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I just got done grilling for the 4th. I tried out a new experiment: Grilling with Bourbon wine. Alcohol is supposedly an interesting component of cooking. Wines are usually used for flavor, and the alcohol itself burns off. They also affect the cooking process. Alcohol can cause proteins to denature somewhat, so it essentially aids in the "cooking" even without heat. 

Anyway, my hamburgers were soaked with Bourbon red wine for about 45 minutes before they ever hit the grill. It added a nice flavor to the final patties as I took them off. It was an interesting experiment that caused them to cook a little differently, but it worked out pretty well. I will say my wine choice could have been better. Next time I'll try something a little sweeter. 

Have you guys ever cooked with Wine before? If so, how did you use it in the kitchen?
I've tried it, especially with portobello mushroom burgers. Adds a nice complementary taste.
Mushrooms were the special ingredient I forgot about. I spent 20 minutes running through the store looking for something that would fit well with a tangy, sweet taste to it. Mushrooms would have done the trick. Finna