:42 PM)Juneberry Wrote: [ -> ]I'm definitely going with space. Maybe I can find where I came from! Y'know, since my family is full of aliens.

Glad to know I'm not alone lol.

ok next one.

if you could be stuck in any time period, including points in the future, when would you pick?
I'm stuck between the future or the Renaissance time period. I don't know what the future holds, so it could be risky... But there would be downsides to any place, so at least picking the Renaissance means lots of neat art is being created and such.
What is your favorite weather pattern?
I like mild rain the best. I don't really know a lot about weather systems outside the basics, though- that's more dad's purview.
have you studied any existing magic systems/belief systems?
I've done some very basic studies and am continuing to do so.
What inspired you to start Meowsepad?
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