Greetings, Zalost here, I've been tinkering a bit on a personal website of mine, and while it's far from finished I've got it working well enough that I feel it's probably ok to share now.
go ahead, check it out, there's still some empty areas that I will fill in as I find stuff to put there, and if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know and I'll see about adding them to the site.
This site looks like it was made in 1999!
Edit: I don't mean that as a bad thing. Like Guardian said it looks sick.
Love the retro look Zalost!


it's heavily inspired by 80's and 90's cyberpunk

so I've been tweaking my site a bit more, I think I finally got the side bar to fit 90% of screens out there from phones and tablets to old 4:3 aspect monitors to modern 16:9 one's, found a way to do midi playback without midi support on the accessing device, and have been posting about my various projects there.
have it working on windows 98, mac os9, and linux 2.1 as far as the minimum os that'll run it, but IE 5 and below will not cut it, netscape is fine for most of it with minor bugs.
text mode works sort of... I'm looking into creating an alt-main for text mode browsers.
still no Javascript
added a bunch of link buttons in the old school standard form factor because why not
and I've been posting the work I'm doing for my various projects there as well as occasionally updating a weblog.
so let me know what you guys think, or if there's any other changes that could help improve things

I've updated my website some more, feel free to checkout the metaverse section, anyway I'm still tinkering with it so let me know if you have any issues with the site or any bugs you find.
im glad your making progress with your new web site

ya, I've gotten a lot of followers and views too, it's kinda rediculous how much my website has blown up, more than anything else I've made lol
(July 18th, 2019 at 11:37 PM)SpookyZalost Wrote: [ -> ]ya, I've gotten a lot of followers and views too, it's kinda rediculous how much my website has blown up, more than anything else I've made lol
That's good stuff!
(July 21st, 2019 at 2:44 AM)Guardian Wrote: [ -> ] (July 18th, 2019 at 11:37 PM)SpookyZalost Wrote: [ -> ]ya, I've gotten a lot of followers and views too, it's kinda rediculous how much my website has blown up, more than anything else I've made lol
That's good stuff!
yeah! I'm super stoked about it.

so I've updated the gridzone again, this time I've added a section to post the various fictions I write, feel free to check it out!
There's tons more coming, the one there right now is just part one of a 6 part story that I'm re-writing
yeah it's fanfic but Cyberpunk anything is fun

Was looking at this again and browsing. How long have you had this? You've really put some work into this over the years!
Love the retro feel.
Since shortly before I posted it lol.
I'm quite proud of it because I didn't copy anyone's code, just researched methods and wrote my own implementations. I'm still experimenting with stuff too, and it's sorta turned into a blog? Though I update said blog in html, y'know old skool style. Gotta love the pre tag!
Do you use an HTML writer to add the posts with formatting, etc. or do you write it in straight HTML? How long did it take you to get to the current implementation that you have today?
I literally open the html file in notepad ++, create a new post and fill in the blanks
It took me about 6 months of tinkering and trying things until I got to the current setup, it's been over a year now with minor changes as needed.
I feel that. Once you have something you like, may as well keep it. It’s a pet peeve of mine when people change things just to change ‘em. If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.